Pokémon Poke'mon X & Y

Taika posted on Feb 04, 2014 at 05:02AM
The Kalos region,where dreams and adventures begin!


-No godmodding!

-No one line posts!

-Please,pretty please,try to properly spell!

-No Swearing/Profanity!

-No Sexual Themes!

-No,absolutely no,Outside Drama!

-I can't think of any more rules,but obey them,or you shall be destroyed!








Starting Poke'mon:

Poke'mon Team:

You Gotta Catch'em All!

Pokémon 451 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 451

over a year ago Nojida said…
"Geez, Leon! At least try being a bit more quiet while I am around you" Alexa says, putting her hands on her hips "You're ruining my image"
"What image?" Liepre asks.
"Anyway, let's go!" Alexa says, running through the gate and entering Route 1..
over a year ago Taika said…
(Side Note-Route 1 is after Aquacorde,as thee is no actual name for the road between Vaniville and Aquacorde,since the road could be crossed in a matter of seconds.)

"Hmph!As if you had an image in the first place."Leon scofffed,but ran through the gate as well,followed by finch and quincy.After a few moments,they were at Aquacorde town."That was fast..."he said,in a daze.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Yeah it was, I could've sworn it'd take a little longer than that"Quincy said
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Really? I haven't passed through there for quite a long time, so I probably wouldn't remember XP Anyway, oh well! XP)

"It's actually pretty usefull, when you want to get away from your older brother and hide into the city fast" Alexa says, not really surprised. She had passed through that road plenty of times in an effort to get away from Erik, who was trying to kill her for various reasons.
over a year ago Taika said…
"Well,either way,we should find Professor Sycamore's Assistant,Lyra.She has our Poke'mon,and she's supposed to be siting at one of the tables over here."He said,gesturing to the area that looked like a super-sized resturant,with dining tables covering the area.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"What does she look like ?"Quincy asked, "Does she wear pink ?"
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Urgh..." Alexa groans under her breath "Let's just go to find her, I'm sure it won't be that hard" she says, and starts walking towards the resturant.
over a year ago Taika said…
"Well,i know she wears her lab coat almost all the time,she has brown haiir in a bun,and she has blue eyes..."Leon explained,following Alexa."And,seriously Quincy,we ALL don't wear pink!"He said sweat dropping,and laughing some.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Hey I didn't say you all wore pink"Quincy said "I was just wondering if she was wearing pink, I wasn't saying she was"
over a year ago Taika said…
"But you compare everything to pink,ask if everything has,wears pink!You ask that about every person!"Leon said,pointting his finger at him acusingly as he talked.He and Quincy usually argued over things like socks or pink,because it sometimes weirded Leon Out.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Hmm...." As the two boys were, as always, arguing over pink, Alexa was examining the people at the resturant. She could tell if someone was rich or not, if they were carrying a lot of money in their wallet with them or not. You can't blame her for doing that, it has become more of a habit, after all these years. A pretty much bad habit, but at least she, sometimes, returns what she takes/steals. She she keeps examining the people, she suddenly spots a girl in lab coat, sitting on a table. "Is that her?" she asks, looking back at Leon and pointing at the woman at the table.
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Nojida commented…
Me, and my grammar mistakes XP over a year ago
over a year ago Taika said…
"Let me see..."He squints."Yeah,it's her!"He exclaimed."Let's go!"He dashed towards her,eager to get his poke'mon.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Hey wait up!" Alexa exclaims, running after Leon, as Quincy and Flinch also follow. Liepre sighs at the kids' excitment and starts running to catch up.
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over a year ago Taika said…
Leon stopped right in front of Lyra."Are you professor sycamore's assistant?"He asked her.She responded by smiling,and taking out a cylinder shaped case with four poke'balls in it."Why,yes i am!"
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over a year ago Nojida said…
"Alright!" Alexa says, stopping next to Leon. She didn't really examin the assistant, like she would normally do. Her eyes were locked on the case she was holding, her excitment actually rising, which was something she wasn't going to show right now.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Quincy and Finch stopped right next to Alexa and Leon. Quincy did what he always did when meeting new girls, quickly look down at her socks and back to her "So do you have our pokemon ?"
over a year ago Taika said…
Lyra was a bit confused,and very disturbed,by the boy that stared t his socks.Also,the cool calculting stare from the girl,and even the intensity radiating from the other boy.But,she decided,before she lost her composure,she'd give them their poke'mon."Yes,i do.They're in this case."She aswered Quincy,taking four Poke'balls from the case she had with her."Now,because there is four of you here,and there are only three of the starting Poke'mon,and four of you,i asked Leon if there was any basic stage poke'mon he wanted in particular,since he decided he didn't want any of the starter poke'mon before hand...."She threw out all four Poke'balls,and out came Chespin,Fennekin,Froakie,and an Elekid.Leon smiled."Cool!The professor really did have an Elekid!When i go to Lumiose to challlenge my Auntie's gym,i'll make sure to visit his lab and thank him!"He said."Anyways,hi there Elekid!We're gonna be partners from now on,okay?"Leon asked Elekid.Elekid jumped up and down."I'm already feel'in the flow!I wanna battle the gym leader right now!"He shouted loudly,making Lyra plug her ears.Then,out of nowhere,a voice spoke out."Battle a gym leader now,huh?Well,how about me?"Leon,shocked,turned round to see his other,Alexa,and his Aunt,the gym leader of Santalune city,Viola."Auntie Viola!When did you get here!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
Alexa looks back at the two adults that had just arrived, Viola and Alexa. She found it a bit weird, having the same name as Loen's mother. Oh well. That name was actually how her friends called her, her full name is Alexandra, which she hated. "No offence, mom, but I do hate it" Alexa thinks to herself, and finally decides to wave at Loen's relatives, smiling
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over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Finch: Okay, I'll choose...Fennekin!
(grabs Fennekin's Pokeball and calls out her new Pokemon)
over a year ago Taika said…
"You're on,Auntie!"Leon shouted to Viola."But,this doesn't count towards me getting a badge,does it?"Viola shook her head."Nope!"Leon sweat dropped."I thought as much,but,who cares!I'm gonnsa win,that's all there is too it!"

At a clearing near by...

Leon stood,in front fo Viola,facing her.Elekid was out,and so was Viola's surskit.Finch,Quincy,and the others were all watching from a bench nearby."Oky!Let's start out strong!Elekid,ThunderShock!"Elekid charged and fired electricity at surskit,which surskit dodged easily.
over a year ago Nojida said…
Alexa meanwhile was watching Leon, Liepre on her shoulder, Froakie in her arms. She has heard about how strong Viola is, and what kind of Pokemon she uses, from Erik. She had actually heard from him everything there is to know about the Gym leaders. That was when they used to get along with each other. He probably would want to kill her if he saw her now, which she actually founds fair enough. Suddely, Elekid uses Thunder Shock, but Surskit dodged it easily. "The Thundershock was so easily dodged" Alexa says to herself "Don't aim, you sould wait for it to come closer" she says, mostly to Leon, but it wasn't loud enough for him to hear.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Pinky, meanwhile was talking to Chespin, "Alright, Bonjour mon nom est Pinky"
"I have no clue what you're saying girl"Chespin said while Quincy was watching Leon battle and seemed deep in it
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Finch turns around to watch the battle)
Finch: Cool!
(Fennekin looks over at Surskit and Elekid, also watching the battle eagerly)
over a year ago Taika said…
"You're good,Auntie!Surskit is really,really fast!"Leon said,hopping up and down."But,i'm gonna win this!"He said,smiling a little."I am absolutely,going to beat you!Elekid,double team!"Ellekid made copie of itself,surrounding surskit."Now,tackle!"Surskit moved right,thinking the moving Elekid was real,but then was knocked back by the original Elekid's tackle attack."Got'cha!"Surskit stood back up s the doube team copies dissapeared."Okay Leon,you might have landed a hit on me,but don't get too full of yourself!Surskit,agility then ice beam!"Surskit slid around,confusing Elekid,then ws hit by Ice beam,and fell down,hurt."Elekid!"Leon exclaimed.Viola smirked."Match over,Le-"She was cut off when she saw a green aura surround Leon's and Elekid's body."We're gonna win!"Leon shouted again."As long as Elekid doesn't give up,neither will i,so this battle isn't over yet!"The aura disspeared as Elekid stood up,raring to go.Viola smiled.That's some fighting spirit,Leon....She thought,remebering her own first battle,with Viola.But,no matter how much spirit you have.....she suddenly turned serious.This battle,is mine!
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
Leon,having sensed his Aunts sudden change in nature,smiled.So this is....a poke'mon battle!Viola smirked too."What's so funny,Leon?"She asked.Leon laughed."Nothing!I'm just excited is all!Now Elekid,ThunderShock,once more!"Elekid shot another streak of electricity at surskit,who once again dodged."Now,use doubleteam!"Elekid surrounded surskit with copies of itself."Thunderbolt Mirage!"Viola looked confused."Mirage?"She asked,confused.Leon smirked again."You'll see!"All of the Elekid shot Lightning,even the fake nes.And while the fakes passed through surskitt,thereal bolt would hit surskit.Surskit dodged every one,or tried to,but couldn't move fast enough to dodge the real Elekid's Attack."Alright!Two hits!"Suddenly,Viola had a blue aura,like leon before."Surskit,ice beam!"Surskit,who was also glowing blue,shot ice at Elekid,knocking it out."Looks like,you win..."Leon admitted.Viola patted his head."You did good anyway.When you challenge me next time though..."Leon smirked."I'll beat you,and get that badge!"Alexa,his mother,smiled.Just like his father...She thought.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Nice job Leon!"Quincy said "You're still a rookie but you were awesome"
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(this was an rp?all this time i thought it was somrthin' else!anyway,is it still open???)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(We haven't done anything important yet, only got our starters, so yeah)
"Yep, you did your best" Alexa says, her hands in her jean's pockets. Aquer, her Froakie, was also cheering, Liepre, her Purrloin, doing the same a bit more silently.
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over a year ago pipiqueen said…
Name: olive

Age: 10

Gender: female

Appearance: pic

Personality: sweet, caring......

Backstory: she spent almost her entire life with her grandparents,her parents were the busiest people on earth,so she barely met them...........

Starting Poke'mon: fennekin

Poke'mon Team: fennekin only......
last edited over a year ago
Name: olive

Age: 10

Gender: female

Appearance: pic

Personality: sweet, caring......

over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Not every Kalos pokemon can speak French"Chespin said
"Yes they can"Pinky said
"No, watch this"Chespin said walking over to Aquer, "Can you speak le French ?"
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"now where was i supposed to go?"olive asked herself,as fennekin nods sideways as if to say,"what should i do with you??"
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Oui, la plupart de celui-ci" Aquer replies.
"That didn't make much sense" Liepre says.
"Hey I'm not an expert" Aquer says.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(where is everyone supposed to be at???)
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"You see not every pokemon speaks French"Chespin said
"At least he can say some words, you don't know a thing about French"Pinky said
"You see, she's always putting me down like that"
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Um, the second city, I guess XP)
"Hmmmhum..." Aquer says nodding.
"But you really should learn some words" Liepre says.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(well,wherever you are,i'm gonna jump in!)
olive kept on wlking until she saw the second city,and many pokemon,mostly starters ,(and are there any human character there???)
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"I don't want to"Chespin said
"Just do it"Pinky said
"No I won't!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
Alexa then spots Olive, and waves at her, "Hey there, Olive!"
"Why don't you want to learn?" Aquer asks, tilting his head.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"alexa!hey!so,whatchya doin'?"she asks grinnin and fennekin says hey in pokemon language.......
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Oh nothing much yet" Alexa replies, putting her hands back in her jean's pockets, "We were watching Leon battling Viola, this whole time"
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Oh hey Olive"Quincy said noticing her
"Cause I can't"Chespin replied with a cloud over his head
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over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"hey ,quincy!leon and viola was havin' a battle?"she asked wide eyed,"why do i always miss the best parts?"she asked in a whiny tone!
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Well maybe you should start walking faster" Alexa says with a teasing tone.
"Why can't you?" Liepre asks Chespin.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Maybe you should"Quincy said
"I just can't"Chespin replied, "I try and I try but nothing goes in"
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"what's the problem here?"olive asks bending........she din't know what excatly was happening,all she knew was that somethin' was up!
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over a year ago Nojida said…
(Who did Olive ask?)
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(i'm not exactly sure either!let's just say,the question was to everyone........)
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over a year ago Nojida said…
(Oh wow XP)
"Well nothing's actually the problem, only that we're bored" Alexa says with a shrug.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"even after the battle?"olive asks pointing at leon and viola....."Well,anyways ,why is chespin here soo cross?"
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over a year ago vegeta007 said…
"Oh, that's Socky and I don't really know why he's like that"Quincy said
"Now even my name is terrible"Socky said and the cloud started raining over him
pipiqueen commented…
century!!!!!!reply no:100! over a year ago