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Random Question

Go on Urban Dictionary and search up your name. What is your definition?


This is my definition:
Sexy, fun, outgoing, kind, loves other. Falls in love with the wrong type of people. Very optimistic. Enjoys life. Enjoys sex a little to much Great partner.

O_o. I'm so not like that lol.
Bananaaddict posted over a year ago
mine was sexual too 0.o
southern-belle posted over a year ago
JudyNails posted over a year ago
 smileypop9 posted over a year ago
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Random Answers

southern-belle said:
omg this is wow and well just wow....

Mollie: A sex bomb who takes control in the bedroom and gives extreme plesure and ecstacy
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posted over a year ago 
funny part: Im a virgin xD
southern-belle posted over a year ago
Lol.this is funny!XD
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
Sandfire_Paiger posted over a year ago
hannah16 said:
i wish i could find out but my school is stupid and blocked it. could you find out for me and tell me? my name is hannah.
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posted over a year ago 
Sure :) There's 3 definitions: 1. a girl with class, grace, poise and elegance. 2. Hannah is a fantastic person! Someone who you know you can always rely on. They are always nice, very funny and always have a laugh:) 3. fun, asways happy, lifts people spirits, and always spread da love.
smileypop9 posted over a year ago
You're so lucky Fanpop isn't blocked. My school blocks nearly EVERYTHING. The only good website unblocked is YouTube.
smileypop9 posted over a year ago
ALL OF THAT is blocked at my school... >-< well it was. i dont go to school anymore. not homeschooled, just dont go. mom doesnt care,
someone_save_me posted over a year ago
i looked it up, its grace
NerdyBanana posted over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 said:
A unique individual who is always there for her friends. She is sometimes shy, and doesn't have complete confidence in herself even though she should, she always seems to know the right thing to say. She worry's just a lil too much, but always about the important things she needs to just take things a lil more in stride XD. Leah = pretty and thin eventhough she may not think so.

I'm literally speechless.
This is exactly like me. I just...
Not even kidding.

Also, this is the other definition. Look it up for yourself if you don't believe me.
To describe something of such superb standards it almost cannot be described by any word or sentence or onomatopoeia in the English language.

Another one:
An impeccable kind of girl, a very beautiful/amazing person who by all means defines beauty.

Can be used to refer to someone as beautiful, gorgeous, etc.
Wow! that girl, Leah looks so stunning today.

These are getting better and better :D
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posted over a year ago 
wow. maybe a friend or something wrote the definition as you can write definitions and post them.
smileypop9 posted over a year ago
^ I just copy and pasted off the site.
rapunzeleah123 posted over a year ago
yukikiyruu posted over a year ago
Shenel_jasper said:
Mine is a lady who invokes utter desire in men and the one who conquers everyone's heart.
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posted over a year ago 
yukikiyruu posted over a year ago
Bananaaddict said:
OMFG look at this!

The most beautiful, angelic, ambrosial, enticing, gorgeous, enamoring, pretty, amazing, lovely, lovable, and wonderful girl anyone could ever met. The girl any guy would dream about spending their life with.

I'm soooo damn special!
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posted over a year ago 
Yes ma'am! :D Lol
rapunzeleah123 posted over a year ago
smileypop9 posted over a year ago
lol .xd:)
yukikiyruu posted over a year ago
blazeember said:
Mines got like 20 definitions but my favourite are "he most gorgeous woman ever seen. Known to randomly throw out little adorable and hysterical one-liners. Very artistically talented. One who has no true idea of her true beauty, both inside and out. A very very special woman that has the love and admiration of a person willing to do almost anything for her."
(Not true!)
And "A rainbow child who is not afraid to stand up and be different, especially when all her friends turn to popular subcultures."
(A lot more me.)
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posted over a year ago 
Kiniko90 said:
Not defined.
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posted over a year ago 
Tamar20 said:
This said about me:

A perfect goddess of unmatchable beauty
Wow, now there goes a Tamara!

A name meaning palm tree in hebrew. Also a very well rounded person.
See that girl, her name is tamara, she is well rounded

Tamara is the most amazing person you will ever meet, she is kind, gorgeous, and most importantly... zomg so insanely awesome

Awesomeness oozes from her, like her diamond tears when a sad movies is on...
Tamara. nuf said.
Russian form of TAMAR. It was introduced to the English-speaking world by Russian performers such as Tamara Karsavina (1885-1978), Tamara Drasin (1905-1943), Tamara Geva (1907-1997) and Tamara Toumanova (1919-1996). It was also borne by the Polish cubist painter Tamara de Lempicka (1898-1980). This name also coincides with a Sanskrit word meaning "spice".

Pronounced: tah-MAH-rah (Russian), tə-MAHR-ə (English)
See that girl over there, her name is Tamara
Cute girl, mostly Russians, skinny body, perfect body, lovable, gorgeous, smart, I love her so much♥
Tamara have a perfect and sexy body like skye brooke... Everyone loves her so much...♥♥

WTF now that's overrated XD
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posted over a year ago 
XD I'm not Russian just my name is.
Tamar20 posted over a year ago
rapunzeleah123 posted over a year ago
yukikiyruu posted over a year ago
Renesmee_XD said:
Harshita means "giving happiness to others OR spreading happiness around". Normally it's indian female babies name.

I got told that at age of 5 :|
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posted over a year ago 
_Roxas_108 said:
A beautiful girl who loves to laugh and smile effortlessly. A girl who is weird and random. A girl with a perfect smile, perfect eyes, perfect body, perfect personality. Plus so much more.
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posted over a year ago 
spunkyonyx said:
School wont let me! could u look it up???
my name is jamie!
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posted over a year ago 
I'll do it:)
rapunzeleah123 posted over a year ago
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she kicks someone's ass when necessary. Jamie is awesome.
rapunzeleah123 posted over a year ago
hey im just like that!
JudyNails posted over a year ago
Delilah_Scruggs said:
There's 3 definitions of me.

1. The Most wonderful person in the World. Kind, Sweet, Loving, Caring, Gentle. Perfect in Every ways. The one you love for all your life.

2. Crazy hot girl. Beautiful, smart and funny; Lori posesses atributes absent in 99.9% of women. Truly a lucky find. Plus she rocks.

3. loyal, honest, loving woman with a heart of gold. A very forgiving person. She will fool you though. She may seem like she is clueless, but she is on to everything therefore she is a very hard person to surprise. Loves humor and laughing.

None of them is really me, but I guess the third one is the closest. =) Mainly because I really do seem like I'm clueless alot, but unlike the defintion when I seem clueless, I usually am.
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posted over a year ago 
tabithasb13 said:
Mine has 10 definitions.
1.A person who is often referred to as a beautiful girl who has an amazing body and physique. She is naturally a flirty person. She is very smart, but sometimes acts on impulse and doesn't think before she does anything. She is often regarded to as a slut because of her beauty, but that's far from the truth.

2.The best bestfriend in the world, funny, hot, and always there for you. You're so lucky to have a friend like her. don't you ever let her leave you! make sure she's your bffl forever.

3.A truly amazing person. Easy to love. Extremely beautiful. Generally a overall perfect person. This person will find it hard to think badly of others, and finds it easy to forgive people.

4.Spontaneous, adventurous women with fiesty tempers. They have a certain magic about them that pulls every eye in the room no matter how low key she acts. These girls have an affinity for imagination and creativity. They fight for the underdogs. Tabitha's do not back down from a challenge and live with an open mind. They make excellent friends that are always loyal and will fight to the death for you. Tabitha's love to live life vibrantly and freely, which often leads to being adrenaline junkies and love to drive very fast cars.

5.Tabitha is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me although it did not last long. The feelings I had and still have for her are very strong and i will never forget the way she made me feel. When I looked in to her beautiful eyes, and when I did my heart skipped a beat as I knew that she was the most beautiful girl in the world and I would give anything to have her back.

6.One badass mofukka.

7.aka NAPPY
-A nasty, trashy, psycho girl who had a child at 17 and wears fake everything.

8.A slang word/name commonly used when referring to an ecstasy pill(tab).

9.Stupid bitch. Is scronny, ugly, and has absolutely NO personality. Thinks she's seen and done it all when really, she's the most immature and inexperienced. She wears a wig but won't admit it (not that everyone can't already tell, it's HIDEOUS), and everytime she opens her mouth you want to slap it off her face.

10.Tabitha. A use for scene kids that are dumb and cut themsleves. Joke.

Tabitha is a name for rugby lovers allaround that love Music Council andto get tackled.

For people who have a life and love Panic! At The Disco.

Yah That's Tabitha for you...

I had to correct the grammar and spelling on most of these.
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posted over a year ago 
iluvharrysomuch said:
Here are 2 definitions:

1. a sexy lil creauture


2.a quite, sensitive girl. Loves aniamls and loves to be with people. Not selfish and thinks of others constintly. Dosen't always revovle life around guys, and thinks education is more important

lil bit like me
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posted over a year ago 
AWarnerS said:
really small penis... thinks hes cooler than everyone but hes not... what a loser.

man, warner has such a didnt even go inside me its so shortally

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posted over a year ago 
smileypop9 posted over a year ago
DirtyDiamond posted over a year ago
Bad one on my part XD
AWarnerS posted over a year ago
fake_alibi13 said:
all the results say i am sexy very popular and the girl that every guy wants to be not me i actuallyam the most unpopular with boysperson i know
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posted over a year ago 
peterslover said:
I'm known for the nick name of Susan or Susie of the full name of Suzanne.

Suzanne is the #153 most common female first name.
Out of many more.
It is an original, and unique first name.
Mean graceful lily in Hebrew.
Come from Susanna a name in Hebrew.
a French, German, and Hebrew.
A very unique,special, different.
Hard to find, hard to keep.
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posted over a year ago 
Nice :D
Tamar20 posted over a year ago
thanks :)
peterslover posted over a year ago
RobinFan360 said:
i cant get to it.can you tell it for me? my name is ally
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posted over a year ago 
The girl who knows how to party lika rockstar. a name for a person who is accurately considered to be completely awesome by everyone that knows him/her. someone who commonly misspells onomatopoeia because they incorrectly believe that logical spelling does not apply to words describing a sound. the perfect definition of an adorable being. could also be used as referring to someone as a princess.
smileypop9 posted over a year ago
haha! i have no idea what omomatopia means but ok! :D
RobinFan360 posted over a year ago
CheekyCheese said:
1. An extremely attractive girl whos flirty personality and curvacious figure will keep you coming back for more. She's typically a brunette but occasionally acts blonde. She enjoys long relationships and has many close guy friends. Often mistaken for a "slut" but really isn't. She can also be a super bitch if you get onto her bad side.

2. A valuable gem. Fossilised tree sap, sometimes contains preserved bugs. A shade of Orange.
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posted over a year ago 
Ice_wolf said:

1. A guardian spirit or guiding influence.
A kind and lovable person.
One who manifests goodness, purity, and selflessness.
Someone with such a pure soul, who brightens the earth, and people around them.

2. The girl who makes your heart jump when she enters the room.
The girl who breaks it as she leaves.

#1 sounds a lot like me.
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posted over a year ago 
nice name :)
smileypop9 posted over a year ago
swiddlewiddle said:
The 'Ana' are an extremely short and cute species of female. They tend to be good friends with the Evi species. This is due to their unique, yet awesome, view of life and choice of friends. The Ana are known to make people smile. They also tend to be great athletes in sports such as fencing.
Guy 1: Dude, that girl was freaking awesome!
Guy 2: Yeah, um, no shit.
Guy 1: ...
Guy 2: She's an Ana.
Guy 1: Ohhhhhh. *wave of understanding*

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posted over a year ago 
rapunzeleah123 posted over a year ago
*wave of understanding* lol!
rapunzeleah123 posted over a year ago
queenamifan said:
my name is ami, i have no defenition appart from in french it means friends which i have none of!!
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posted over a year ago 
Lolly4me2 said:

"shes the funkiest, grooviest, most luvable gal eva, she rox! Sofie is pretty, funny n god dam kewl! (this gals not afraid to die her hair pink!!)
wen u c a funky, sexi gal in da shoppin centre, at da cinema or on a beach- u can bet ur ass shes a sofie!!"

Except the 'pretty' part
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posted over a year ago 
lol! i think so. :D
smileypop9 posted over a year ago
DirtyDiamond said:
Def 1:A super-sweet girl. Extremely gorgeous and tons of fun. When you meet one you will want to be a huge part of her life but you would have to be very lucky for it to happen. An Abigail will stay on your mind forever so you will know when you meet one.

Def 2:The girl who is always searching for herself. The girl who feels beautiful when spreading joy to others, but has difficulty doing so. The girl who may often fear losing her sanity, because she so often comes close to it, but you never know it because she settles quietly to the side of the room. The girl who tends to keep to herself, but if you give her reason to trust her and time to open up, and you treat with respect, then you're in for an amazing experience with a beautiful person. The girl that intimidates you, in some way or another, because of her silent power, so everyone leaves her to be alone. She is highly intuitive and creative, with a vast imagination. She is strong, intelligent, and knows what is beautiful in life.

Def 3:A beautiful girl, has lots of friends, crazy fun, and is always single.
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posted over a year ago 
there is actually 10 definations for my name.
DirtyDiamond posted over a year ago
RiderOfTempest said:
THE most beautiful girl that has and will ever lived
Sexy as humanly possible
There is nothing cuter than Alyza

wow. not much of a definition i'll give you that, it makes me kinda mad...
i'm gonna try again...
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posted over a year ago 
xxXsk8trXxx said:
"Amazing, Extremely sexy, Attractive, tendency to geek out to music and random things, cute, funny, amazing in bed, awesome kisser, nice ass, AMAZING PERSONALITY!!!"

Sounds like me. And I do indeed have a nice ass.
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posted over a year ago 
darkkhorn19 said:

Highly intellectual male with enormous hair and little or no social skills. Has relationships bordering on homo erotic with his red headed friends. Admired by the ladies due to his rugged and hairy good looks supposedly enormous genitalia. All round nice guy.

Nearly perfectly on the mark.

A badass rugged mother fucker who gets ALL them bitches.

Short & Sweet. Not to mention correct.

Noun - Quite possibly the most sought after man in NOVA and also in Virginia Beach. Most women want to sleep with him after only a short chat, and men want to be just like him.

I need to go To NOVA and Virginia Beach. 8D

An incredibly seductive male who drives two brunette girls crazy. A Mysterious guy who often fiddles around with stationary, and has perfect hair. Some people may find him frighting and extremely...lifeless. Hobby's including biting

Righty-O, my hoe.

To be simultaneously sane and insane.
Corollary: Amuse the deity of your choice.

...Literal definition? XD

A kid that is real nice has a lot of friends is understanding and never is an ass doesn't put up with shit and so one and is always one the game and never losses a girl friend/boy friend easily


A lesbian who can put you under a spell to make you have sex with her.

Replace with faggot, and you're right on the mark!
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posted over a year ago 
Duncan-superfan said:
Okay.. Here is all the definitions..


the hottest bitch on this planet. a female who loves sumo wrestlers at night.

Sounds about right. I do love my sumo wrestlers. xD


a girl who is awesome. i think it also means ladylike in greek. you pronounce it kee ruh if you didnt know. not kye ruh.

No! My name is pronounced 'kye-ruh'. >3>''


The most amazing girl I know. She is gorgeous and funny. She always has a good time even if what you are doing isn't that much fun. Kyra has an amazing personality. She is also amazing at dancing and singing. She is the hottest greek girl you'll ever meet. Kyra is also a huge flirt all of the time, but she will deny that. She is really easy to talk to about anything.

Honestly.. This one probably fits me best. ^^
(Except I'm not greek and I'm not good at dancing)
Seriously, the other stuff is kinda true. :3
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posted over a year ago 
victoria7011 posted over a year ago
Duncan-superfan posted over a year ago
victoria7011 said:
Really nice, makes you laugh, beautiful, has a lot of passion, great friend to have

2.     Victoria     

In Ireland, this is a name givin to someone that makes you laugh alot.
I was laughing all day because of a Victoria i know.

3.     Victoria     

A name given to the most ridiculously amazing, beautiful, sweet, gorgeous, incredible, cute, all around perfect girl in the whole Universe. She is just stunning, she can light up the darkest rooms with her smile, and bring up anyones day with her voice, there is nothing wrong with her at all, she just never ceases to amaze anyone, her beauty is hypnotic and her eyes are mesmerizing, she herself is so magnetic, on a scale of 1 to 10 she is an Eleventy Fortyfour,she may seem like a good girl but have a night with her and you'll discover her total bad girl side, she is into pink fuzzy handcuffs and leather,but you still cant help but remain in love with her,even though she is incredibly kinky.
Gosh! When I saw Victoria pass by my zipper broke!
amazing incredible people who have banged james

4.     Victoria     1710 up, 426 down

Italian name meaning "Victorious" or "Victory" given to a girl that embodies the highest level of beauty. The best Victoria's are found in Iceland.
italian long island feminist hot sexy

5.     Victoria     1225 up, 238 down

Beautiful, hot, loves to party

6.     victoria     603 up, 54 down
buy victoria mugs, tshirts and magnets
There are countless definitions out there that attempt to explain this rather unusual and amazing specimen of a woman. She is the most beautiful, intelligent, talented, intriguing, funny person you will ever get the pleasure of meeting, trust me. If it needs to get done she will get it done. In other words, a Victoria is a fascinating wonder woman.
Dude 1: So, did you meet Victoria?

Dude 2: Yeah, I was introduced last night. It was the most amazing and life altering experience I ever had.

Dude 1: Whoa dude. That's hot...
victoria life altering oh my goddess amazing
by unexplainablephenomenon Jul 12, 2009 share this
7.     Victoria     799 up, 322 down
buy victoria mugs, tshirts and magnets
A true friend, or a BFFL. A victoria is a sexy bitch. Sometimes is a mexican.
Victoria is my best friend, and you should be jealous.
victoria sexy bitch best friend
by Tannerrr Jan 18, 2009 share this
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posted over a year ago 
someone_save_me said:
heehee, this: (sophia)


(yeah, thats actually how they spelled stuff... :p)

not all of it is right. only like half of it... :p in reality, i have no self-confidence whatsoever.
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posted over a year ago 
MarMar_XigLux said:
Ok, to make it clear, my FULL name is Amanda. And I always write AndY instead of AndI (with i) because I'm too lazy to change it and I got used to write Andy with Y, which is the short version of Andrew (no wonder people think I'm a guy online :/
Now that we got that cleared, here's what I found:

"a girl who's fun, rules all guys on video games and is very nice"

Ya know? Sort of true ;P
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posted over a year ago 
tdafan121 said:
1. A very pretty girl who is shy at first but then she will open up. She is very trustworthy and has a great sense of humor. She falls for people fast and doesn't trust easily. She is beautiful inside and out people just don't realize it..... yet. Shes kickass and a great friend to have

Man, Natalie is the total package.
I got to get me a Natalie

2. The most beautiful and loving person i have ever met...i love her and she can be the best peroson ever

1. kind
2. loving
3. beautiful
4. sporty

my best friend has the qualities of a natalie

3. A very cool person. A Natalie is loved by everybody. She is too good for words to desctibe.

Natalie is extremely cool.

Here's the full list:

Am I epic or what? XD

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posted over a year ago 
tdlovr1234 said:
Theres alot, heres a couple(I`m quite satisfied):

Smart, Funny, Charming, Caring, Responsible, Beautiful, Gorgeous Eyes that would be so easy to get lost in, yet you would never care, so lost yet held there so happy so content, and a smile that lights up a room and makes your heart pound. A rare combination, someone beautiful inside as well as outside.
Vanessa is an amazing person.

beautiful; perfect; cutest girl you'll ever see; angel

As stated in other definitions of vanessa she is always known as being cute, and is the basic definition of perfection. she is the most beautiful girl in the world, and is perfect in every single way. people associated with the name vanessa are usually attracted to large wooden clocks.

vanessa is beautful and perfect

Means Butterfly in greek

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posted over a year ago 
Not Braggin!!
tdlovr1234 posted over a year ago
vannesa !
harrypotterfan1 posted over a year ago
Antelo said:
A god-like person, who is basically like a superhero. Typically, what all others strive to be like, yet never acheive the amount of sheer coolness.
That's like me :-D
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posted over a year ago 
sunflowerchild said:
*sighs* I am not defined..... not that that surprises me, really..... :/
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posted over a year ago 
The-MCR-Army said:
Heres mine..

"a cool nice funny and truthworthy person,might be shy at first but then she comes out. A can be pretty cute to others but she has a low self esteem. Wont text or return phone calls to annoying people. a very smart sophisicated person. Isnt afraid to tell you the truth."

This does actually relate to me in many ways =P
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posted over a year ago 
darkmintoutau said:
First three results:

1)The most awesome girl you will meet ever in the history of ever.She will love you like no other. Mary Jane with you and make love like no other. Find her. Keep her. She's amazing and did I mention she's beautiful?

2) Atype of person who doesnt have many good friends but is very loyal and loving. people try to make her feel bad about herself but she usually tends to ignore them. when she is with her real friends she is very outgoing and can laugh at almost anything

3)A chair (usually a small, one person, office chair (WTF? =___=)

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posted over a year ago 
justleeelee said:
THIS! (my name is Leah)

To describe something of such superb standards it almost cannot be described by any word or sentence or onomatopoeia in the English language.

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posted over a year ago 
misse1000 said:
I have two names, my nickname, Missy, and my full name, Marisa

1) Term of address for a girl or young woman, often expressing affection or reprimand (informal).
2) Slang for "miss", endearment, used often as a nickname, usually for a very outgoing hot young girl.
3) A petname used to/for a girlfriend, a crush, or a flirt.
"You're in big trouble Missy!"
"Missy is awesome!"
"Hey Missy, can I take ya out tonight?"
"Good god Missy, you're looking gorgeous tonight!"

And here's Marisa...

MAN-MAGNET!!!!!! thats all there is to say

A large booty. Very shakeable

buy marisa mugs, tshirts and magnets
A very happy, bubbly person who laughs a lot. Usually a brunette with curly hair. A Marisa is confident and has many friends.

Wow. I am a brunette. And my hair is curly.
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posted over a year ago 
DandC4evacute said:
Another word for a french gay man. i have nothing against gays, but I'M AN AMERICAN GIRL!!!
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posted over a year ago 
harrypotterfan1 said:
A moderately common name for an American female; pretty; hot; beautiful; perfect; cutest girl you'll ever see; angel (Vanessa)

totally me :D ♥
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posted over a year ago 
tdlovr1234 posted over a year ago
hell to the yes my dear ! ♥
harrypotterfan1 posted over a year ago
Seastar4374 said:
The definition of a BOSS, a Chaldean name in which all Rochelle's are hot as hell especially since they are Chaldean and a Girl, also an athletic person with a lot of skills on and off of the court. Rochelle's do not grow past 5 foot 5 they are short but very funny. They are skinny but not to skinny.

There u have it.That really is me 2. I'm athletic, 5 foot 3, and I get called hot a lot so yeah.
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posted over a year ago 
13izdabomb said:
This is what I got:

One of the best friends you could ever meet. Sometimes quiet and patient but when she's around a group shes wild and fun. She is always there to listen to you and give you a hug if you need one. She is willing to try anything and is very athletic. She can talk for hours or just have no idea what's going on. She is an overall great person to be around.

Apart from the athletic part, it's creepy how accurate this's for Alexandra btw.
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posted over a year ago 
Shadowlover2011 said:
Mine is WAY to innapropeiate 2 say. O.o Look it up, my names Brianna.
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posted over a year ago 
taytrain97 said:
I'm not doing my real name. All that comes up is a whole bunch of untrue shit basically describing Taylor Swift, and, hell, I'm nothing like that.

Rae: A person who turns your negativity and stigma into the oppositve. Very attractive, sexy, considerate, adorable, hopeless romantic (but you should be too so its ok) humble and a perfectionist. Rae's have good insight and will always tell you the truth about anything whether you like it or not you were realize it was good or you and that they're right. This person will always make you a better person and you cannot help but to love everything about them, even the imperfection, they are just that great. A homie, lover, friend 100%.

...Pfff. No. Not even close. Nice try, though. :p
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posted over a year ago 
lollipopszx3 said:
Stephanie is very nice and caring towards everyone and she always has a smile on her face no matter what and even though she doesnt know it she is very beautiful and smart.
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posted over a year ago 
emilyroxx said:
buy rosalie mugs, tshirts and magnets
Rosalie is a large-breasted, compassionate, articulate, intelligent and attractive woman who always puts those around her needs' before her own.

She thinks she best in people but is often disappointed and has a gift for creative activities."

*Sigh* they got everything right except for the 'large breasted' bit.
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posted over a year ago 
LunaShay said:
"the most perfect, cute, beautiful, and sexiest woman on the planet, with brains, and a amazing personality. her smile and laugh could light up a room.
'i wish my girlfriend was a kirstyn'
'man, shes such a kirstyn'"
...8D This made my day..

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posted over a year ago 
LinaHarrow said:
-The name "Sarah" is translated from the Hebrew language. It means "Princess"...and rightly so!

-a sexy little creauture!

-A quiet, sensitive girl. Loves animals and loves to be with people. Not selfish and thinks of others constintly. doesnt always revolve her life around guys, and thinks education is more important.

-A hero, a friend, a sexy peice of ass
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posted over a year ago 
Well, at least the 1st and the 3rd are accurate.
LinaHarrow posted over a year ago
Spi_Kat_Penguin said:
The most amazing girl ever. She's beautiful, smart, funny, and can always make you smile.

Creepy... Exactly right...
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posted over a year ago 
Hot_n_cold said:
Maggie: 1. A girl who doesn't trust or fall in love easily(This is true.) (CAUTION: if you are lucky enough to have her fall for you, she has a soft heart that is easily hurt. Be good to her.) She can be confusing, but only needs you to tell her and things will clear up. She can be beautiful inside and out. Her spirit draws you to her like a magnet. Once you know her, everyday is new. You can never be sure that you know everything about her.

This made me smile. :) Another one is 2. An amazing person. She can always make you smile and laugh, and is unpredictable. Boy-crazy, fun, one of the best friends you'll ever have. Has beutiful hair.

3. Commonly used dog's name. If your name is Maggie, chances are every person that ever meets you who happens to have a dog named Maggie (Which will be at least 25% of the people you meet in your life) will immediately reply with, "Oh. My dog's name is Maggie! How cute!" Because they think you A) Care and B) Also think this is "cute".

Maggie: "Hi, I'm Maggie, nice to meet you."
Girl: "Oh! Your name is Maggie?! My dog's name is Maggie!"
Maggie: *in head: I don't give a fuck.* "That's nice. You should introduce me to her."

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posted over a year ago 
Sasume said:
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she kicks someone's ass when necessary.

A sweet girl with a cheery disposition on life, love and friendship. A cute girl.

Someone who is hard to understand. She can be crazy, but her friends love her for that. Can have a bad temper but gets over it fast. Loves being random, is well liked.

absolutely true...
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posted over a year ago 
123YuukiAngel said:
...A woman who flaunts herself as slutty,dependant, stupid. Basically anything negative......Am i rlly like that!?!?!? *Puppy eyes fill up*

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posted over a year ago 
*goes into demon-mode* FANGIRL RAAAAAAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *smashes through childrens hospital
123YuukiAngel posted over a year ago
xxAjulietxx said:
:) yes...

1.a bad ass motherfucker who won't take no shit off of nobody

2.A fly, crazy, fresh, princess, ditzy, beautiful, gangster, barbie, diva, fun, irritating, badass, playertastic, indescribable; young lady who always looks her best.
not many can handle her.
someone who is talked about; on a regular basis. but doesnt give a fuck.
someone who knows what she deserves and won't settle for anything less.
She just floats with ease, and never struggles with anything she does.
She must always meet the expectations and live up to her rightful name of the awesomest person everyone knows. the best name ever!!!
most ppl named Ashley are hot, sexy, sweet, GREAT in bed, can make you laugh, straight gangsta, and are the best thing that ever happened to the world!!!

3.A girl that's one of a kind, the most rare female on the face of the earth, the kind that every boy dreams about, the kind that you long for, the kind that you think is out of this world. Well, I found her, and she's in a league of her own...You know, she's that hot lady you saw that day at the grocery store, that lady you wish you had. She's the pretty girl in that movie you saw. She's the girl behind the microphone when you listen to your music and this angelic voice is heard. She's the kind of perfect girl that you think about when you're beating off in your bedroom late at night. Haha, but really, I'm serious. She's a stone cold fox, and she's the girl responsible for the heat on those hot summer days, she's like, uber hot. Really.

4.a drop dead gorgeous girl with an amazing figure, and the body of a goddess

5.Someone who knows what they want in life and won't stop till they get it... Does what she wants, when she wants and takes responsibility for her actions. This one has a mind of her own so look out and stay clear of her..

These are just a few...
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posted over a year ago 
Mallory101 said:
This :

I swear, God must have wrote this.
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This :

I swear, God must have wrote this.
posted over a year ago 
DxCFan01Baby said:
(My fake name on here is Courtney)
A woman who is known for being curious. She is good at organizing things. She is a loyal and trustworthy friend. She is very bubbly and bright. She is well liked by everyone who gets to know her. She is a jealous person, but people are also extremely jealous of her. She is beautiful inside and out.

Courtney is an incredible human being. Get to know her.

beautiful fun loving cute loyal trustworthy sexy sensual

haha cool i guess :D

(My real Name Gabriela)

a really beautiful girl with amazing boobs that is really hard to get. if you get her you are a lucky man. often gets mistaken for a bitch but shes the nicest person you will ever meet. chillest girl on earth and if you get to know her you will love her

person 1: dude i spent like a month trying to get with gabriela

person 2: yeah man she really is something

gabriella gabby gabs sexy amazing

Umm I guess its all true, for my real kinda made me feel violated lol
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posted over a year ago 
IHWTA said:
... WHY is it so ACCURATE?!
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... WHY is it so ACCURATE?!
posted over a year ago 
DracoLuver said:
A type of rare mythical feathered creature who visited the Earthly realms to cause mischief. From Ancient Latin Folklore.

I don't even know...

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posted over a year ago 
x-menobsessed26 said:
A beautiful female who is slightly goofy and really crazy in all areas of her life; never forgotten and always lovable.

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posted over a year ago 
Protegemoi said:

1. Just a normal girl who may be very antisocial. May not be awesome. May be no one will ever notice her. May be somewhat smart, but freaks out when she has a B. May be not pretty or have an appealing personality. May be so reserved that she can't even talk to people without being awkward. May be trying to find who she is, what she like, and may be she'll never know and will never reach her dreams-of which she may not have any.

2. Rude, tricky and Indecisive, can be very much a perfectionist and sly with words, this one will tend to read way too much into anything and quickly assumes the worst about a situation, leading to frequent verbal conflicts and alienation.This person needs something to boost her self esteem thus it is completly possible that this person is an overachiever and sometimes is known to watch MTV in order to have a life to mimmick as thier own.

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posted over a year ago 
iamagagamonster said:
a girl who is beautiful, has intense green eyes, has an amazing personality, is the perfect weight, and every guy should love her for her amazing and caring heart.

A girl who is beautiful.. Um ok
Who has intense greeen eyes... Umm i have brown eyes
amazing personality.. Umm okkkkk
Perfect weight... Ok i'm gona stop you right there
Every guy should love me.. Um yea not every guy is straight soooo..

#2 an insanely hot chick with passion, force, and strong sexy eyes. [Ummm ok]

#3. A boy or a girl who is usually very hot/sexy. Can be annoying and might be weird. Try their best to get your attention and really want to be with the hottest and coolest person. Will do some bizzare things but are very nice. [Weird...]

#4 Most likely enjoys the little things in life.

Like cheese... [Yes! Very tru!]
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posted over a year ago 
KillingIsGood said:
1.     chuck    511 up, 36 down
buy chuck mugs, tshirts and magnets
A portmanteau of chill and fuck, meaning "chill as fuck."
Brent Grimes is chuck.
chill fuck awesome tits chills
by Indeed2442 Dec 5, 2010 share this
2.     Chuck    668 up, 382 down
buy chuck mugs, tshirts and magnets
the best television show in the history of the universe. it has everything; romance, comedy, action, and all around wit. the best show you will ever watch
person 1: "Hey! did u watch that episode of Chuck last night?"

person 2: "Ya! it was super intense. sarah and chuck are perfect together. I cant wait for the next episode!"

television romance comedy action wit
by chucklover Apr 28, 2009 share this
3.     Chuck    368 up, 93 down
buy chuck mugs, tshirts and magnets
Radical or Extremely cool person.
Did you see that guy, he was totally chuck.

You're just jealous cause I am so damn chuck.
rad cool awsome mad incredible
by VivaLaChuck May 24, 2009 share this

4.     Chuck    343 up, 101 down
buy chuck mugs, tshirts and magnets
Cool, awesome, etc. In full, it means something as awesome as Chuck Norris. The ultimate compliment, since Chuck Norris is the coolest of the cool.

"Man, that trick was so chuck!!"
chuck norris compliment awesome cool
by Chuck-strich May 19, 2008 share this
5.     chuck    298 up, 65 down
buy chuck mugs, tshirts and magnets
You can use it to describe someone extremely good looking or if someone says something smart, you agree.
That's so chuck.
He is very chuck.
Good idea, you're so chuck.
smart hot fine true interesting
by Fahimma May 20, 2009 share this
6.     chuck    341 up, 123 down
buy chuck mugs, tshirts and magnets
chuck, as in norris, as in god
Chuck Norris= God... nuff said
chuck norris god chuck norris sexiest man alive
by jordan and jake Jun 14, 2008 share this
7.     Chuck    228 up, 37 down
buy chuck mugs, tshirts and magnets
A nickname for anyone with the name Charlton/Charles
Example 1: Hi my name is Charlton Heston, but you have call me "Chuck". Here's your rebate you damn dirty apes

Example 2: Hi my name is Chuck Norris, and you MUST call me CHUCK
chuck norris charlton heston apes hero awesome bad ass

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posted over a year ago 
TheDesolateOne said:
A super hot computer nerd who is funny, sarcastic, and a bit of a bad ass.
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posted over a year ago 
vlad_todd_fan said:
Name: Michael

A very cool guy who makes everyone laugh. Once you meet him, you will want to be his friend right away. He is super cute and very good-looking. He has amazing music, clothes, food, everything. Every girl secretly wishes that he could be her boyfriend...mainly because he recently broke up with his girlfriend...mainly because everyone knows that he likes commitment...mainly because he is sweet and knows how to treat a girl...mainly because however strange and wierd he may be, he's perfect. In his own little way, he is perfect.
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posted over a year ago 
That's fearfully accurate
vlad_todd_fan posted over a year ago
NoMoreGas said:
'' Kristoffer is a mystery. You might think you have him figuered out, but thats just his act. He likes to play naive and nice to get information or to hide the real him. There is much debth in him, a very philosophical guy that when he first beginns can blow your mind with his genious words and thoughts. ''

OMG! hahah this is sort of accurate. O_O LOVES IT!
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posted over a year ago 
Me_Iz_Here said:
meaning gorgeous or beautful
something richer and beter than life itself.

A beautiful young girl, someone who is loving, funny, and amazing... Anika's usually like animals with two toes.

The swedish name for Light
A good name

An example of the female specimen, known to possess the following traits:
-Avid roof-runner
-tendency to mispronounce simple words (no r's)
-hair that's a lot like those markers that are one color but then you use the white marker to change it to a completely different color, and you continue to draw until the paper has turned an unsettling shade of brown
-vertigo (add three-inch heels to a sky-scraper height)
-frugal (enlists creepy Buddha eyes to look over her wallet)

(Anika, Uh-Nee-Kuh)
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posted over a year ago 
My nikname, Nika, and this totally applies to me minus perfect body: A beautiful girl who loves to laugh and smile effortlessly. A girl who is weird and random. A girl with a perfect smile, perfect eyes, perfect body, perfect personality. Plus so much more.
Me_Iz_Here posted over a year ago
InquisitiveOwl said:
My name, Sonia: Sonia is a gorgeous masterpiece created by God to bring beauty into this world and get rid of ugly people.
I disagree, I'm ugly and respect others no matter how ugly they look. And from what I know, Sonia means "wisdom" in Greek.

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posted over a year ago 
Rainsky57 said:
1. The most amazing, beautiful, awesome, spectacular, gorgeous, cute, incredible, breathtaking, wonderful, pretty, adorable, and most importantly cutifulazing girl ever. I love Elizabeth because ^^^

2. AWESOME! awesome awesome. Awesomeness. More awesome. omg I love Elizabeth she rules at life

3. Very sexy, sweet, and innocent. Cares for others and is always there for "me". Through the hard times and the good, she is always there. The one that I want to be with really bad and do not know when I will grow the balls to ask this gorgeous angel from heaven out
I want a girl like Elizabeth

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posted over a year ago 
shadjinx said:
A fly, crazy, fresh, princess, ditzy, beautiful, gangster, barbie, diva, fun, irritating, badass, playertastic, indescribable; young lady who always looks her best.
not many can handle her.
someone who is talked about; on a regular basis. but doesnt give a fuckkk.
someone who knows what she deserves and won't settle for anything less.
She just floats with ease, and never struggles with anything she does.
She must always meet the expectations and live up to her rightful name of the awesomest person everyone knows.

Oh my...XD
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posted over a year ago 
My nickname, starlight, means: To be outstandingly popular, charismatic and charming on internet forums. WTF?
shadjinx posted over a year ago
Gred_and_Forge said:
I only have 6 results (yeah for not so popular names!)

The top result is:

Someone who is very pretty, has lots of friends, fierce, takes good pictures, good kisser, friendly, nice, loves life.


The complete opposite of that listed this:

A hellbent little bitch ready to suck your life away to only ruin anothers.
Also the word substitute for fuck.


select as best answer
I only have 6 results (yeah for not so popular names!)

The top result is:

Someone who is very pretty, has lots of friends, fierce, takes good pictures, good kisser, friendly, nice, loves life.


The complete opposite of that listed this:

A hellbent little bitch ready to suck your life away to only ruin anothers.
Also the word substitute for fuck.

posted over a year ago 
Mrs-X said:
Dude there are like 10 definitions...

1- A strong name for a strong woman
A Sandra, especially one born under the star (sun) sign of Aries tends to be intelligent, witty, extremely open, honest & passionate and will do whatever it takes to uphold her morals. While these are extremely admirable traits, they also mean that they should never be crossed. Hope you are paying attention, you have been warned!!
On the flipside, if you do the right thing (and why wouldn’t you?) a Sandra will go out of her way to make your life beautiful.
While fiercely independent, a Sandra has both a strong sense of community and family and will do whatever it takes (regardless of personal cost) to defend and protect those that she cares about.
Do yourself a favour – find a Sandra; stocks are limited and they are (rightly so) in high demand.
Need a friend?
Look no further than Sandra

2- A Sandra is known to have striking intelligent features. Tends to be the bravest In a group of people. Although clumsy at times, always recovers from a stumble Like a ballerina in flip flops.

3- one who is sweet as sugar and twice as nice!

4- A beautiful woman inside and out.intelligent,witty,loves to laugh.helpful,very loyal,devoted,Queen.hardworking,one of a kind.blessed.pretty rare eyes.nice body. mean at times,sexy.easily hurt.but strong woman.goes through tough times but never gives up.always looks passed ur bullshit and sees the good in you.accepts you for who you are.always hated on.will rarely turn their backs on you.

5- The most amazing girl in the world.

6- The coolest girl you'll ever meet.

7- The most beutiful girl in the world. she's the perfect in everyway and gorgouse as well. She is very sweet, beutiful, funny, HOT!, and the love of my life which my heart is given too.I LOVE YOU!

Yes that's my name.
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posted over a year ago 
BlindBandit92 said:

An amazing guy who is so funny, and wonderful. Someone who can brighten anyone's day no matter how sad they are. He's sweet, and handsome. He can be sarcastic but he gets it from me, well some of it. He gets scared of nonscary things, and he has an amazing sense of style with wicked hair to accompany it. His smile is adorable, and his laugh is too. He smells like heaven, even though I don't know the exact name of the cologne he uses. I can pretty much say that I'm in love with this guy, entirely. His name means more to me than it would to anyone else, and I'm pretty sure of that.

Most of this stuff is correct
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posted over a year ago 
nymph_tonks said:
rebbeca: An amazing girl, with a loving personality, amazing looks, and is overall pretty perfect
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posted over a year ago 
taismo723 said:
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posted over a year ago 
monkey0502 said:
There is like 16,00000 Definitions for my name but I'm only going to do the front page.

My name is Kelly
1. the coolest person you will ever meet. may be irish or canadian but who the fuck cares cause canadians are pretty fucking sweet

2. The most wonderful girl I will ever meet, she's pretty, smart, kind, funny....I could go on forever! I love her and she doesn't even know it...Definately the coolest person in the world.
"See her? That's Kelly she's the coolest person ever!"
(so true! XD)

3. person of extreme phisical attractiveness, with the eyes of a goddess, and hair of a model.
Verb- To sway, or walk in a way that makes males sweat

4. Most wonderful person to chat with.
Check Kerstin for other meanings...
Kelly said: I drove my car against a wall, and I was like roflomfg

5. Kelly (pronounced /ˈkɛli/) is an Irish origin given name and surname. It's been adapted to mean "Brave Warrior" in many English language armies (for example, the Irish Army, British Army, and Australian Army), and "Warrior Princess" by American popular culture. Kelly is the second most common family name in Ireland (after Murphy).Originally an Anglicised form of the ancient Irish Gaelic name Ceallach, possibly meaning "bright-headed", "strife", or "church, monastery".

6. second most common irish surname ever

(There was a sexaul one 2 I didn't include it)
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posted over a year ago 
heres anotheer one which i totally agree with
monkey0502 posted over a year ago
Warrior princess, so bow down. She demands respect, but gives it too. Face of an angel, kind, sexy, generous, fun loving beauty. Perfect features, gorgeous hair, white straight teeth, sparkling green eyes, round curvy ass. Every guy wants a Kelly. Every girl wants to be a Kelly. She has plenty of people to choose from and treats them all special. Never talks bad about others. Smart, fashionably dressed. Always a standout in a crowd. Mostly outgoing, sometimes shy, which can be mistaken for snooty, but isn't. Great business sense. It's great to be a Kelly
monkey0502 posted over a year ago
She is one of the most caring people you will ever meet. She is sensitive, sweet, kind, loyal, and responsible. She is the kind of friend everyone wants to have. She is an artist, she is good at everything related to art and crafts. She loves God with all her heart, He is the center of her life. She loves her family and friends. She is a people-person; she loves to hang out with friends. She is very nurturing; if anyone is in need of help - she is there. She is a kid at heart, loves to play with children, has pets, and loves games. She loves music and singing; and likes karaoke. She is strong, competitive and goal-oriented. She loves to travel and adventure, she has lots of stamps in her passport
monkey0502 posted over a year ago
She is one of the most caring people you will ever meet. She is sensitive, sweet, kind, loyal, and responsible. She is the kind of friend everyone wants to have. She is an artist, she is good at everything related to art and crafts. She loves God with all her heart, He is the center of her life. She loves her family and friends. She is a people-person; she loves to hang out with friends. She is very nurturing; if anyone is in need of help - she is there. She is a kid at heart, loves to play with children, has pets, and loves games. She loves music and singing; and likes karaoke. She is strong, competitive and goal-oriented. She loves to travel and adventure, she has lots of stamps in her passport
monkey0502 posted over a year ago
DEf.1:A beautiful girl. the name mackenzie itself means 'little princess.' she's quick-witted and very funny, she can be very charming. she also can be the biggest bitch you'll know,and doesn't take shit from anyone. she's a little crazy,but in the end you love her y.
Def.2:an extemely gorgeous girl. a princess, and someone who will always be there for you
Def.:buy mackenzie mugs, tshirts and magnetsAn extremely gorgeous girl that is beyond cool and is really well known in multiple states because of her total awesome-ness
Def.4:a silly girl who is someone that takes a few looks to notice that she's beautiful. she can be a clumsy, embarrassed klutz sometimes but it adds to her attractiveness in a damsel in distress sort of way. she knows how to stand up for herself and earns what she gets. she loves music and dance. she is smart and has an good attitude.
"hey who's that?" Robert
"wait who?" Lucy
" the pretty one who just ran into the door.
Def.5:no doubt the most amazing girl ever. so cool and funny. sometimes she doesnt know how amazing and hot she is, but she definitly is 100% amazing, classy, sexy as fuck, smart, cool and fun. someone you can love to death.
Def.6:Hot, funny, girl who just wants to have fun. Usually likes to dance and has a texting obsession. Everyone wants to be her friend. Mostly boys though but girls get very jealous and think she's a bitch. Guys always look at her and dump there girlfriends for her. Is sometimes a klutz and runs into things. Also loves soda.
Def.7:An Amazing, Super funny, Girl who can make anyone laugh! She Attends manymany concerts, and everyone LOVES her with a burning passion. Very Attractive and a blond bombshell!! Everyone wants to be close friends with mackenzie but too bad...she already has her besties for life!!
I lol @ these!
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posted over a year ago 
ruby1000 said:
there where a couple personality ones...


Stunning, intellectual youth of the female origin. Always enthusiastic about both housework and socialising with the presence of alcohol. PERFECT.

A really pretty girl who is the envy of all her friends.
Typical party girl.
someone who looks like a supermodel
especially if they have red hair.

that ridiculous hot girl

That mysterious girl that you saw once, but don't know whether you'll see her again. nice hair!

Great or Perfect.

A crazy fun outgoing female that loves to have a good time and party!!! She is definitely GORGEOUS and GREAT in bed!!! And she is well known for her ASS...In addition to her good looks she has an awesome personality and she makes everything fun...but don't cross her the wrong way or you will regret it.

mhhh, that sounds pretty good... not much like meXD
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posted over a year ago 
yukikiyruu said:
The hottest and most intelligent piece of ass on the west coast. Known for her veracious apetite in men.
The wonderful girl who will always listen to you, and will stand by your side no matter what. A true Friend <3
The hottest and most intelligent piece of ass on the west coast.
Known for her veracious apetite in men.
these are three definations of my name
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posted over a year ago 
Shelly_McShelly said:
I put my name in and it was so true! "...are the best at speaking French, and are excellent at Biology...".
OMG, my two best subjects at school are French and Biology!
(the rest was just a bunch of crap)

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posted over a year ago 
XxiggyrawkxX1 said:
A kind,awesome young woman, who is friendly to everyone.She is a very outgoing person and she cares about her friends and family.
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posted over a year ago 
lolibarbie said:
a bad ass motherfucker who who won't take no shit off of nobody

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posted over a year ago 
Sandfire_Paiger said:
A very outgoing but shy girl,(true)can always make you laugh and fun to be around,(idk)tends to be athletic but girly and cute at the same time,(sort of)she always has the cutest clothes no matter what,(NO)she is easy to love(idk)and has a great personality(opinionated)and will talk to anybody(sort of). she is definatly one of the greatest people alive(NEVER)

Its half like me! the girly parts, sorta, not really. The athletic sort of, i guess. I wear a t-shirt and jeans!
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posted over a year ago 
#3 is MUCH more like me!
Sandfire_Paiger posted over a year ago
#3: a girl who is amazing, funny, and all around a great person. Sometimes thinks to low of herself, but has no reason to at all. She is easy to love and has a great personality. Generally younger than the rest, but definatly one of the greatest people alive.
Sandfire_Paiger posted over a year ago
a great person/greatest person alive=NOT TRUE!! I do not have the perfect personality at all!
Sandfire_Paiger posted over a year ago
ILuvSweeneyTodd said:

1. Likes vintage clothing, big boobied, wears ribbons in her hair, very smart and flirty, usally of jewis desent, has maltesermoments.
(Haha, hell no!)

2. An amazing, beautiful person. Brown hair, blue eyes. Tall, with grace and elegance. The bestfriend you could ever have. Caring, loving and truthful. A person you will remember for all your life for her selflessness and her kindness.
(I don't have brown hair or blue eyes.)

3. In the movie the princess and the frog the firefly raymond has a "girlfriend" named Evangeline.

Raymond: I say goodnight to Evangeline every night.
Princess thinking: Umm thats a star.
(Well, I'm pretty sure I'm a human.)

4. A term often used poetically to refer to parts of Southern Louisiana.

"He's going home to Evangeline".
(Great. Now I'm a region of America)

And the definitions of Evie are disturbing, so I'm not going to post them. :s
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posted over a year ago 
TotalDramaChick said:
A girl who is known for being beautiful both inside and out. Usually on the shy side, they can come off as boring. However, once a Charlotte opens up, she is charming, kind, intelligent and funny. Usually have great smiles. The girl that all the guys are secretly in love with. Said to be very good in bed. Charlottes are fun-loving and enjoy being around people. Loves to party but is very chill, most Charlottes are not wild and crazy. They have a good sense of the world around them and love their family and friends. Anybody would be lucky to have a Charlotte in their life.

Guy 1: Yo, man, that girl is a Charlotte.
Guy 2: Damn, your right, I wish she would notice me

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posted over a year ago 
NomyCake said:
A girl with class, grace, poise and elegance
Audrey Hepburn was a real Hannah.

Well, it describes my alter ego fairly well, at least.
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posted over a year ago 
zanesaaomgfan said:
the best thing since slice bread.
basically she is amazing!
guy1 - woh did you see gabriella tonight?
guy2 - yeh she looked fine

LOL Here's the real deal.

Gender: Female
Pronounced: Gah-bree-EL-ah (Italian)

Italian and Hungarian form of Gabriel. Originally Hebrew.

Gabriella's posses strong and attractive personalities. They either fall into the sensitive, shy, gentle and patient category. Or the exhibitionist and lively aura. Both mend and tend to be loyal and honest beings. They are frank (friendly) and humanitarian among others. Their originality and inventive personalities draw many in. They are on another perceptive fairly independent on some terms. They enjoy showing off their intellectual status and humorous remarks every once in awhile. Whenever they express themselves emotionally or spiritually, you would know. They are nearly always clear minded, concise and logical.

Gabriella's do not give themselves easily. However, once they do decide that one is worthy of their friendship or love, they can exert an almost hypnotic and irresistible attraction on them and are willing to sacrifice anything for them.

On the dark side.. they are somewhat perverse and unpredictable. They are intractable or contrary sometimes and if you let them they become detached from their surroundings.

She is strength in God, and Loved by Him.
Gabriella was a given gift.

Gabriella, look out for the dinosaurs!

So true.
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posted over a year ago 
kaboomgirl said:

The girl who always has a good time. The girl who is always making people laugh, and who is easily loved. The girl who is beatiful on the inside and the outside. The girl has slammin hips. The girl whose dedicated, and has a rockin family. The girl who is the best best friend ever, amazing all around!!

I don't mean to brag, but that is SOOOOO me xD
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posted over a year ago 
-Wednesday- said:
wow mine~

Madi: An undefinable girl and in some strange cases a guy. Madi's are not easy to find. If you ever meet a Madi you should immediatley go into the fetal position and hope to god the true fantasticness of this girl (boy sometimes) will shine down on you like the rays of the sun.
The most amazing person you could ever meet. Very beautiful. A Madi sometimes finds herself in trouble, but finds her way out using her awesome personaloty. A really amazing friend. If you meet a Madi, your sure to love her.    
A girl that is usually overlooked. She has self confidence issues making her very shy, but she tries to venture outside her shell. Is admired by many, but is completely oblivious to it. Is the most loyal companion you will ever have and makes the perfect girl friend. Most attractive thing about a Madi is that she is gorgeous and doesn't even know it.    
One of the nicest people you will ever meet. Nice to everyone, beautiful smile, nice boobs, good at surfing, and a great friend.    
is a very caring, pretty girl who loves being around her friends and family, she's very shy but will attempt to talk to you if she thinks its worth her time. Madi's make perfect girl friends and best friends..concider yourself lucky to know a Madi    
Madi... a Person who loves life. Who is greatful for much. A person who does not like taking from others. A person.... a awesome, cool,funny,weird, nice person.
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posted over a year ago 
HyperSophz1 said:
:D so me... XXD yay!
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:D so me... XXD yay!
posted over a year ago 
supernatural15 said:
:O..just wow...

LeeAnn: A smart, loving, exotic, crazy beautiful girl. She'd be there for anyone who needed it and knows how to get along with other people. She's meant for long term relationships but other men find her attractive as well. Usually with a light complexion. LeeAnn's know how to have a really good time, but only in her type of way. She's very patient but can be ticked off at a certain point. She's a beautiful sexy girl who ages but doesn't lose any beauty at all. She's one of a kind and unique, if you get to know her you will automatically become attached to her.

Second one: An amazing, sexy, most perfect girlfriend. Any guy would be super lucky to be her boyfriend. Looks for a guy that is funny, really cute, and has a charming vibe. She is not easily played at all. She loves to have a great time, and can make a great time anywhere she goes. She is a very energetic person, loving friend/girlfriend. She is crazy fun to be with and around. She loves to make new friends. She is A stunning brunet but can act like a blonde.(lol Im a blonde not a brunet)

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posted over a year ago 
XxGuardianxX said:
Mines some song about niggas. XD
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posted over a year ago 
Sammisaurus said:
Usually a name for a person that is a walking Goddess. Gorgeous to the maximum, fun to talk to, easy to befriend with a sexy booty. Often pulls off the innocent act but she gets around.

It's so, deep. I looked at more than one, and they all seem to include something about a nice ass. I like this one better:

A gorgeous girl that is just herself all the time. Doesn't try to impress anyone, and hates when people try to impress her. Not a snob & not a jealous person. Ever. Mess with her, you'll have other people to deal with. She's the type of person people can trust and be very close to.
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posted over a year ago 
darkwave said:
An amazingly happy, yet clumsy person, who is so nice and is always helpful to cheer up everyone else. :DD
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posted over a year ago 
animegrl52p said:
This is for my full first name:

A hot girl with a hot name.
Often smart, but at some times unattentive and ill-mannered.
Usually a fast learner, and energetic most of the time.

This is my nickname:
Izzy is a midget with amazing hair and a pretty face. She is one of the loudest people you will ever meet and she is very opinionated and will stick by you, no matter what. Izzy is the bestest friend you could wish for.

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posted over a year ago 
Vocaloidcode01 said:
A brown eyed brown haired, beautiful and sexy girl who tends to think a lot and has quite a few close friends. Anastasia has a strong a strong will and a temper. Always up to something and has a dark side. Always loving and kind, she's always there for who she loves. Anastasia has knowledge of the mysterious and the occult and magick and is who you go to when you need help in any of these things. She is sweet and can be found in the woods or in big spooky houses. Anastasia tends to be a happy person but can have moments of weakness and melancholy. She is the type who has been through a lot of hardship, yet still sees the glass as half full. She loves the night.

That's actually quite accurate...
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posted over a year ago 
Vocaloidcode01 posted over a year ago
drunksheep said:
7 Definitions.
normally an Italian girl, who has a great personality and is extremely gorgeous but does not want to admit it. usually very polite and has a beautiful face, loves football(soccer) and prefers to keep her options open. is very patient and can pretend to be interested by all the compliments love struck losers give her. the center of my universe
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posted over a year ago 
16falloutboy said:
This is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard but

Karen is the perfect woman. She has no flaw. She's funny, sweet, smart as hell, and above all, she is extremely gorgeous. She doesn't let anyone push her around and she has a great personality. She has some awesome goals set and always wins my heart. Has great taste in guys. Don't listen to what the other jack-off put. Everybody loves Karen.

I'm not a perfect woman cause guys hate me and I have flaws -_-
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posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
A bad@ss motherf*cker who won't take no sh*t off of anybody...I kid you not. Now I love my name.
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posted over a year ago 
That is awesome. Lucky.
Sammisaurus posted over a year ago
Kadaj said:
is very nice and caring towards everyone and she always has a smile on her face no matter what and even though she doesnt know it she is very beautiful and smart.

I cut out the name part, I really despise my name.
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posted over a year ago 
fangs286 said:
mine and its so odd:

luscious in everyday, serious heart throb, amazing heart, amazing life
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posted over a year ago 
YukiAmuKuran said:
I had to look up the first part of my name, because my full name is too original, but here:
Fine as hell, got curves in all the right places and from a 1 to 10 is a certified 20. (Usher took that from me, dont get it twisted)
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posted over a year ago 
4WS0M3 said:
Brooke : A word more along the lines of Gorgeous , Beautiful , and Pretty
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posted over a year ago 
DmitryVladimir said:

a motor vehicle that is loud, but not fast

a motor vehicle that sounds like it is going like hell, but isn't


Well I like the last one... AWESOME. Haha. :P
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posted over a year ago 
Heartisalone said:
The most sexy girl you will ever meet, known to blow the minds of many men. Extremely talented and beautiful, eyes cut from stars.

The song. "Maria.. I just met a girl named Maria


Okay... XD
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posted over a year ago 
minjoong501 said:
A person deriving from the latin meaning 'Great'. This name often crops up in love poems as being the centre of love and is known for its soft sound when spoken.
A truly beautiful name.

Girl (guys are ginos), and very italian. Normally they're pretty hot. They go to clubs, every week. They wear some of the hottest clothes there is, and always know were the parties are at. AKA the best girl to date!
Gina is Italian meaning "Great". They're normally cute, beautiful, pretty, hott & everything else!

An extremely attractive woman who knows exactly what she wants and always gets her way. Men are very attracted to her and wind up leaving their partners to be with her. Usually has very long dark hair, big juicy lips, and a voluptuous figure with an amazingly perfect rack. Mixed in heritage.

wow most of these don't describe me at all. Name is Gina
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posted over a year ago 
ace2000 said:
The top definition: Amazing, Extremely sexy, Attractive, tendency to geek out to music and random things, cute, funny, amazing in bed, awesome kisser, nice ass , AMAZING PERSONALITY!!!

The actual best definition tho: Beautiful, smart, fun, random, the type girl that you can't help but smile around, the girl you always look at first when she's in a crowd. This is a girl with extreme beauty and an amazing personality. The one you look to when lonely, bored, or sad. She is always fun and trustworthy. The type of girl any man could fall for. The one special type of person around you.
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posted over a year ago 
Wrote "the actual best definition" for the wrong definition >.< Fixed it though
ace2000 posted over a year ago
BennieBear27 said: I'm not like this.

They are the sexiest Ladies ever, and have rockin bodies! They attended the st. benedicts university in st. joe minnesota! They are very focused on their studies (they had to be to get in) but they get distracted when a HOT Johnnie walks by. They love working out, and being active. There favorite foods are delicious, and make them become sexy curvacious during the first year. They are not overweight what so ever tho!
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posted over a year ago 
That's just the one for girls. There are WAAAYYY too many for guys. The curses of gender neutral names.
BennieBear27 posted over a year ago
SilentForce said:
My name got 4 definitions lol:
A highly developed species of human being. Defined by incredible intelligence and high sophistication. Adelina's have superior decision making abilities in absolutely everything so it will be a wise decision to follow their advice in every situation. Their brilliant focus and clarity of mind makes them great drivers on the road. They are also very loyal, selfless, patient and calm. Fantastic at yoga. Just a general all round awesomely fantastic individual. Studies have shown that a typical Adelina's uses 50% more of their brain than the average person.

The word for a flower that is in the process of growing; partially bloomed and partially budding.

A name for a girl. An Adelina makes a great friend. They are great listener's and always tend to think on their feet. They are also very approachable and always have a smile on their face. Adelinas are very gorgeous, they have very curvey bodies and beautiful eyes and hair. A word that would describe an Adelina would be wise!

A small girl witha fiesty attitude. She is shy and quiet when meeting people but afterwards she turns into a fun excitable person. She also is very lazy and likes spicy food.
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posted over a year ago 
boytoy_84 said:
The absolute most perfect person on the planet. No arguments. Everything about this girl is so amazing that she is sometimes thought to be an angel or goddess. She is the most beautiful girl to live on this planet. She will deny that, but it is a true fact and everybody knows it. She is the kindest, most caring person ever who will do anything to make you feel special. And she has the cutest laugh, smile, face, and pretty much anything else you can think of.
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posted over a year ago 
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