New York Knicks Larry Brown didn't deserve to be fired

dave posted on Jun 22, 2006 at 11:35PM
If anyone should be fired it's Isiah Thomas. He has single-handedly driven this team to the depths of inferiority for years to come. Being a lifelong Knicks fan, I am just embarassed by this team. They spent so much money on nothing, that it's hard to believe the team could be this bad. I mean, $5 million per win this season to let Larry Brown, one of the best coaches in the league, go?

I haven't seen a front office this bad since Scott Layden. This has been the worst decade in Knicks history.

New York Knicks 2 replies

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over a year ago melee said…
Dave, one quibble: Isaih Thomas could very well be worse than Scott Layden. No doubt about it.
over a year ago monikad31 said…
ya really that true