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Do u think God Exist.................????.....

I know its a serious question...............
But i want to know everyone's opinion............about this case..............
everyone have their own beliefs.............
i believe to bt i want to know more..............

no one have seen god...............
but every one believes god...............

i want to know their they believe in god............????
i know there some people who dnt believe in god............but want to know the reason why..................???
KEISUKE_URAHARA posted over a year ago
does the universe exist ? the human eye cant see EVERYTHING or hear EVERYTHING.
Zekrom676 posted over a year ago
This has been asked a lot on Random Club actually my dear Bro, and you will find many who do not believe or have no faith at all... (& no I am not one of them)
Sinna_Hime_chan posted over a year ago
Why? maybe they'll explain...
Sinna_Hime_chan posted over a year ago
 KEISUKE_URAHARA posted over a year ago
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Random Answers

Hamuko said:
Hmm. I used to be Christian, but now I'm agnostic. I'm the kind of person that tends to be very neutral on things.
That's my answer for this question, but there's something related I want to talk about:

I wish people would stop pushing their beliefs on other people.
You believe it can all be explained with science? Alright!
You believe that a God(or multiple Gods) is responsible for it all? Alright!

Keep on believing, it's your way of viewing and explaining things!
If you find someone that doesn't agree, it's not your job to try and convince them!!! Whoa!! Shocking, right?
If someone says they believe in a higher power, don't ridicule them, or say their beliefs are ridiculous. It's an unbelievably shitty thing to do. Everyone has their own reason for believing in what they do; believing in science doesn't make you better or smarter than those who explain things with God, and vice-versa.
On this answer, I saw someone correct a believer's way of viewing things with science- why? Would it kill you to leave them alone and let them believe what they want? Seriously? Are we back in elementary school?
The same goes for religious people who force their beliefs on the non-religious. It's not a nice thing to do. If they believe science is the way to go, let them. They're not hurting anyone.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, view, beliefs, ect. Behaviour like that is what causes all those silly-willy religion wars- which are easily avoidable.

Like. Seriously people. Can we not. Have some respect, please.
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posted over a year ago 
i just want peace
Zekrom676 posted over a year ago
@Sinna, Haha, me too. It's a pretty heartwarming thing, if you ask me!! I'm very thankful that people who are as respectful and kind as you are exist. And loving gestures are quite welcome! <3 uwu
Hamuko posted over a year ago
XD SAME here. @Hamuko makes me really happy! (I struggle at words and being nice lol, but TRY, lol) -this made me feel good! <333333
Sinna_Hime_chan posted over a year ago
Sinna_Hime_chan said:
I believe Kisuke...yes... with all my heart and soul, and I have no doubt :)

I am also very thankful.

I happen to have had a lot of experiences, some of them bad and tragic and I was fortunate enough through my mistakes and calamities that it pushed me toward God, and not away. It made me seek and pray. I am better for it- and it made THE WORLD OF DIFFERENCE, so I would never ever want to go back-EVER... yet, yes, it was a choice.
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I believe Kisuke...yes... with all my heart and soul, and I have no doubt :)

I am also very thankful. 

I happen to have had a lot of experiences, some of them bad and tragic and I was fortunate enough through my mistakes and calamities that it pushed me [i]toward[/i] God, and not away. It made me seek and pray. I am better for it- and it made THE WORLD OF DIFFERENCE, so I would never ever want to go back-EVER... yet, yes, it was a choice.
posted over a year ago 
great answer and i feel the same
Nalu-love posted over a year ago
heh eh he h as the great convincing answer...heh he he he
KEISUKE_URAHARA posted over a year ago
hetalianstella said:
Well, my views are complicated.
I believe truly that anything is possible. We don't know everything there is to know about the universe. I am open to every explanation because for all we know, we could be a figment of someone else's imagination. We could be inside a video game. Our dreams could be reality and our reality could be dreams. The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. I look outside, I look at the grass, I look at trees, I look at the stars at night, I look at animals and other humans and I constantly think about universe and just how fascinating everything is. Just centuries ago we thought it was ridiculous to consider that the Earth rotated around the Sun, but here we are today knowing all of this knowledge about black holes, supernovas, and now there's even evidence of multiple universes? All I can think about is, what the hell is next?

However, I think that if God (or multiple Gods for all we know) exists, it's not going to be anything that we've thought of before. If there is a higher being then it will be very different then what we tend to think of it as. There have been millions and millions of Gods throughout history. The ancient Mayans, Aztecs, Chinese, Roman, Greek, Vikings, Native Americans, ect. Every single ancient civilization has had some sort of perception of God. Hinduism alone has over 330 millions Gods of worship. If God exists then, which one? How the heck am I supposed to know which one to believe in if none of them has no proof (to my knowledge) of their existence so far~?

Hundreds of years ago we would look up into the sky and ask, "Why is the sky blue?" We didn't know a scientific explanation behind it, so a common answer would be "Because God made it that way". But today, not many people say that anymore. Today we have all of this scientific knowledge explaining to us why exactly the sky is blue. But today, when people ask "How did we get here? What created the universe?" it's not much different. Many will still respond using, "God".

Could each God in history all exist in their own way? Could there be one specific one among our history? Could there be a higher being which we have no idea of yet? Or could they all just be a creation of the human imagination to easily explain everything?

"So what's more likely? That a mysterious, all-powerful God created the universe, and then decided not to leave a single evidence of his existence? Or that he simply doesn't exist at all, and we created him so that wouldn't have to feel so small and lonely?"

What I also don't understand is how some religious people will preach that I'm going to hell to burn and suffer for all eternity if I don't believe in him, when he himself (if he exists) has not presented a single reason at all to believe. Is that really my fault then? And this so called God is supposed to love me? (I know not all religious people believe this just some)
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Well, my views are complicated.
I believe truly that [i]anything[/i] is possible. We don't know everything there is to know about the universe. I am open to every explanation because for all we know, we could be a figment of someone else's imagination. We could be inside a video game. Our dreams could be reality and our reality could be dreams. The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. I look outside, I look at the grass, I look at trees, I look at the stars at night, I look at animals and other humans and I constantly think about universe and just how fascinating everything is. Just centuries ago we thought it was ridiculous to consider that the Earth rotated around the Sun, but here we are today knowing all of this knowledge about black holes, supernovas, and now there's even evidence of multiple universes? All I can think about is, what the hell is next?

However, I think that if God (or multiple Gods for all we know) exists, it's not going to be anything that we've thought of before. If there is a higher being then it will be very different then what we tend to think of it as. There have been millions and millions of Gods throughout history. The ancient Mayans, Aztecs, Chinese, Roman, Greek, Vikings, Native Americans, ect. Every single ancient civilization has had some sort of perception of God. Hinduism alone has over 330 millions Gods of worship. If God exists then, which one? How the heck am I supposed to know which one to believe in if none of them has no proof (to my knowledge) of their existence so far~?

Hundreds of years ago we would look up into the sky and ask, "Why is the sky blue?" We didn't know a scientific explanation behind it, so a common answer would be "Because God made it that way". But today, not many people say that anymore. Today we have all of this scientific knowledge explaining to us why exactly the sky is blue. But today, when people ask "How did we get here? What created the universe?" it's not much different. Many will still respond using, "God".

Could each God in history all exist in their own way? Could there be one specific one among our history? Could there be a higher being which we have no idea of yet? Or could they all just be a creation of the human imagination to easily explain everything?

"So what's more likely? That a mysterious, all-powerful God created the universe, and then decided not to leave a single evidence of his existence? Or that he simply doesn't exist at all, and we created him so that wouldn't have to feel so small and lonely?"

What I also don't understand is how some religious people will preach that I'm going to hell to burn and suffer for all eternity if I don't believe in him, when he himself (if he exists) has not presented a single reason at all to believe. Is that really my fault then? And this so called God is supposed to love me? (I know not all religious people believe this just some)
posted over a year ago 
I don't mean to be offensive in any way shape or form. I respect everyone's beliefs on this subject. I myself am actually fascinated with religion. I love learning about other cultures and what people believe in. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Hinduism, ect. I find humans fascinating~ (reference, anyone?) And yet, learning more about religion turns me away from believing in it. But I do still find it interesting. I am skeptical, but still open to the idea of God. If evidence is one day presented then I will gladly listen to it and determine it's reliability. But until then, I don't think it matters what others believe in~
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
You have a really interesting view on the matter! :)
Hamuko posted over a year ago
^Yep, you got it XD
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
MineTurtle said:
I think- wait- I KNOW God exists!
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posted over a year ago 
No you don't. No offense, but that's stupid. No one knows if god exists, you haven't seen him.
misscrazel posted over a year ago
sunshinedany said:
I think there is a God, out there. I don't look for proof of his existence cause I don't need one. I just believe....
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I think there is a God, out there. I don't look for proof of his existence cause I don't need one. I just believe....
posted over a year ago 
Blaze_of_Ares said:
No, I do not.
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posted over a year ago 
so what makes u dnt believe in god.............??? u must have a reason..........???
KEISUKE_URAHARA posted over a year ago
Well, I did believe once. I've been let down to much and now, I can see clearly. The idea of God to me is ridiculous.
Blaze_of_Ares posted over a year ago
The idea is just ridiculous, l almost laughable, to me
Blaze_of_Ares posted over a year ago
ehm................u must have a strong reason to believe that way i suppose............heh he he he
KEISUKE_URAHARA posted over a year ago
xlegatelaniusx said:

There could be such thing as a higher power, but its probably not what religious people make it/him/her out to be.

I dont believe in it b/c to me it just doesnt make any sense. I think everything can be explained through science. Just b/c theres things rthat cant be explained right now doesnt mean they're works of God

and thats my position on this.
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posted over a year ago 
That's what I think. If there's some sort of God then it's going to be very different then what others think of God as~
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
You are a logical thinker, but openminded. I think all human perceptions lack... personally, to me they are often muisguided, impure, or just a "part" a very small part of what may be truth. Hope keep the openmind though, despite the crap sometimes.
Sinna_Hime_chan posted over a year ago
Why can't things that are explained not be the work of God ? things made from the tiniest thing possible came from something.
Zekrom676 posted over a year ago
ravissa said:
Well, I belive in God, but I don't really know why.
I ask myself question like that all the time, lol.

lol, I'm just like u bro, I'm kindda clueless on this
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posted over a year ago 
Clueless? or just a blindfaith? :)
Sinna_Hime_chan posted over a year ago
lol, idk, xD
ravissa posted over a year ago
DandC4evacute said:
Well, it's complicated.
My family's Jewish, so according to them I believe.
But me, I see Judaism as more of a culture, not a religion.
I believe that there's SOME allmighty being, but I don't believe that he/she/it did anything after creating the universe.
I'm Agnostic.
Have a good day.
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posted over a year ago 
xXxAngelessxXx said:
I believe in God.

It's simple Keisukecchi. Pinch yourself hard. It hurts, right? But you can't see it so how can you be sure the pain exists?
When something good happens, you feel happy. Nobody will SEE that you're happy unless you show.
Keisukecchi? I don't think one needs to see something to belive it's there. Sometimes, isn't it enough to just feel? :3


Another answer : ' 2. "How can you believe in God, when you can't see, hear, touch, smell, taste or even imagine what He is?"

Answer: We know from the teachings of Muhammad, peace be upon him, that no one has ever actually seen God - at least not in this lifetime. Nor are we able to use our senses to make some kind of contact with Him. However, we are encouraged in Islam to use our senses and our common sense to recognize that all of this universe could not possibly come into existence on its own. Something had to design it all and then put it into motion. That is beyond our ability to do, yet it is something that we can understand. We don't have to see an artist to recognize a painting, correct? So, if we see paintings without seeing artists painting them, in the same way, we can believe that Allah created everything without having to see Him (or touch, or hear, etc.).'

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posted over a year ago 
(Note: Please, nobody comment on the second answer in my answer if you're going to mock or insult. Please :3)
xXxAngelessxXx posted over a year ago
First of all, arigato gozaimasu: Hamukocchi, Zekromcchi, Keisukecchi, Stellacchi, nii-san, and Sinnacchi!
xXxAngelessxXx posted over a year ago
Others: please! This answer is MY opinion. Also, didn't ask for anyone's theories/opinions/demands on this answer, neither did I comment/give my beliefs on your answers. So, quiet down, and leave us in peace :3 ...On another note, it's funny how a simple answer turned into a forum! X3
xXxAngelessxXx posted over a year ago
MallowMarsh said:
Well, according to me and my family's beliefs, there is a spiritual being called brahman that lives in everything. Not exactly a god, but some higher being. Something that resides in every living being.
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posted over a year ago 
Interesting :3
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
I like that view. c:
LaDispute posted over a year ago
well said mallow........hehe heh ehehe
KEISUKE_URAHARA posted over a year ago
@all: Thank you! ;u;
MallowMarsh posted over a year ago
herpinaderpson said:
No, but I do believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster and His Noodly Appendage.
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posted over a year ago 
Flying Spaghetti Monster ..........??? Noodly Appendage. ........???
KEISUKE_URAHARA posted over a year ago
look it up. link
herpinaderpson posted over a year ago
^ lol
herpinaderpson posted over a year ago
LaDispute said:
Nope. I have a science based mind and until there's a single drop of proof I won't be a believer.
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posted over a year ago 
XxKeithHarkinxX said:
I personally don't, no. I more think things can be explained with science. I've always been very science based with everything I do, so I guess that transferred over to my beliefs (I was raised Catholic).

But just because I choose to believe in science rather than a high power, doesn't disregards others beliefs.

Now regarding you sentence "no one have seen god"
Well, people don't see love, people don't see air, people don't see friendship, or gravity, does that mean they don't exist?
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posted over a year ago 
egyptprincess7 said:
I've grown up being told that God does exist. Personally,I really don't know. There is a possibility of Him existing but,I am honestly not sure on this.
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posted over a year ago 
aaaaaaaaaaaw i can understand u........and i dnt blame u.........its how people today r............heh he hehe
KEISUKE_URAHARA posted over a year ago
yea same here
LUVJosh posted over a year ago
Ciara-the-Gecko said:
I've been brought up by an atheist family. But I am agnostic uwu
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posted over a year ago 
summer2987 said:
nope .
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posted over a year ago 
TomboyYaoiFan56 said:
I am a very scientific and logical person, but I am also Christian. Yes, I believe in God.
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posted over a year ago 
Ashleyxoxo said:
I'm pretty sure he exists. Bc I used to go to a Catholic school. I learned a story about a boy who got ran over at age 3 and saw God for a few minutes and was rose from the dead. I'm VERY SURE it ISN'T A MYTH!!!!!

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posted over a year ago 
springely said:
Do you think sentence structure exist?
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posted over a year ago 
...Do you? OwO
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
LaDispute posted over a year ago
RedPineapple said:
To be honest, I've never believed in God and I never will. I was brought up by non-religious people. My Mom kind of believes there's some higher up person that makes miracles happen and such, but.. I don't think there's anything like that. I think the only way people can achieve 'miracles' is through hard work and dedication. Amazing things need to be worked for and achieved, not waited around for. I also think Science can explain everything, it just needs more tome to span out and discover..

That's my opinion on the matter.
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posted over a year ago 
haremaster99 said:

I'm far too tired to give a detailed explanation about how this question is kinda inappropriate and pointless.

But yes I believe in God.
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posted over a year ago 
Book-Freak said:
I don't know.
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posted over a year ago 
monkeyrockla said:
No. Not anymore and if he does I hate him.
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posted over a year ago 
BabyBlud said:
Belief and Worship, as i have come to understand, are two very different things. I am Pagan, i'm a nature worshipping person so i do not worship the christian god but i do believe in him. I see it this way - if so many people believe in this one thing, then this one thing must exist in some way. Allah, God, Buddha, Santa Claus even. There are so many things we cannot see and hear, but that doesn't mean they don't exist, yet that doesn't mean they do exist either. It's a personal belief and each to their own. I praise those who will stand by their faith throughout whatever society and life throws at them, what i don't like however, is people bullying others into their religions just because they are different. I believe in everything, and until someone gives me scientific proof that one thing does not exist, then it does. However that does not mean i will worship that one thing indefinitely. Paganism, above all, mean the worship of nature and an understanding of others and their lives. If someone comes to me and says Allah exists because of this, that and the other, then fine, Allah exists. And so does God. The whole world is split through religion, only understanding will tie us together. Ignorance of anthers' beliefs is the major reason why war exists.
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posted over a year ago 
Hm...fascinating~ I really like your view =)
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
thankyou very much :) religion is one of my favourtie subjects to discuss, if you wish to continyue then do so :) i don't mind, in fact i would love it
BabyBlud posted over a year ago
I'm pagan too. ^-^ You have really cool beleifs btw.
misscrazel posted over a year ago
Shadowmarioking said:
no, i don't
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posted over a year ago 
MarineHolocaust said:
yes and i can't wait to have the displeasure of reading some of these responses and get pissed at people's ignorance and judgement that's gonna happen i will fuckin bet u on it
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posted over a year ago 
MarineHolocaust posted over a year ago
i knew this from the beginning too.
Zekrom676 posted over a year ago
blackpanther666 said:
I don't know. I believe that there is something out there, whether it is the Christian god, or one of the Nordic gods, or maybe one of the Greek gods... I don't know.

Personally, I think the Buddhist view on things is very interesting. I like the idea of reincarnation and the spiritual energies and links. I think that it relates to the way that I view the world. I view the world as being a spiritually higher being in itself. I don't believe that science always has the answers, but it does have some answers... There just needs to be a balance between what we believe and what we know to be the truth. That's why I think that the world is an example of this - Otherwise, why is life so ordered? It could be the Christian god, who may have decided to make things like that... And, from my point of view, how did evolution potentially cause such an ordered natural world? If evolution occurred, then there is more evidence for it occurring within a shorter space of time, rather than a longer space of time. The problem, I think, lies with the unreliability of carbon-dating.

In conclusion, despite my beliefs, I do think that everyone is open to their own views. I don't believe anyone has the right to say otherwise. Debates, or not, there is no right way to tell someone that what they believe is wrong.
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posted over a year ago 
Dreamtime said:
one of the users answer...just wtf

and yes
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posted over a year ago 
spaghetti monster ?
Zekrom676 posted over a year ago
DarkCruz360 said:
Well let me tell you something my good buddy I do belief in god and Hollow Ichigo knows there's a god me/he don't seen god but I believe in god so there is a god so yes I understand people don't believe in god but as long as we get along that's all that matters because I believe this is a challenge you know.

For example people who believe in god are thankful for everything but are confused or don't get why are people don't believe in god so I think this is a challenge for all people to get along with each other so yeah.
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Well let me tell you something my good buddy I do belief in god and Hollow Ichigo knows there's a god me/he don't seen god but I believe in god so there is a god so yes I understand people don't believe in god but as long as we get along that's all that matters because I believe this is a challenge you know. 

For example people who believe in god are thankful for everything but are confused or don't get why are people don't believe in god so I think this is a challenge for all people to get along with each other so yeah.
posted over a year ago 
swampfox31 said:
I have no idea. I am an Agnostic, but I come from a Christian family, and it kind of seems like they are always trying to force their beliefs upon me. But I have to say, at the moment, I am fine with my beliefs. I am not ashamed of Agnosticism.
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posted over a year ago 
Plus, a bunch of the people who are mean to me are Christians.
swampfox31 posted over a year ago
if they enjoy it then they aren't fully going with their religion, even if they say so.
Zekrom676 posted over a year ago
As well you shouldn't be ashamed... There isn't anything to be ashamed of, just because you share a different view. Plus, there's certainly nothing wrong with agnosticism - I am one myself. Basically, don't let anybody change your view, but yourself... Every person deserves better than that.
blackpanther666 posted over a year ago
seffro said:
._. I just tell people what they want to hear and then slip away when they Arnt looking

Noone should care what you believe in and you shouldn't care what they believe in. Just accept each other and move on, Either way you're only here for an approximate 60 years if you Arnt hit by a car, shot, stabbed, poisened, suffocated from anaphyalactic shock, burnt and smothered in a fire, murdered in your sleep, infected with parasitic worms, eaten by a cannibal, ripped apart by a bear, crushed by a falling tree, hit by a meteor, frozen to death in a blizzard, left for dead during an avalanche, picked up by a tornado, melted in lava, drowned in a lake, mutated by radiation, cancer, died in a plane crash, hit by a plane, beating to death by a cardashian, sinkhole, quicksand, explosion, hammer to the face, gun, kidney failure, popcorn machine accident, fender bender, exposure to aids, tsunami, typhoon, hurricane, earthquake, Mayan calenders, alligators, bottomless pit, leu garrigs disease, sosiopath, run over by a tank, sudden stop to earths rotation, hematoma, yada yada

Less arguing more problem solving
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._. I just tell people what they want to hear and then slip away when they Arnt looking

Noone should care what you believe in and you shouldn't care what they believe in. Just accept each other and move on, Either way you're only here for an approximate 60 years if you Arnt hit by a car, shot, stabbed, poisened, suffocated from anaphyalactic shock, burnt and smothered in a fire, murdered in your sleep, infected with parasitic worms, eaten by a cannibal, ripped apart by a bear,  crushed by a falling tree, hit by a meteor, frozen to death in a blizzard, left for dead during an avalanche, picked up by a tornado, melted in lava, drowned in a lake, mutated by radiation, cancer, died in a plane crash, hit by a plane, beating to death by a cardashian, sinkhole, quicksand, explosion, hammer to the face, gun, kidney failure, popcorn machine accident, fender bender, exposure to aids, tsunami, typhoon, hurricane, earthquake, Mayan calenders, alligators, bottomless pit, leu garrigs disease, sosiopath, run over by a tank, sudden stop to earths rotation, hematoma, yada yada

Less arguing more problem solving
posted over a year ago 
cardashians, popcorn machine accident, mayan calenders XD ?
Zekrom676 posted over a year ago
Nalu-love said:
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posted over a year ago 
nice simple answer ^_^
Zekrom676 posted over a year ago
lol thnx zetro-kun and i not puting no long explanation just simple i believe he exist
Nalu-love posted over a year ago
mr-cullen said:
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posted over a year ago 
there must be a reason for everything
mr-cullen posted over a year ago
AlOoOosh said:
I believe so much in him doubt .
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posted over a year ago 
MasterOfFear said:
I don't beleive in the Christian god.
I tried to a few years ago, but i just couldn't.

I beleive in all sorts of cryptids, aliens, other dimensions and all sorts of things. I've been reading mythology for years. I am open to the idea of multiple gods. But i mostly think that if there is a higher power, it is something incomprehensible to humans. None of that "made in his image" stuff. Same thing with the afterlife. I don't think it's something any human can understand.
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posted over a year ago 
oppagangnum said:
Well if they wrote the bible about him then I believe god exist!!! I know it's kinda awkward but I believe in him :).every prayer is a step close to him!
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posted over a year ago 
S7n said:
yes of course
i think death is a big proof
plus why life isn't like paradise if there isn't afterlife
i mean why is there a conflict or war between humans
third point if god doesn't exist , then who created Adam and eve . plus if you said nature that created us ,who creates nature or how did it come from.
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posted over a year ago 
Not everyone believes in Adam and Eve you know. I respect your beliefs though, sorry if I come across as rude, but there really is no proof.
misscrazel posted over a year ago
as you like i don't care
S7n posted over a year ago
sieluvzsoul said:
No.....yes.....I dunno
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posted over a year ago 
misscrazel said:
I believe in my god, Eru. I'm an Iluvatarist.
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posted over a year ago 
Siren-Lamia said:
No. I went to a Christian school the first five years of my schooling. I became an atheist at 17 years of age because if you actually learn about other mythologies and some ancient history, in a lot of the mythologies Christianity essentially ripped off stories from them. Also Christianity came about only 2,000 years ago. There are a lot and I mean a lot of other reasons I truly believe religion is load of rubbish but I have really no interest in typing them out.
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posted over a year ago 
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