Pokémon Mixed World RP

QueenofthePika posted on Jul 17, 2014 at 05:13PM
Even if they hate it, everybody knows this discovery will change our lives forever. With an extreme space accident, and some help with from scientists, humans have discovered a way to travel from Earth to a world only known on screens, cards, paper and pencil, and imagination- the Pokemon world.
Pokemon was always an extremely popular franchise, but now people can experience what it would be like living in the Pokemon world. But recently, scientist did a test and discovered that Pokemon can be brought between the two worlds!
That changed life even more than expected. People were traveling in and out instantly. But the government found danger in this, so they passed a law that you need to be licensed, or come from the Pokemon world, to Pokemon battle in our world. All people in high school and beyond, no matter what age, can get a license.
However, the government also passed a law to keep unlicensed kids trained just in case. So every school added one more class to their schedule- Pokemon. For each grade, the kids add 1 more Pokemon to their party.
Sound like a good idea to you? Half the world hates you now. Even some Pokemon lovers thought that bringing Pokemon to our world wold spoil us and mess up our lives. So the haters tried to use Pokemon for only one reason- to banish the rest into their own world and destroy all World Transporters, or WTs, which were now starting to be installed in people's homes.
Back to the Pokemon classes. Even some kids were growing into the hater side. And all haters showed how they disagreed. But they still trained Pokemon for their hater mission.
Another discovery was found- Pokemon eggs are extremely fragile in the human world. They're about the size of MnMs (for the info of people who don't know what these are, probably foreign, that's a small circular chocolate candy). So the haters hatched another plan- destroy Pokemon eggs from the human world.
However there were too much. So the haters split into different groups and agreed on different areas. But of course they never made this plan obvious to the agreers.
The kids at Saint John Paul II were one of many schools with Pokemon classes. However, only 5th grade and up had classes. Half were haters, the other half not. In this rp, their story is just beginning.

Sorry if that was time consuming.

Before you read the rules, this rp has a thing called Warning. Each time you break a rule, you get a certain amount of Warning. Once it reaches %100, you are not allowed to post until you give me a good reason why you did it over inbox. If you can not convince me after 5 messages, you are banned from posting on this rp.
No sexual approaches of any sort. (%70 Warning)
Age appropriate behavior, remember your acting middle school age if you're not in middle school anymore. (%10 Warning)
BAD WORDS- blur out, edit out, don't add them, or you'll be forced to delete that post. (%50 Warning, +5 the more you refuse)
Inbox me to ask if you can have a shiny Pokemon (%20 Warning, +10 every 2 times you post with it without my permission)
POWERPLAYING- Absolutely not allowed (%90 Warning)
GUNS OR DEATH- Only allowed without proper permission if it's fake, or yourself gets killed. If it is real you need my permission. If it is the death of another character, ask them first (%100 Warning)
If you have and percentage of Warning, remind me of how much you have every 5 posts (%5 Warning if you forget)

Also, if you are still allowed to rp after you send me a reason I accept, your Warning level will be refreshed back to %0.
Have fun!

Character sheet:
Full Name:
Grade (remember, 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th):
Age (one that fits your grade):
Loves or hates Pokemon?:
Bio (non-live-Pokemon related, like if they had a Pokemon when they were 6):
First Pokemon (this option is for grades 6+):
Pokemon team so far (also for grades 6+):
Pokemon at start of rp (this option is for 5th graders):
Again, have fun!
P.S. To not get any Pokemon mixed up with another, make sure each has a different nickname. Same for humans, but with names of course. However, they can have a shortening of one name (Sandy) while another goes by the full version (Sandra).
last edited on Jul 17, 2014 at 06:40PM

Pokémon 127 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 127

over a year ago Nojida said…
"Well, thing is, we're heading to room 301" Smaragda says, then remembers that her older brother was also in room 300, which made her shiver.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
"I know where 300 is! It's right across the hall from our room," Aimi said to Sam. "You just take a left turn there, after 2 doors you take a right and the room should be on your left. Our room, of course, is on the right." She lead the group through the left turn and to the right, pointing out room 300 and room 301. "See ya sometime!" she said to Sam, and walked into 301.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(We started today and we're on p.3... Wow.)
over a year ago Monmonny said…
"Thanks!" Sam said
over a year ago Monmonny said…
(Hey QueenPika are u going to respond to POKEMON RP!!!! yet?)
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"So, we're in same homeroom and at the Pokemon classes, I think........"Neha says following Aimi and Smaragda to homeroom." So who do we have as homeroom teacher she asked,".
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(Sorry, didn't realize you replied!)
over a year ago Monmonny said…
(It's OK!)
over a year ago Monmonny said…
(BTW On page 2 when I said I didn't know where Room 300 is,I was a new student at the school.)

*Time skip of an hour to Pokemon Classes*

"Yes,Pokemon Class! My favorite subject!" He yells in his head in case haters where listening. ''Hey those are the three girls that told me where Room 300 was!"Sam thought to himself.

"Hey there!"Sam said to the three girls.
over a year ago Monmonny said…
(Hey Mystrygal I thought u were going to join my Pokemon RP.)
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
(I was, I guess, but I must have forgotten!Can u give me a link now?)

"Hi!" Neha said smiling.....
over a year ago Monmonny said…
(It is called POKEMON RP!!!!)

"So,do you guys like Pokémon?" Sam asked.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Hiya! By the way, really awesome idea for an RP!)
Full Name: June
Grade: 5th
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Loves or hates Pokémon?: Loves
Personality: Generally pretty shy, and even more so around strangers. Never gets cocky when things go her way. Though she's happiest when she's alone, where she won't be judged, she loves being around her friends.
Bio: June has played Pokémon for a long time, and considers herself fairly good at it, but there always seems to be people who are better at it than her. Nevertheless, she was really excited when she found out she was going to be a real Pokémon trainer!
Pokémon at the start: Hester (female Torchic)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Full Name: Wyrin

Grade (remember, 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th): 6th

Age (one that fits your grade): 11

Gender: Male

Loves or hates Pokemon?: Hates

Personality: (I dont do this. They never come out as I plan. Sorry)

Bio (non-live-Pokemon related, like if they had a Pokemon when they were 6): Wyrin grew up under an average family. From a young age, Wyrin found himself enjoying reading as well as videogaming, one of which was the clear and obvious Pokemon. As well as being quite a top notch student, Wyrin grew to also be quite the skilled player that actually went to the national contests and tended to rank varying between 1st to 5th. It was actually his favorite game. Though upon the word of Pokemon coming to the real world, he had to second check his thoughts towards Pokemon and the whole idea. He loved fantasy things. His favorite anime genre was action fantasy. His favorite book genre was fantasy. All of his games were fantasy, but the one idea of fantasy that made it fantasy was that it didnt exist. Due to this whole, Pokemon coming to the real world, it ruined most of the games for him after all, no longer was Pokemon a Fantasy game but a Real Life game and anyways, it wasnt like it would be the best idea to have powerful Pokemon roaming the earth either.

First Pokemon (this option is for grades 6+): Genocider (Male Froakie)

Pokemon team so far (also for grades 6+):
Genocider (Male Frogadier)
Kaze (Male Scyther)

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Geez, the last Pokemon RP I joined without having the comfort my mobile RPing group would have to be Pokemon Trainer Academy Generation One Part One........ Damn that was a while)

Wyrin sat outside of Room 300, sitting down under a tree reading a book. On his shoulder rested a Frogadier that was also leaning over his shoulder and reading as well. This would be year two for Wyrin in the academy and yet another year of ignoring all the members that were all gushy over their Pokemon. He couldnt say he hated Genocider, though they both stood under the understanding that the idea of him being there was beyond logical means. He sighed as he stood up, putting the book away into his bag. There should be some new Fifth graders coming in to the academy this year with their new Pokemon.
over a year ago RiverBound said…
Ok Nm about those prev comments
Full Name: Skylor
Grade (remember, 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th): 5th
Age (one that fits your grade): 13
Loves or hates Pokemon?: Loves
Personality: Um i dont really know you can find out as we go along
Bio (non-live-Pokemon related, like if they had a Pokemon when they were 6): Skylor Grew up in a big familly, with 2 brothers and 2 sisters 1 of his sisters was older name: (Idk you guys come up with it) He likes playin with friends and is way better as a team.
First Pokemon (this option is for grades 6+):
Pokemon team so far (also for grades 6+):
Pokemon at start of rp (this option is for 5th graders): Aura (Riolu) Female
over a year ago RiverBound said…
This is cool never joined one of these before. And dont really know what to do? Oh and could my riolu be small enough to hang out on my shoulder??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Probably. Riolu are 2' 4" and Guys his age are usually 5' 0" - 6' 0"
over a year ago RiverBound said…
k i wonder if i could change my info of my guy ill repost it
over a year ago RiverBound said…
Full Name: Skylor
Grade (remember, 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th): 8th
Age (one that fits your grade): 13
Loves or hates Pokemon?: Loves
Personality: Um i dont really know you can find out as we go along
Bio (non-live-Pokemon related, like if they had a Pokemon when they were 6): Skylor Grew up in a big familly, with 2 brothers and 2 sisters 1 of his sisters was older name: (Idk you guys come up with it) He likes playin with friends and is way better as a team.
First Pokemon (this option is for grades 6+): Lucario (Aura) Female
Pokemon team so far (also for grades 6+): Lucrio, Tirtouga, and Jolteon. All female jolteon lvl 16
over a year ago RiverBound said…
there i like this character better Thanks for the info riku114
over a year ago RiverBound said…
I wanna come in when you guys meet at the lockers again.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Actually not even I know what we're supposed to be doing now XP)
RiverBound commented…
it wont let me post over a year ago
RiverBound commented…
accept for the cmment over a year ago
over a year ago RiverBound said…
Never mind fixed the promlem
over a year ago RiverBound said…
You Know when QueenOfThePika is gunna get on??
over a year ago Nojida said…
(She usually comes on in the afternoon but I don't know for sure)
over a year ago RiverBound said…
over a year ago RiverBound said…
(kind of off topic but i also collect pokemon cards and wondering if i should get finnikin deck or froakie? i love them both so much!)
Monmonny commented…
If u save money u can buy both and combine the 2! over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Wow, lots of people joined! :D)
June walked through the halls, nose in her books, waiting for her class to start.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(Sorry, had so much more to do!)
*timeskip to Pokemon classes*
Aimi got out her phone. She looked up school 5th grade Pokemon starters and viewed through the list. "It looks like all the starters along with some unevolved Pokemon such as Lillipup will be available," she said, putting away her phone. She headed to the Pokemon class door. "Treeko, Treeko," she said, reminding herself she decided on Treeko.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(Yay, we're on the popular content page! My first popular content thing been with my past account!)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(How does the popurar content work anyway? XP)
'This is so awesome!" Smaragda says half to herself, half to anyone that was near her, grinning widely. "I wonder what they're gonna teach us! Pokemon moves? Abilities? You're getting a Treeko aren't you?" she asks Aimi, walking next to her.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Oh, are we not supposed to have Pokemon yet? XP)
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(It either goes by views or posts. But since we're on page 4 only, I'd say views.)
"Look at the list of the Pokemon we get to choose from!" Aimi said, handing her phone to Smaragda. "All starters plus some unevolved Pokemon! Who are you picking?"
(And I hope you're not thinking I'm taking advantage of the fact that I own this RP, but I looked up shiny Treecko and immediately decided I'm gonna have mines shiny. Sorry- force of will.)
(And we choose Pokemon in the first class we have)
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Oh, I can go back and edit it then)
(Cool! By the way, as the RP goes on, can starters such as Sceptile, Blaziken, Charizard, etc. Mega Evolve?)
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(Yup! However, It'll be a long time till then.)
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
June kept walking, and accidentally bumped into Aimi. "Oh, sorry!" she exclaimed.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Mega Evolution would be awesome indeed)
"No problemo!" Smaragda says, even though she wasn't the one who was bumped on, "Are you here for the Pokemon classes as well? Oh wait, of course you are" she says, half to herself, half to June.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
"Um, yeah," June replied, looking down at her shoes awkwardly.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"So what's your name?" Smaragda asks, "I don't think we have met anywhere before.. Or have we?" she scratches her head a little.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
"My name's June," she muttered. "And no, I don't think we've met."
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Oh, phew!" Smaragda sighs in relief, "It'd be real awkward of I forgot a friend of mine, don't you think?" she asks, laughing nervously, "Anyway, I'm Smaragda! Nice to meet you!"
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(Hey guys, I made a fanfic in the Articles section. Mind checking it out?)
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(Btw, you can make a description of your character as you go on. Example:)
"My name is Aimi," said Aimi, taking out a brush and combing her long orange pigtails, then shaking off the annoying hairs that fell onto her pink (um, what do you call those tiny sweater things that go over a shirt, but they're not exactly sweaters? Blazers, I think... idk, I hope u know what I'm talking about) and the white shirt she was wearing underneath, along with her white shorts and some on her pink-and-white shoes. Annoying hairs she thought.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Yeah, that's what I was planning on doing :) )
"Nice to meet you," June greeted them with a smile, though she didn't meet either of their gazes.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Description of my character? I prefer drawing them! >:3)
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(It'd be nice to draw them, too, but it takes so much time for me XP)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Well that's the same for everyone XP)
"Anyway," Smaragda says, looking at her watch, "When does the class start again?"
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
"Let's see, it starts in..." Aimi checked her phone. "Holy cheese, we'll be late if we don't go now!" She ran to her locker and got out a book (Pokedex, All 718) and ran down the hall. "Luckily Ms. Hamasaki is nice!" she muttered.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Gaah, wait uuup!" Smaragda calls running after her, holding her own book in her hands. It wouldn't be the first time she's late, but she didn't feel so good being late the very first lesson.
last edited over a year ago