New Moon Must Have!!

ALwaYzN4evA14 posted on Dec 13, 2008 at 03:10AM
So Im pretty sure We all saw Twilight.. already!! and may or may not have been dissapointed!! due to some parts not being in the movie..

SO what parts do u think NEw Moon must have inorder for it to atleast be half way as good as the book.
last edited on Oct 03, 2009 at 03:21AM

New Moon 2 replies

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over a year ago robpattisono9 said…
i think that they should all have the jacub parts and the italty parts whitch are foing to be good
over a year ago mayo0904 said…
I think it should have a lot of jacob parts also. i feel like they are qoinq to have a lot of edward in the movie. Instead of a lot of jacob like the book hadd. I want them to qive jacob his time to shine.