Paganism Blessed Be, Merry Meet, Merry Part. Wrongly Used?

bri-marie posted on Oct 17, 2012 at 01:01AM
A few days ago, I stumbled across a rant on Tumblr by an initiated Wiccan, who said that the most common uses the words Blessed Be, Merry Meet, and Merry Part were wrongly used. (I'll post the link to the rant in the comments). According to them, those words have a very specific context to be used, and using them out of that context was both appropriation and

"the equivalent of using ritual garb on the street that
belongs to a specific religious tradition, just for sh*ts and gigs. It’s rude and insulting to the tradition."

So what are some thoughts on this?

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over a year ago bri-marie said…
link the link to the rant I found.