Movies My Top Movie Couples

Persephone713 posted on Mar 21, 2010 at 07:48AM
1.Claire Standish and John Bender
2.Princess Leia and Han Solo
3.Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemort ( not official I know)
4.Princess Ariel and Prince Eric
5.Padme Amidala and Darth Vader ( Im always curious as to where that would have gone had she lived)
6. Rose Dewitt Bucator and Jack Dawson
7. Lady and The Tramp
8. Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter
9. Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley
10. Belle and the Beast
11. Andrew Clark and Allison Reynolds
12. Aragorn and Erewyn
13. Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swan
14. Clarice Starling and Hannibal Lecter ( yes I know another unwritten, they did kiss in the sequel.)
15. Sandy Olsen and Danny Zuocko
1.Claire Standish and John Bender
2.Princess Leia and Han Solo
3.Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemo
last edited on May 11, 2010 at 06:58PM

Movies 4 replies

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over a year ago Persephone713 said…
I dont know why I see the pic one min and the next I dont?
over a year ago Persephone713 said…
Oh, because it was too big. Never mind
over a year ago boolander25 said…
I LOVE Han and Leia! and Bella and Voldie are SO a couple.
over a year ago Persephone713 said…
Ha, I know she cant get enough of " Her Master"