Pokémon Pokemon Dusk: A Shadow Pokemon RP

GMRSUnoted posted on May 09, 2014 at 11:48PM
In the Melanite region where the residents don't have any gyms nor has a very big population, the sinister organization known as C.O.H (Corruption of Hope) works to dominate the world with a great and powerful power called the Shadow Pokémon. They take what Cipher aimed for and expanded. They did not only wish to have a shadow Pokémon that was unpurifiable but also one that was truly shadow. Also, they did not only wish to make one of these. They wished to make a multitude of them.

Rather than closing the heart, they crushed the heart and destroyed it with the power of a Yveltal that ruled over destruction which becomes the main shadow legendary of the team along with a few others. Though with this, it is a long process and rely on the basic shadowfication while they work.

The only chance to stop them is within trainers who are proven worthy of the task. Are you one of the Cleansed? Or are you one of the Impure?



1) No Mary/Gary Sues (This means brats or stubborn people who can’t lose)
2) Two Pokémon Right of the bat (No more and no less)
3) No Legendaries or Multiple Shinnies (Unless ok by Me, though I shall allow one Shiny.)
4) Respect the other Rp-ers, please…
5) You should stay within the game’s rules, so no deaths or any mature content (Sorry, I must put this here.)
6) Use Grammar and Spell-Check Please!
7) One character per side unless you want only one.
8) No one-liners.
9) Times skips unless approved.
10) Starting Pokémon must between 5-20.
11) No body shall be a hybrid (Example: Half human, half Mew)
12) You can only have ONE Mega Pokémon and your Mega Ring has to be earned by the Professor aka Me.
13) Minimum of two Pokemon per trainer starting off (This is because all battles will be double battles and this is optional for Pokemon Professors)
14) Anything else? Just comment on my page.

Character Creation Sheet:


Alias (If need):

Type of Trainer (?): (Be Creative Here)

Appearance: (You can write it down or post a photo if needed)



Anything else (?):


Pokémon starting Off:


Amethyst (Neetz/GMRSUnoted)
Akine Ren (Riku)
Azure (Neetz)
Rafa (Neetz)
Garnet (Neetz)
Jaden (Riku)
Amber (Wanta)
Kashina Rose (Riku)
Ziallie Tayu (Rkiu)
Kamine Lay (Riku)
Clifton Anastas (Wanta)
Ayumi (Riku)
last edited on Nov 02, 2014 at 05:03PM

Pokémon 322 replies

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Showing Replies 151-200 of 322

over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Garnet just sighed.

Azure: Whatever you say.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber continued to run down the path. This was going to be dangerous, and she was probably pushing her luck, but she just could not leave without that Cubone! Amy probably didn't understand. She probably thought it was just some nonsense, but to Amber this was the most important thing and she was not going to let a couple introverted bug Pokemon stand in her way!


Meanwhile, near the others, a voice came from behind Akine. "Ah so you are the culprits for all that shouting" said Clifton as he came into view.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst and her group finally arrived at the Lab and quickly entered. Inside, her eyes caught sight of Kashina and cleared he throat.

Amethyst: Excuse me, but I'd like to speak with you for a second; it's something important.

Back with the boys... (I don't know how much longer I'm going to do this...)

Garnet: Is is just me, or did I just hear a voice? *referring to Clifton's voice*

Azure: *looks "up" I don't think you're the only one who heard that voice.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(GMRS, you scared Wanta with that comment. What do you mean anyways? He thought you meant rping by 'this')

Akine: Who are you and Im sorry if without a flashlight we were trying echolocation.............
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(Oh, I guess I typed that wrong; I still get those issues when I type and I press the wrong thing. I was working on something when I posted that. Let me fix that.)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(XD Oh and when you write "back with the boys" just draw a line like wanta has been or like I have been in Ushihori.)
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(Sorry, habit of writing on Fanfiction.net gets to me sometimes.)
over a year ago wantadog said…
Clifton smiled. It was a warm and inviting smile. Nobody who saw that would assume this was an untrustworthy guy. "My name is Clifton, but everyone just calls me Cliff. Echolocation huh? Here's a neat little trick you can use. Bring a bunch of these and drop them on the ground so you can find your way back." *pulls out a glowstick, cracks it, and shakes it so it lights up.* "They are incredibly useful, but that aside. Do you guys need any help?"
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine: That would be nice. We kind of got lost around here. *dismounted Braviary who goes down to pick Jaden and the others up from the caved in ground*
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Azure: Um... thanks I guess...

The two got back onto firm ground again, but a little chuckle made Garnet freeze as the same Misdreavus from before appeared from behind the whole group and laughed at them.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Cliff calmly looked over at the Misdreavus. He looked at it for a second then appeared to lose interest. "Anyway. I can lead you guys back to the entrance if you'd like."


Amber finally reached the chamber with the bug Pokemon. Apparently the Zubat had reached it first because the second she entered the room she was faced with a ton of Paras and Parasect, all ready to attack. Amber gulped. "Um....h-hey there. easy. No need to attack...I hope."

Amoonguss made it's way over to her. "Why are you here? Zubat tells me you turned back while the other human and her fox left."

Amber could guess pretty easily what Amoonguss wanted. "Listen. I know we promised to leave and I know we promised to leave you guys alone but...but....but I'm not leaving here without a Cubone!"
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine: You could? That would be a great deal of help on our end

Akine looked over at the Misdreavus for a second before back at Cliff. He would rather get out than bother with that thing and get lost again. He liked that darkness, its just that he would rather not live in a cave for the rest of his life

Jaden: Too bad there wasnt any snakes around here.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Misdreavus laughed at Jaden and flew above them laughing.

Misdreavus: Snakes huh? Maybe I should pay Ekans and Arbok a quick visit! *Flies off*

Garnet: I-I'd really like your help-! Say, have you seen a purple-haired girl with an Umbreon by any chance?
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Ill reply in 3-4 hours after my sister's end of the year awards ceremony)
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(No problem)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(forgot about kashina XD)

Kashina: Hum? Amy sure what is it?


Jaden looked as Misdreavus left off. Ekans? That would be a nice addition to the team though he wasnt sure if he could trust Misdreavus. Alone Ghost types were cruel and mischievious plus this one had tried, and succeeded in dropping the floor. He sighed. He would have to abandon the Ekans. It wouldnt be wise to run into a trap. He looked over at Cliff

Jaden: Thank you very much.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst walked over and got a water bottle as Midnight and Iron Maiden got their our water.

Amethyst: Professor, I'd like to ask about why you choose Bird Boy, or rather Akine as your pupil. If you don't mind.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Kashina: Why did I chose Akine?

She stood there for about 30 seconds before nodding as she began speaking.

Kashina: Thats a hard question from a while ago. Though what appealed to me about Akine were a few things. Firstly starting with his lone wolf and naturally independent attitude. He prefers being alone and working alone. Though it is clear that if you can get through to him he could be a good friend and partner if you look at how he and Alin act, though then again, those two have been together for a while. The next reason would have to be he is a good strategist if you give him the opportunity and no distractions. The third reason would be hes a cute little boy who has potential. Fourthly, he is undeniably loyal to comrades and teachers. Anyways hes fun to mess with. Anyways, he will try to be friendly and nice though he doesnt open up easily Ill tell you that. Why is it you wanted to know?
over a year ago wantadog said…
Cliff: "Hmm? Nope. Can't say I have. Well follow me you guys. The exit is this way. *begins to walk off.*


Amber's statement rang throughout the chamber and for quite a while after she said it, there was silence. Finally, after ten minutes of this, Amoonguss spoke.

Amoonguss: "You dare barge into our home? You dare attack us? You dare refuse to leave, and more importantly, YOU DARE TO DEMAND ANYTHING FROM ME?!"

Amber winced at how loud the Amoonguss got at the end. She looked to Chatot and Chatot relayed what Amoonguss said. Amber sighed. "Listen...I really don't want to cause trouble. I don't want to disturb you guys. I just....I just need a Cubone. Not as a tool. not just as another pokemon. I need a partner. Please. Just let me give my offer directly to Cubone. We'll let him decide. If Cubone says no, I won't fight. I'll leave. You'll never see me again."
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Garnet: This guy... Well I'm not leaving without Amy!

Azure: Garnet! Do you know how childish that sounds?! For all we know she could have abandon us!

Garnet: She would not! I'm going after that Misdreavus anyway! *runs off in another direction, dodging the hole*

Azure stood their with Snow Puff as Garnet ran off with Lucas. Looking back to the other boys, he sighed before running off to find Garnet


Amethyst nodded as she finished the bottle of water in her hands. It came to her mind that he was a loner, but one question popped into her mind.

Amethyst: So, if he is a loner, why did you send him here?
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine sighed. He was tired of following these boys around and chasing after a Misdreavus and a girl who had a mean Umbreon that he barely even knew. He didnt care for Ghost pokemon, Snake pokemon, caves, Cubone, or whatever. He was doing this simply because Kashina asked him of a favor to do. Garnet was childish, Jaden........ well Jaden is Jaden, Amy is all 'high and mighty', and then Azure isnt half bad........ Though this was a painful group on his end having only one person he could probably talk to without having to get angry or hold in negative emotions like such. He was going to see if Cliff would mind joining them. If he were to say no, then Akine would just take his offer and be lead out of the cave but if he said yes, he would follow them though by the time he had decided that, Jaden, Garnet, and Azure were all gone in the distance. He sighed again and looked at Cliff.

Akine: They were gone fast.........


Jaden: *running next to Azure* Are you guys idiots chasing after a ghost pokemon that tried to kill us? Then again Im coming along with you tp chase after a girl I dont know.


Kashina: Shadow pokemon are depressing. Pokemon that have sealed their hearts and become extremely vicious isnt a happy enjoyable thing to see. A loner can see things that dont open their hearts to things much easier than someone who is super friendly and all. He would be able to get along with the closed in shadow pokemon. Also in worst cases worst, Akine can handle himself if he were to be separated, someone who couldnt would just be a drag. Anyways, I have been working with him on a few things already, he knows all about Shadow Pokemon. He saw me reading the mail from Prof. Rafa and he offered to go. I wouldnt have allowed him if he didnt complete the condition of knowing everything there is to know about Shadow Pokemon from documents, videos, websites, and so on.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst: Really? Loners can get closer to Shadow Pokemon? I never thought about that... But Shadow Pokemon, why does that sound so familiar-!

Amy's PDA was ringing, which was odd, so she opened it up and saw an unknown mail in her inbox. Opening the mail, she read the mail until stopping in the middle. Midnight noticed her face as she closed the PDA.

Amethyst: I think we need to continue this later, but I need to get going now.


Garnet: That's not the point! If Amy never released her-! *Gets hit by Azure* Owch!

Azure: Garnet! Do you want to ruin it for her?! *To Jaden* Say, where's Akine- No matter, if you want to go without us, be our guest.


Misdreavus was flying around until she saw Amber with the other Cave Pokemon and laughed a bit.

Misdreavus: Oh, isn't this... Oh well, might as well start a show in time. *fades into the shadows watching them,
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wantadog said…
Cliff chuckled. "They're hopeless. The exit shouldn't be far, then we can figure out how to get the other fools out."


Amber and Amoonguss stared at each other for the longest time. Amber was determined, but frightened. Heck, she was scared out of her mind. Though whether it was her dedication, the way she stood up for herself, or just because it was the easiest way to get her out of it's sight, the Amoonguss appeared to make a decision and it nodded towards something out of sight.

From the shadows, a Marowak and her child came out and towards Amber. Amber looked at the Marowak, who nodded, then towards the Cubone. This was the same Cubone she had stupidly tried to capture earlier. While Amber and the Cubone got to know each other, the Amoonguss turned to look in the direction of the Misdreavus. It did not concern it so Amoonguss turned it's attention away and back to Amber.

Amber: "So what do you say Cubone? Do you want to join up with me? I think we can do amazing things together. So what do you say?"

The Cubone pulled back and looked at it's mom. The Marowak knew that while there was obviously danger out there, this was a good experience for Cubone and Amber was most certainly trustworthy. That much had been determined when it had battled with her.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Misdreavus watched the two, smiling to herself at the poor little Cubone trying to decide whether or not to join Amber.

Misdreavus: Cubone's fear... now that's some fear I can feed off of, though Mama wouldn't like it if I did this right now...
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Kashina: Hum? What happened?


Jaden: Nah. Im too lost now and I would just get isolated. Plus if Im already here I might find an Ekans despite believing I wont. Hey so whats so special about that Misdreavus?


Akine: That sounds like it could work *he sighed* Are you a more relaxed normal person? Those three and the girl they are chasing after are going to run me dead in short moments time.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Cliff: "Hmm? I do what interests me, nothing more. That's as simple as it gets. I came to this cave on a whim, I talked to you guys on a whim, and I offered my assistance on a whim. I'm not really the type to give alot of effort for people I don't know."


Amber waited patiently for the Cubone.

Cubone looked at Amber. It was recovering from the shock a little bit. Its mother certainly seemed to trust Amber, but really...

Cubone's thoughts were interrupted by its mother pushing it, sending it toppling into Amber's lap. At first it was scared, but Amber calmly placed her hand on its head and within minutes, the Cubone was calm.

Amber: "What do you say Cubone? Partners?"

Cubone hesitated for just an instant more before nodding.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst: I got a message about something by an old friend; anyway i'm heading back to the caves to fetch the boys for Rafa.

Amethyst walks away and her Pokemon follow her.


Garnet and Azure stood their in silence for a while, trying to come up with an answer. It took awhile before Azure sighed.

Azure: That... Misdreavus belonged to a good friend of Amy's, but then... he suddenly disappeared and Misdreavus went looking for him... Amethyst decided to go after it and... that's how we all got here.

Garnet: My sister never breaks a promise... that's a rule of hers...


Misdreavus laughed a bit before appearing right behind Amber.

Misdreavus: *To Cubone* Do you really want to go with the person who just attacked you? That's not a good idea and what kind of mother do you want anyway? Letting her child go with a complete stranger?
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber was about to turn towards the sounds, but before she could, Marowak had lifted it's bone and pointed it straight at the Misdreavus. It was a clear threat that if it did not leave, it would be in trouble. Amoonguss watched, not doing anything because the Misdreavus had not yet been stupid enough to try anything foolish.

Chatot: "What's up with you?" it asked Misdreavus. "Stop trying to scare Cubone!"
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Misdreavus: Hey listen Chatot! I'm just stating the facts about what you and your lazy Trainer. *flies above them all and looks to Amoonguss* Who even voted you the leader of the Cave?
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber looked at the Misdreavus while Amoonguss didn't even respond. "That's a Misdreavus right? What's it saying Chatot?"

Chatot: "Listen here you annoying ghost! It may be true that we battled with the Cubone before, but it has already forgiven us for that! You, on the other hand, have no business butting in!"
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Misdreavus just looked at Chatot silently before a smirked appeared on her face. Laughing aloud, she looked at Chatot and Amber.

Misdreavus: Oh~ Now looks who's talking! Some bird doesn't know when to keep his trap shut! You never encounter a Pokemon like me before, and if you don't leave peacefully like Amy did, you'll never leave this cave if I have anything to say about it.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amoonguss shifted for the first time, but still didn't speak.

Chatot: "What are you gonna do if we don't?! You can't bully us into leaving! We worked hard to get to this point!"
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Misdreavus was surrounding by an invisible dark aura as she laughed aloud.

Misdreavus: Oh~! I'm liking somebody like you, but bullying you? Now that's taking this a bit too far...
over a year ago wantadog said…
Chatot was about to respond angrily when Amber stopped him. "It's alright Chatot. We promised Amoonguss we would leave anyway." *pulls out a Pokeball* "This'll be your last chance to turn back Cubone."

Cubone looked at the Pokeball, then at Amber, then at Misdreavus, then at it's mom, then back at the Pokeball. Was it really ready? It was just a kid. It's mom was always extremely protective of it so the fact that it's willing to let Amber make her offer proves that Amber can probably be trusted, yet....

Cubone once again could not finish its thoughts as Marowak pushed it forward so that Cubone's head bumped into the Pokeball and it went inside.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Misdreavus smiled a bit before laughing as she faded into the shadows. As she went into the shadows, she flew off to find whoever else was in the caves.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber: "That...was weird."


Cliff: "aaand here we are." he said as they finally exited the cave. He looked over at Akine. "Well, you can decide what you want to do from here."
over a year ago wantadog said…
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Did you do a better job making that than usual?)

(I didnt realize the new page *sweatdrop*)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine: Well thanks for taking me back to the front of the cave though how do you suppose we find those three again and take them back when they are so heavy on the idea of chasing a Misdreavus?


Jaden: Thats an unlikely rule but so be it.Let me guess though. That Misdreavus has something to do with a 'promise'?
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Azure looked over as Snow Puff sighed as Garnet weakly smiled and Lucas sniffed the ground.

Azure: That Misdreavus is actually a gift from a guy that came by and he asked her to keep it until he came back. It... was awhile before one time when Amy was training it, Misdreavus flew away and we've been trying to locate it even since. Even with my assignments, Misdreavus would appear someplace but never when Amy's around.

Garnet: I... really want to impress my sister by getting Misdreavus back for her; if she found out that we didn't catch it again...let's just say her temper will snap once more...


Amethyst was in the desert with Midnight on her shoulder since Iron Maiden was back in her Pokeball. She was walking in the desert before stopping a little ways from the cave. Somebody walked from behind her as she smiled a bit.

Amy: ...I never thought I'd see you here again... Wes...
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Jaden: Seems like a reasonable reason but I think you should work so hard to impress your sister. You shouldnt have a need to want to impress anyone. Actually those arent words I live by. I have a few people I would like to and try to impress. Im just stealing words from Akine's mouth over a debate we had before we split paths earlier. Its probably a lie for him as well though. Anyways, I suppose I can help you get that Misdreavus.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Cliff: "The simplest way would be to have Grimer here knock them out with a burst of foul smelling gas and drag them out while they are passed out."
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Garnet: Really? Oh thank you!

Azure: Anyway, in order to find Misdreavus, we need to lure her with something...


Wes stood there with his normal stern look in his eyes. Amy turned over to face him as the winds and sand passed by. Midnight's ears twitched a bit looking at Wes.

Wes: I thought you'd changed more, but then again what can I say; you never change whenever we meet.

Amethyst: Wes... Why are you here in Melanite? Weren't you last in Orre?

Wes: *shakes head* I would be, but right now I got news of Shadow Pokemon here from Rafa and I came here as soon as I could leaving Misty back in her home town. (Riku, you should get this little joke.)

Amethyst: From Rafa? So that's why you messaged me-! I got to get back to Garnet and Azure before Misdreavus does! *sigh* I hate when she gets this much freedom without being... you know...

Wes: Agreed, we need to locate Misdreavus before she can release that power; lead the way to the caves.

Amethyst and Wes quickly went towards the Caves, hoping that they could make it in time.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine: Thats such a forceful method............ Though it sounds like a good plan. Can I ask something wrong with that plan though? Wouldnt it be awfully risky on my end?
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
The two were running to the caves before Amy stopped seeing Akine in front with a guy she didn't recognize and Wes stopped behind her.

Wes: Who's that guy Ames?

Amethyst: Oh shut your trap Wessy, Say, does your Espeon still know Swift? I rather not yell at those boys. (Wesy is Wes' nickname from Amy)

Wes: Fine *sends Espeon out* Espeon use Swift!

Espeon did as she was told and sent the Swift straight towards Akine and Cliff. Amy had a small smile on her face before Wes looked at her, making her look away from his sight.
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Sorry! My computer didn't show you had responded XD)

Cliff shrugged. "You could cover your mouth and nose and stay a little behind me so you avoid the majority of the stench." *stops as he hears something coming.* "Oh how interesting. Grimer, use sludge."

Grimer used sludge, which met the Swift before it could get closer, causing both attacks to cancel each other out.*

Cliff: "So who is it that decided to attack us, eh?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(Hey, no problem)

Amethyst saw that her countered the attack and Wes even seemed surprise at this. Midnight's ears twitched before she covered her nose as they all smelled an awful stench, but it wasn't as back for Amy and Midnight.

Wes: What is that smell?

Amethyst: Smells like... *sniffs the air* Sludge from a pokemon... Grimer perhaps?

Espeon: This really stinks!

Midnight: Hey, at least this wasn't around you for a whole hour when we got stuck.

Espeon: Good point. Hey Wes! I think they're looking for us.

Wes: Is this what you wanted Ames?

Amethyst: OK Wessy~ Anyway I needed that so if that guy with Bird Boy was a bad guy, they couldn't go off to find Azure and Garnet.

Wes: Oh are they here now? You're traveling with your younger brother and your ex-boyfriend. What a good team.

Amethyst glares at Wes, which was a glare that could silence all that saw it, but Wes did the same for her and their pokemon sweat dropped at the two of them. Espeon gave a small,quiet laugh.

Espeon: They haven't change, have they?

Midnight: I guess not...
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine was going to react when Cliff took the first move. He sighed. Amy again. He plugged his nose due to the stench of the Grimer.

Akine: Wow! That smells. Not sure if its Amy's ego or the Grimer though. Both smell equally bad.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wantadog said…
Cliff: "I'm used to it. Anyway, I take it from your reaction that you know who it was that just tried to blast us with Swift?"
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amy's eyes widen hearing what Akine said as Midnight's ears twitched. Sure he was far away, but since she was used to being in the dark, this was common for her to use her heighten senses a lot. The rage in her was at the breaking point, usually when she go and beat the person up, or use the pepper spray Wes gave her after he first called her Ames when she was mad. He could see the rage in Amy's eyes and looking over to Akine, it was safe to assume she didn't get along with him.

Wes: Ames-! I mean Amy, I know you want to beat the ever-living Gastly out of him, but do you think finding your group is more important?

Amethyst was really at her breaking point, but for the first time in a while, she understood what he said and took in a huge breathe before looking only at the cave.

Amethyst: ...Your Umbreon still knows Flash right? I hate to admit this, but you got a good point. If they do that again, don't blame me if they get harmed.

Wes: *chuckles a bit* I'll keep that in mind. Espeon return!

With that, the two began to walk towards the cave and when they got close to the other group, Amy completely ignored them as they entered the cave.