Random Role Playing The Folivora

grey_skies posted on Nov 09, 2016 at 10:55PM
For years, the Folivora has been a group of exceptionally gifted individuals across Chantalin. The members have spent their lives searching and connecting with others like them. Before, the Folivora consisted of very few members, but now the numbers are rapidly increasing, and the government has begun to receive threats from the Folivora. The Folivora is growing and the members look just like everyone else, making the government unable to tell who is part of the group and who is an innocent. As threats increase, the government has started to realize what the Folivora want; they want to recreate Chantalin into a country with only people like them. Attacks from the Folivora on the government are increasing with each day, and the government is racing to save Chantalin.


Folivora: A group of individuals living in Chantalin who have their own power. Powers are discovered at age 16, if existent, so no Folivora member can be younger than 16. Their goal is to gain enough members to wipe out the population of Chantalin and recreate a country of only exceptionally gifted individuals like themselves

Government Members: Not many are needed, but at least a handful is essential to the story. Government officials receive and respond to threats, as well as fight and interact with the Folivora when needed. Interaction between government and Folivora is not often, very spread out so everyone doesn't die right away. Most interaction will be between official and official, or Folivora member and Folivora member.


1. No controlling other characters and no killing other characters without permission.

2. Cursing and violence is allowed, without being too excessive. Romance is allowed if there is a place for it, but try to refrain from it.

3. Keep outside drama off of RP.

4. Notify members of the RP if you're not able to be on for extended amounts of time.

5. Have fun and be creative!





Race: (Folivora, Government Official, Mortal if desired)




(If Folivora)




Random Role Playing 62 replies

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