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best friend?

Alright, Last year was my first year of high school. I was really excited and nervous at the same time. As soon as high school started, almost everyone I knew changed completely, except for my bff. Most of the girls in my year would talk about boys, trying to make their skirts a little shorter and who should go out with who. My bff and I stayed the same. We would tell each other secrets, talk about the most random things and always laughing together, just like we did in primary. Soon at the start of term 3 she started hanging out with this group of girls. They were nice and funny, but they would talk about the disgusting things (hope you know what I mean!), try to be cool and talk behind peoples back. After that my bff left me and changed from an innocent girl who is always dressed perfectly and nice to everyone. Now a girl who wears heaps of make up and bugs people around her. I miss her and it hurts so much to lose someone that can make you smile everyday! I have other good friends, but they aren't as close as she was. I sometimes feel really lonely without a Best friend, so during my free time I would study and focus on school work, and its slightly getting boring. What should I do? thank you...... :)

 prettyme16 posted over a year ago
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Lt_Kowalski said:
That is very common with teens. Very..

I am not a female, but the only thing I can say is that, as sad is as it is that you lost your best friend, you will one day find another best friend. Maybe you might find her in college. And now that you've seen what you ex best friend is really like, you know now not to hopefully make the same mistake again.. And once you are well into your late teens and early twenties, you will HOPEFULLY have a good life and look back and laugh that off because you will have much better friends. Let's hope they don't screw you over but just hope that you will know more on who to trust and what REALLY big decisions you must make in your life. You are still young. You don't want to make any mistakes. You want to have goals and not worry about the small things. If you make goals now, accomplish them later, you will be proud of yourself. You will meet GOOD friends along the way.. Trust me.

A good friend is one who stays with you all the way through your life when the others have walked out..

I hope that helped. :)
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posted over a year ago 
that is really touching! thanks it made me felt a bit better! :)
prettyme16 posted over a year ago
Really good answer. The only thing I can add is don't try to force a new bff; you will in time have another close friend. It's ok to feel the sense of loss right now. You never know, she could also come back, and then it's up to you if you think the friendship is worth it.
jester616 posted over a year ago
last true :)
coriann posted over a year ago
coriann said:
i know what it's like to love somebody and see their face everyday and know that they will never love you, they will never talk to you again and experience the hurt they put you though in your mind over and over again like a CD

she's changed, people change when they get older, maybe she just wants to be a teen and be popular and cool and enjoy that part of her life to the fullest...and that's what she thinks will get her that, just know that that person you're seeing, it's not the same person you hung out with in primary anymore, most likely she will change again when she gets older, but who cares it isn't about her it's about you and figuring out who you are, enjoy all of the wonderful things that you have and forget her, you may never be able to find a new best friend if you don't move on and forget her, good luck kid
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posted over a year ago 
sometimes losing a best friend could be like, severing one of your limbs ^ ^ XD because you were so close, it's like there is a hole where she was (i've lost a number of best friends) but since she was constant with you for a long time the pain must be greater...but just keep looking forward for new opertunities, and don't look so far ahead that you forget to see the good things that are right in front of you ^ ^
coriann posted over a year ago
all my Cd's are dubstep now. all scratched up :/
seffro posted over a year ago
coriann posted over a year ago
seffro said:
I lost the greatest friend I've ever had a month ago
his parents made it so I may never see/talk to him again
I remember meeting him just like this
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I lost the greatest friend I've ever had a month ago
his parents made it so I may never see/talk to him again
I remember meeting him just like this
posted over a year ago 
lol, i like the did you actually lose someone?
coriann posted over a year ago
prettyme16 posted over a year ago
:\ ....don't give up hope!
coriann posted over a year ago
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