Pokémon more Pokemon Rp! =^.^= [Black and White]

princess2109 posted on Jan 03, 2012 at 10:57PM
Haii everyone I new here and i've come to relize I don't do much the Rps are already so far ahead and not a troll so I made a Rp cause thats what i'm best at!SO!
-Fanmade chacacters are awlloded and welcomed
-feel free be a canon chacacter from any one the gens.
-this dose take place in the Unova region BUT if your chacacter is from a diffent region they are more than welcome to take a boat to Unova!
-feel free to BE a pokemon but ONLY there trainer can understand them!
-you can have only 3 rangers and each reanger can only have 6 pokemon like in the games :3
well have fun

this is my chacacter Krystal
she is very snotty and is full of herself and her pokemon and enjoys to beat pokemon trainers lower classed than her she is 14 and has all 6 pokemon she can have at once but her faved is Oshawott.
Haii everyone I new here and i've come to relize I don't do much the Rps are already so far ahead and

Pokémon 181 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 181

over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: *throws Oshawott a Rare candy*
Oshawott: :D *catches it in her mouth* Yum X3
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
I'll join m'lady :)

Names: Hiroka and Hazuto

Ages: Hiroka:15 Hazuto:13

Pokemon: Hazuto=Minccino, Chimchar, Glaceon, and Squirtle. Hiroka=Snivy, Piplup, Bulbasaur, Infernape

Hometown: Ouran City (Misanko Region*my fan made region*)
last edited over a year ago
I'll join m'lady :)

Names: Hiroka and Hazuto

Ages: Hiroka:15 Hazuto:13

Pokemon: Hazuto=Minccino, C
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: come on Oshawott lets find so poor sucker to beat >:D *the venture out and run straigth into Hiroka* Gah! DX
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Hiroka:*falls down* Hey watch where ur going!
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: SAME TO YOU! *wants to curse but is working on anger issues* GAAAAHHH! GOD *mumbles something*
Oshawott: *looks at Minccino* Ello! :D [Pokemon understand each other too]
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Minccino:Hey there Oshawott!

Hiroka:U were the one who ran into me!

Hazuto:Come on man calm down...
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: *wants to really destory something*
Oshawott: *looks at Krystal* Gah one second KRYSTAL!
Krystal: *looks at her Oshawott*
Oshawott: *jumps onto her head and pucks out a strand of hair*
Krystal: *scearms really loudly* GOD IT OSHAWOTT THANK YOU! thank you *puffs*
Oshawott: shes got some anger issues *hops down* well.........ALOT of anger issues
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
(can i make up pokémon to)
over a year ago princess2109 said…
[Errr.... sure why not :) I awolld pretty much anything]
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Nya: *walks with her hands in her pockets and glanceing at her Sneasel [spelling?] and smiles at her* well your not that bad are you Sneazl?
Nya is 17 also she is a Ex-Team Plasma member and goes insane and is kinda a game freak and she will yell out "DING!" when a pokemon levels up so yeah best to BACK AWAY SLOWLY anddd RUN FOR THE HILLS!
Nya: this is what it's come to talking to my Sneasel I don't even know if you can understand me
last edited over a year ago
Nya: *walks with her hands in her pockets and glanceing at her Sneasel [spelling?] and smiles at her*
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
I will join.
name: pearl
Pokemon: lucari arcanine dragonite ext.
over a year ago princess2109 said…
[okay :3]
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl is in some odd tunnels under the ground.
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
(I the it's spelled Sneasel?)

Hazuto:At least that's over...

Hiroka:I hear ya!
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
The ground starts to shake ne'er hazuto and hiroka. A huge hole appears ne'er them.
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Hazuto:What the heck is happening?!

Hiroka:I have no Clue man!
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
The hole opens next to them. Pearl is at the botten. There is a ladder going down.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: O.o What in the world?
Oshawott: HOLEEEE! :D
Nya: *can see the 4 in the distance and runs over*
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl climbs up the ladder. She saw them and lost her grip.
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Oshawott: I really wanna exploe it now!
Krystal: *relized how deep the hole is and grabs Pearl's hand* WHAT THE HECK DUDE! *pulls her up*
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl twists her arm away. "there is nothing down here." she goes down the ladder.
specail necklace: white, lie
(just sayin there is a underground city.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: *the twist causes her to fall in and she scearms*
Oshawott: KRYSTALLLL! DX *looks over atHirokaand Hazuto* WHAT THE HECK AREN'T YOU GONNA DO SOMETHING! DX *hyperfentalenting*
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
As pearl hits the bottem she made a break for a city dimly lit. under the ground. Pearl trips over a log not far off.
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: *sits the floor* Gaaah! DX
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl hears a noise not far off. She runs over and helps her up. "you ok. I have survived that fall without injerys." she is proped on a stick.

Necklace: white, lie
(her nacklace changes color depending on what she is saying or fealing.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: The Neckalace freaks me out
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl: "Oh, it tells people when Im lying or not. white is lie. red truth."
It was a shadow of red now.
Pearl: "now. I have work to do." she struggles to the city. She is badly limping
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: *doesn't wanna get stuck here and starts to climb up the hole in the little space pockets and someone grabs her by the leg*
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl notices. She grabs something and struggles over.
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: *shaking her leg trying to get it free* WO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING!
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl crashes into him. "Climb up quick." Pearl yells. She follows. Wincing in pain.
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Hazuto and Hiroka:*hiding in bushes*
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl reaches the top and collapses.
necklace: black, pain.
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Hazuto:What going on?

over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl is breathing is light. She was blacked out
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: *climbs up to the top and crawls out the hole* well thanks for the help! D:< *stands and brushes herself off*
Nya: *runs closer and relizes Hazuto is there* *thinking* NO! he's here DX
[Hazuto beat her and cuased her to be fired]
Nya:: Oy' Hazuto!
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl sits up "no problem. He won't b back 4 a while." She gets up on her stick but falls back down again
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: You really can't walk on that even with that stick you may need some medacail attion.
Oshawott: *walks over*
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
pearl "I just misplaced my spine again." She says
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Hazuto:*adjusts glasses and turns around* Hey it's that girl I beat. Few weeks ago.

Hiroka:It is!

over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl tries to get up again.
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
name:star and brock
age:both 25
regions:star was from the corenth region till she met brock
brock the kanto region
relasionship:star and brock is married to etch other
role:king and queen of pokémon cos of star's haritge, and pokémon breeders and leader of puter city gym
star's pokemon:flamerex, charizard, dragonair, mightyena, farfetch'd, rapidash, and nidoqueen (all girls)
brock's pokémon:flamerex, charizard, mightyena, rapidash, nidoking, steelix, blissey

if you look at the corenth region club's articles you can find out more about star and find out her secreats
name:star and brock
age:both 25
regions:star was from the corenth region till she met brock
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl uses psy *to brock. "help."
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
brock:uh dear i can feel some one's pain and thare calling for help
star:find out thay are and tell them we'r on are way
brock:k *in psy* tell me where you are me and my wife will be on are way
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
"Im neer the cave of crystles. I cant move." she says in psy
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Nya: Yeah And I ready for a rematch
Nya: hush you!
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl is barely breathing now.
over a year ago princess2109 said…
Krystal: *frowns at looks at Pearl* I can't stand here any longer! *runs off the dicterionn Brock is coming in*
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Pearl watches
over a year ago Zmidy313 said…
Hazuto:Fine by me. But ur going down!

Hiroka:For the second time! *puts up two fingers*