OMG Moments Whats your OMG moment(s)

Mallory101 posted on Jan 04, 2009 at 08:32PM
Below in comments share your most omg moments .....anything OMG!

OMG Moments 5 replies

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over a year ago DrowningMyFear said…
Once I didn't realise I was singing when walking down a street and a load of fit guys started laughing at me! Oh the shame...

Another time I was on a red bull high and my friend and I were at a gallery and there was this light effect thing and my friend was like "it's really pretty. Shame it isn't on though." and for a few seconds she actually made me believe I was hallucinating but I wasn't! Apparently my face was priceless...

BTW red bull is a energy drink not a drug and it just happens to make me really hyper. =]
over a year ago Helen-Lover said…
ok this is REALLY imberrising i spanked this random guys butt in public lol swear!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago rich872 said…
i was talking to my friend and this girl that i like was behind me....she found out i liked her! then on AIM i told her truth
over a year ago sonotcool said…
ok, so last summer i was in a Rite-Aid and it was almost closing time, so they were waxing he floors. keep in mind, there was other people in the store. so, i went back into an isle to get skittles and when i was walking up to the check out desk i slipped backwards and fell on my back! the floor was so slippery. the cashier saw the whole thing and was all like "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OKAY?!" now, my face was beet red because first of all i looked like a complete idiot, on my back with skittles in my hand, and second of all the cashier was making a scene! i was like "yeah, im fine", payed for the damn skittles and left.
over a year ago Kowalski355 said…
ok one time in art class it was the first time i was messing around and there i told my friend who my crushes were, okay, and my crush was just standing at another table. So she runs over and says "Mathew!" So he says "huh?" and so then my friend goes " She has to talk to you" Cuz she said i have to tell him or shell tell him herself and i didnt want her to. Okay so then i just stand there and look at him nervously. then i say "uh.. gotta go." So i run over to my friend again. Then she says "so did u tell him?" and i say "no" So she tells him with me right behind her and then she makes us talk ALONE on the swings with no one around and so we just randomly talk about nothing really and when he left i almost yelled at my friend for telling him. Luckily i think hes forgotten about it now. *whew*

And also sadly she still rememberes my other crush XD and so i was in this club and we had new prez and stuff and im the daredevil XD and then this one crazy girl in our club keeps 'friend-mayyring me and Isabell so then me and Isabell say were taken by another guy and my friend says "she has a crush on Kowalski everyone" and im like "oh my gosh!!!"and then im like "wait do u know who he is?" and they all say no and then my friend says "Kowalski is a cartoon penguin from The TV show the Penguins of Madagascar" so then im like "oh my god.." and they start laughing. it was so embarracing XD