Peyton and Jake The Jeyton Fans Thread

eka-chan posted on Dec 15, 2009 at 06:07AM
--------------------------------------[ THE SONG NEVER ENDS ]---------------------------------------

So you have this favorite song, right? It's stuck in your head, and you keep replaying it over and over just for the heck of it. Sometimes when you're alone and you feel down, humming this song makes it seem like it's all gonna be okay, if not better. And then every chance you get to sing it, you move your body to it, because it's also like you're telling the world that this is the music of your heart, and you're giving it back just so others will enjoy it with you.

To us devoted fans of the Jeyton Ship, the love shared between Jake Jagielski and Peyton Sawyer is the gift of song; a song that probably ended too soon but never remained unsung. It's a music that Jake was always playing in his guitar, even if he might be miles and miles away from his beloved Peyton. It's a music that Peyton can hear in her darkest hours, and if she just took the time to listen, all the memories that defined her greatness will come back to her once more, spilling into the hole where Jake used to be, and perhaps, sooner than someday, they will be one again.


This thread is supposed to get us shipmates talking; get to know each other, swap stories, and discuss heartaches pertaining to a love lost like JP's. It will also encourage us to be stronger as a fanbase, because we will go down with our ship, if worse comes to worst, but nevertheless, this ship will not sink if we keep steering it to the right direction.

So welcome, shipmates! This is your chance to damn the LP TLA endgame and keep the spirit of the never-ending song alive!



<*> Introduce Yourself
<*> How should we call ourselves as JP fans?
<*> Is Season 2 Peyton's best because of Jeyton or not?
<*> The Endgame we never had


~(please sign up officially so I could add your names!)~

))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))­)))­)))­) THE FANS ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((­(((­(((­(

eka-chan - Eka
Broody_4_Cheery - Mickei
brattynemz - Nem
kristine95 - Kristine
MisaDalinda - Elin
anhdara13 - Radz
lauren1102 - Lauren
backtoblack - Eliza

--------------------------------------[ THE SONG NEVER ENDS ]---------------------------------------
<b>--------------------------------------[ THE SONG NEVER ENDS ]-------------------------------------
last edited on Dec 31, 2009 at 12:41PM

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