Organization 13 Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Who should Axle date? over a year ago by IllusionDolls
a poll was added: Favorite picture? over a year ago by akarashinichi
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think zexion is Emo? over a year ago by XionIX
a link was added: Zexion Angel of Darkness over a year ago by zexion6
an answer was added to this question: Are the organization mebers gay? over a year ago by zexion6
an answer was added to this question: Are the organization mebers gay? over a year ago by JasonOrgXIII
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: who was first too die over a year ago by dragonchick
an answer was added to this question: Are the organization mebers gay? over a year ago by dragonchick
an answer was added to this question: Are the organization mebers gay? over a year ago by khgirl0512
a reply was made to the forum post: Organization 13 RP over a year ago by ash24trendkil
a comment was made to the poll: What is a Marluxia over a year ago by dragonchick
a comment was made to the poll: is Axle Hot? over a year ago by flurryflames
a comment was made to the poll: DO YOU LOVE KINGDOM HEARTS? over a year ago by flurryflames
an answer was added to this question: Are the organization mebers gay? over a year ago by vexenishot
a pop quiz question was added: who was first too die over a year ago by vexenishot
a comment was made to the answer: Hellllllllllls yes !!!!!!! Just look at them (: byeee over a year ago by fanofzeldafan
a comment was made to the answer: no because thats a kid game and little kids might not know anything about it and might think it's ok to be gay. over a year ago by iloveduncan6
a comment was made to the answer: no because thats a kid game and little kids might not know anything about it and might think it's ok to be gay. over a year ago by iloveduncan6
a comment was made to the answer: no because thats a kid game and little kids might not know anything about it and might think it's ok to be gay. over a year ago by MCR101
an answer was added to this question: Are the organization mebers gay? over a year ago by MCR101
an answer was added to this question: Are the organization mebers gay? over a year ago by roxasismine23
an answer was added to this question: Are the organization mebers gay? over a year ago by DJ_Squeaky
a question was added: Are the organization mebers gay? over a year ago by Xion45