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I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I'm in a really tough situation and I don't know what to do!

So my problem is about university. I don't really know what to say about this, but I really don't like my university - I feel very out of place and lost. I hate my accommodation building (which is known as "Chlamydia Court" at the university) and I really don't like my course. To make matters worse, I'm doing very badly in one of my course modules; the course doesn't really offer any career prospects for when I leave uni; and I'm beginning to feel very depressed and stressed out.

But recently I've been thinking about dropping out of my current uni and reapplying to another course, which would start next year. The course I'm looking at is in a very different university, and is in a subject that would definitely help me get a job when I leave. I also think I would enjoy it, but I'm not sure if I trust my judgement anymore - part of wonders whether this is just wishful thinking because I hate my current uni so much. This university is a also lot smaller and has a "community" feel to it, and also has better accommodation and is catered.

I guess I'm just worried that I might be doing this for the wrong reasons. I want to leave because I feel that I have messed up too much at my current uni and I want to start again and do it better. I also feel that it is the wrong choice career-wise. I'm just worried that I'm acting too hastily - people keep telling me that this is just a phase that will pass. I just feel so overwhelmed and confused!

Please help me, and I apologise for my terrible grammar - I'm a bit distracted.
Thank you to everyone who answered this - I really appreciate your advice and consideration, and you've helped to clarify the situation for me. :)
Solas posted over a year ago
 Solas posted over a year ago
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Chaann94 said:
I think you should do it. If the course doesn't provide any good jobs later on, there's no reason to stay in the first place. If you hate uni, I would change courses.

If you're worried about this course, go look up their site and see if you can contact a student who is taking that course to see if it's something that fits you. Furthermore, just follow your instincts.
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posted over a year ago 
That's a pretty smart way of looking at it - I will try try that. :)
Solas posted over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury said:
Don't worry about asking for help here, even this place has some helpful people! ;)

Personally, I think you are acting too hastily. I think you should join another uni and begin anew, but don't ever think you're too late for anything like that. You have a whole life ahead of you, you can always come back on decisions.

I hope this will help you decide. ;)
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posted over a year ago 
Haha, thank you! xD I'll try to take time to think about it carefully, and it's nice to be reminded that it's not the end of the world - I still have time. :)
Solas posted over a year ago
jester616 said:
I've known several younger people who've been in situations similar to yours. They either didn't like their schools or their programs and switched. They all agreed it was the best decision.

It doesn't hurt to talk to other students at the other school you're considering, but if you already know that your current program will not prepare you for a job, then I think you have your answer.
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posted over a year ago 
i agree
Daisy_Shadowgf posted over a year ago
That's a good idea - I'll try it. :) Thank you soo much! I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone in this situation, and that changes could work out for me. :)
Solas posted over a year ago
Daisy_Shadowgf said:
well, im not a university student, but my sister is, acctually, i have one piece of advice for you that works universally and you can apply to any situation. follow your heart. if your heart tells you that you want to go to this other university, then go! whats the risk? you lose one year? i say the biggest risk is to take no risks at all, so go for it! and i wish a lot of luck and much success with your career!
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you. :) Decision-making can be so complicated - it's good to remember to do what feels right.
Solas posted over a year ago
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