Nintendo Favorite Gamecube Game?

mrsquirrelly posted on Oct 08, 2007 at 10:43PM
I really want to buy a new Gamecube game but I don't know which one to buy. What is your favorite game?

Nintendo 18 replies

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over a year ago maybeastarbucks said…
My two favorites are 1.) Super Smash Bros. Melee, and 2.) MarioKart Double Dash.
over a year ago Zerstoren said…
Super Smash Bros. and Zelda: Windwaker
over a year ago dodgeball_beast said…
If ya like smashing stuff, The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destrusction is way fun.
over a year ago fate-late said…
Mario kart double dash!
over a year ago super-hiro said…
Melee easily. metroid prime 1 & 2 r pretty shabba too!
over a year ago mtgryanchando said…
Mario Kart Double Dash is the best
over a year ago caintil31 said…
I have 2. Animal crossing and Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup
over a year ago nezenic said…
f-zero gx
It was rated 4th hardest on the IGN top ten hardest games. The story mode is pretty insane, so if you want a challenge, good luck. First time, I had a hard time beating the story on Easy.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PrinceKiseki said…
Phantasy Star Online Episode 1&2
over a year ago haroldbeatboxer said…
metroid prime 1
over a year ago hooch-is-crazy said…
Mario Sunshine or Mario Kart Double Dash, or maybe the LOZ collectors edition if you can find it anywhere.
over a year ago sadlysweet said…
melee + sunshine
over a year ago ChristiaN9 said…
Metroid Prime 1 and 2 and Melee. Oh yeah Paper Mario thousand Year door!
over a year ago AnimationFan said…
big smile
Go for Papaer Mario The thousnd year door
over a year ago coco05 said…
paper mario thousand year door or mario kart double dash,ooooor sonic heroes
over a year ago yoshifan1976 said…
big smile
I love Mario Strykers
over a year ago coco05 said…
yea good choice yoshi fan!
over a year ago davsmith44 said…
i was a big fan of Pikmin... it took some getting used to and was a bit time-consuming but a great one in the "Lemmings" vein
i was a big fan of Pikmin... it took some getting used to and was a bit time-consuming but a great on