Rachel and Jesse St.Berries

bety_7723 posted on Jul 08, 2010 at 02:40AM
No, I'm not a stalker [well just a little] but this is to get to know all the St.Berries a little bit more..
Ansewer this questions ;)

First Language:
Other Languages:

Favorite Movie:
Favorite Musician:
Favorite Song:
Favorite TV show:
Favorite Season:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Animal:
Zodiac Sign:

Favorite Couple:[after St.Berry]
Favorite Episode:
Favorite Song:
Favorite Scene:
Favorite Quote:

Jesse or Rachel:
Favorite Song:
Favorite Scene:
Favorite Quote:

Rachel and Jesse 5 replies

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over a year ago bety_7723 said…
Name: Beatriz
Nicknames: Bety [with one t]
Age: 14...15 in August 6
Country: Mexico
First Language: Spanish
Other Languages: English and about to learn French
Eyes: Brown/Green
Hair: Light Brown
Height: 1.55mts

Hobbies: Sing and Act
Favorite Movie: Kick-ass Charlie and the Chocolate Factory & Toy Story 3
Favorite Musician: Jason Mraz and the Glee Cast
Favorite Song: Butterfly-Jason Mraz ;)
Favorite TV show: F•R•I•E•N•D•S The Big Bang Theory & Glee
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Animal: Lion
Zodiac Sign: Leo

Favorite Couple:[after St.Berry] Quick & Wilma
Favorite Episode: Bad Reputation
Favorite Song: Bohemian Rhapsody & Fire
Favorite Scene: Like A Virgin, Run Joey Run & To Sir With Love
Favorite Quote: [about the Showface] I want a look so optimistic that I could cure cancer

Jesse or Rachel: Jesse
Favorite Song: Total Eclipse of the Heart & Hello Twelve Hello Thirteen Hello Love
Favorite Scene: Singing Hello
Favorite Quote: Jesse: You singing Don't Cry for Me Argentina in front of a sold out crowd isn't a fantasy..It's inevitability
over a year ago all_the_glitter said…
big smile
Name: Laura
Nicknames: Laur, LC when I was younger,
Age: 17
Country: USA
First Language: English
Other Languages: Latin. ;)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light brown
Height: 5'6

Hobbies: Music Theatre, journalism, anything that looks good on a college application
Favorite Movie: The Closer, Breakfast Club, Titanic, Labyrinth, Cruel Intentions
Favorite Musician: You mean aside from Groffles? Lol. I like just about everything but rap. I love Gaga, The New Pornographers, Broadway soundtracks, etc. etc.
Favorite Song: Overall 'Those You've Known' SA OBC. Right now 'I See You, You See Me' by The Magic Numbers
Favorite TV show: LOST, Skins, and way too many more
Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite Food: Diet Coke (even if it's not technically a food)
Favorite Animal: Porcupine
Zodiac Sign: Libra

Favorite Couple:[after St.Berry]: IDC about anyone else really, but PR
Favorite Episode: Bad Rep
Favorite Song: Bohemian Rhapsody
Favorite Scene: Run Joey Run, anything with J/R, & the Sectional judges
Favorite Quote: Um, IDK... I need to think about that one...

Jesse or Rachel: Rachel.
Favorite Song: Hello
Favorite Scene: "You singing Don't Cry for Me Argentina..." scene
Favorite Quote: Same quote.
over a year ago nevermind606 said…
big smile
Name: Kristin
Nicknames: Jesus, Queen Kristin, Darth Vader, Angel Cookies, Kris
Age: 17
Country: US
First Language: English
Other Languages: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Like I'm smart enough to learn another language.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Lightish brown with bits of dark red and a darker brown.
Height: 5' 7"

Hobbies: Singing, dancing (badly), PHOTOSHOP, making people laugh. :D
Favorite Movie: The Lion King
Favorite Musician: Adam Lambert/ The Beatles/ Nirvana/ Michael Jackson
Favorite Song: It's cliche, but probably Let It Be. It reminds me so much of my childhood, and never fails to make me cry. Listening to it feels like home.
Favorite TV show: Misfits
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Food: Veggie Burgers or Salad
Favorite Animal: LION. <3
Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Favorite Couple:[after St.Berry] Puckleberry
Favorite Episode: Hell-o
Favorite Song: Hello. :P
Favorite Scene: Hello :P :P :P
Favorite Quote: "I picked the Stephen Sondheim biography section for a clandestine meeting place because only he would be able to express my melancholia."

Jesse or Rachel: I refuse to choose. Bite me.
Favorite Song: Hello
Favorite Scene: HELLO
Favorite Quote: "I picked the Stephen Sondheim biography section for a clandestine meeting place because only he would be able to express my melancholia." *Iz repetitive*

*Edit* I just realized that I'm in fact, 17... Not 16. LULZ.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Shandiii said…
Name: Shandi
Nicknames: Shanders, Baby Carrots, Saint Shandi
Age: 21
Country: USA
First Language: English
Other Languages: I used to know some German...
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Blonde
Height: 5'7"

Hobbies: Photography, drawing/doodling
Favorite Movie: Atonement
Favorite Musician: Lady Gaga
Favorite Song: "Touch Me" from SA, "So Happy I Could Die" & "I Like it Rough" by Lady Gaga
Favorite TV show: Idk, that's hard!
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Food: Mashed potatoes
Favorite Animal: Turtles :}
Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Favorite Couple:[after St.Berry] Will/Bryan
Favorite Episode: ... I can't think
Favorite Song: Hello
Favorite Scene: Anything St. Berry, Safety Dance, Bad Romance + other random performances...
Favorite Quote: "...I care about you more than winning another national title..."

Jesse or Rachel: Jesse!
Favorite Song: Hello 12, Hello 13, Hello Love
Favorite Scene: "You singing Don't Cry for Me Argentina in front of a sold out crowd isn't a fantasy. It's an inevitability."
Favorite Quote: Same as on the Glee on ;P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago UESforeverr said…
Nicknames: little J, or just J. <<so original ;]
First Language:English
Other Languages:Spanish
Height:idk, i think 5'4

Hobbies:writting and editing.
Favorite Movie:I don't have one.
Favorite Musician:lady gaga I guess
Favorite Song:Can't choose
Favorite TV show:G|ee
Favorite Season:Fall
Favorite Food:uhmm, probably mexican food, i can't choose just one.
Favorite Animal:Lion
Zodiac Sign:Libra

Favorite Couple:[after St.Berry]Quinn Fabray and Noah Puckerman<3
Favorite Episode:(This is really hard to choose!) Wheels
Favorite Song:I couldn't choose for the life of me x{
Favorite Scene:The 'baking' scene <3
Favorite Quote:"Being a part of something special makes you special, right?"

Jesse or Rachel:Jesse :)
Favorite Song:Total eclipse of the heart
Favorite Scene:Hello
Favorite Quote: "Oh my god, you're Jesse St. James"