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What is your religion?

Can you tell me a bit about it?
(Please, no bitching about other religions. I just find religious beliefs interesting.)
I'm an eclectic Fey. The Fey are people who practice the Faery Faith, which is a branch of Paganism. Eclectic, for those who don't know, means that I 'steal' things from other religions a bit. I'm mostly a Fey, though.
I call myself a Fey to distinguish from the Fae (the Faeries). I believe in no god, but that Faeries live underground. I believe in and sometimes practice magick.

What about you? What do you believe in? :)
Eclecticism. Ofcource, Eclecticism means mixing more than one religion into a whole new religion.
Nick16 posted over a year ago
^That's a good way to define it. Technically, I'm not exactly Eclectic, but it's the closest term I've found so far. :)
-SilverFey- posted over a year ago
I like your religion! It sounds awesome!
Bluekait posted over a year ago
^Me? Thanks!
-SilverFey- posted over a year ago
 -SilverFey- posted over a year ago
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LocalArtistist said:
I'm atheist.
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I'm atheist.
posted over a year ago 
That picture's pretty funny. xD
-SilverFey- posted over a year ago
Funny, but not anything close to what Christianity really is.
LGYCE posted over a year ago
Jesus saves souls, Chuck Norris saves Jesus!
shadowlover3000 posted over a year ago
LGYCE said:
I'm a Christian, and proud of it. If you disagree, I'm more than happy to debate.
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posted over a year ago 
Who would disagree? :) Be whatever you want! And good for you to be proud of it!
-SilverFey- posted over a year ago
good ta hear you're proud of your religion ^-^
True-Finn-Fan posted over a year ago
@egypt No point in arguing, clearly this user is too childish and stubborn to listen to reason.
metrolight posted over a year ago
MineTurtle5 said:
I'm a Christian.
Even the basics of Christianity is too long to fit in this answer box, so I put it in an article. It's only 550 words, so please take the time to read it. Thnx :)
BTW, here's the link:
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posted over a year ago 
hetalianstella said:
Your belief seems interesting =)
I'm Agnostic. I don't know if a God or multiple Gods exist or not, but I think anything is possible. I mostly like to explain everything through science, but I also like to learn about other religions. If God(s) exist I don't think it/they will be anything like humans think, but I still find other beliefs interesting.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you! And your beliefs are pretty cool. :) I like open-minded people
-SilverFey- posted over a year ago
Thank you =)
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
Same :)
LibelluleBleu posted over a year ago
KaulitZfan said:
me ? i am a Atheist
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posted over a year ago 
Being an Athiest is fun! I was for a long time; about four years.
-SilverFey- posted over a year ago
i be for most of my life so is my mom and step dad
KaulitZfan posted over a year ago
egyptprincess7 said: religion is Islam.
...Uh it's really kind of hard to explain. (Even I don't know full details about it) it's a religion that believes that one god exists. There is also the 5 pillars of Islam.

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posted over a year ago 
We learned about it a bit in World History. From what I know, it seems like an interesting faith! I actually thought about converting to Islam for a while. :)
-SilverFey- posted over a year ago
One of my friends is Islam! Its a really interesting religon
gwendiamond posted over a year ago
Islam is a great religion.
Nick16 posted over a year ago
prussiaducky said:

A little insight:

2 billion people practice Islam, and it is the largest PRACTICING religion, but it is not the largest religion.

We believe in the same God as Christianity and Judaism, and we believe that Jesus is a prophet NOT a son of God. God has no family in Islam.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the last prophet of the 24 prophets (there are smaller prophets, but 24 known ones), and his message is Islam.

It's believed that Islam is the final and most perfected form of monotheism.

There are five pillars:
1) Believe in Islam: There is no god but god, and Prophet Muhammad is his messenger
2) Give to the poor/charity
3) Fast during Ramadan (unless you are sick, have your time of the month, mental, pregnant, or old. Only if you are able to fast)
4) Pray five times a day (if you have your time of the month, or if you are mental, then you can't, and it is optional if you are late in pregnancy. You can pray with your eyes even! The thought is what counts)
5) Travel to Hajj atleast once in your life (yet again, only if you are able financially and physically)

That's a quick synopsis of my belief! :)
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posted over a year ago 
All are equal in Islam. That's why it appeals to a lot of people, especially in the ancient world, and as always, the thought is what counts and in Islam it's kinda "You do what you can, do don't do what you can't do."
prussiaducky posted over a year ago
Also, the holy book is the Quran, and it's a super peaceful religion.
prussiaducky posted over a year ago
i know that you can lay down while you pray if you are physically unable to stand or sit. You can sit if you aren't able to stand. But the eye part is the only confusing thing about this. I mean you can still do the motions with your hands right?
egyptprincess7 posted over a year ago
AlOoOosh said:
My religion is Islam .
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posted over a year ago 
LibelluleBleu said:
I'm agnostic
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posted over a year ago 
Liquid-Dice said:
I don't really believe in anything.
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posted over a year ago 
ShadowHunter15 said:
I'm agnostic. I believe in angels and demons oddly. As well as other spirits.
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posted over a year ago 
snowwolf2000 said:
I think I'm an atheist, I'm not really sure.
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posted over a year ago 
cyrus498 said:
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posted over a year ago 
Good for you.
LGYCE posted over a year ago
Thank you.
cyrus498 posted over a year ago
cutiepie0310 said:
I don't have one. I don't want someone or something to determine what I do without a really good explanation.
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posted over a year ago 
Lovehinagurl44 said:
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posted over a year ago 
Renarimae said:
I'm a Christian, but I'm not as devout as I used to be, I don't go to church that often anymore (mainly because I go to bed after midnight and am too grumpy and sluggish to get up at 8), and there are some doctrines that I disagree with.
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posted over a year ago 
ShadowFan100 said:

I believe that someone (God of course) created everything (and by "everything" I mean anything that is Good, not the currupted world we live in today)

Also that Satan caused Man to unleash Sin on Earth, which is why our planet's in the shape it's in.

And that Jesus is the only way back to God.
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posted over a year ago 
I always though Christianity was an intriguing religion. :) I was Christian for a long time.
-SilverFey- posted over a year ago
Thanks! Nice yto know I'm not hated on for this.
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
great little summary :D
True-Finn-Fan posted over a year ago
I went for the basic "highlights" of it so....thanks.
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
metrolight said:

Vid somewhat related.
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posted over a year ago 
simpleplan said:
I really do not know what to believe. There so many possibles and people who are called Gods. In the end we could have just invented them so we have an answer even if it is not a right one. They are all just story's in the end.
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posted over a year ago 
XxKeithHarkinxX said:
I'm atheist, I believe in science because it's super fucking cool and just makes sense to me, and everything has an explanation and a reasoning behind that explanation. I really don't mean to offend anybody, but i think the idea of a god is a bit out-landish.
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posted over a year ago 
Science is cool! That's why I like my religion; you can believe in science and evolution and Faeries! xD (I sound crazy.)
-SilverFey- posted over a year ago
^religion, to me anyways, varies from person to person. and that's perfectly understandable
XxKeithHarkinxX posted over a year ago
@xxkeith: Oh, yeah. Pansexual. It makes a lot sense now.
Nick16 posted over a year ago
boytoy_84 said:
I'm a Catholic.
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posted over a year ago 
Mollymolata said:
Im christian
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posted over a year ago 
EgoMouse said:
I'm an agnostic theist.
My parents are Buddhists.
I will support Buddhism, Arceusism, Mewism, Luigism, etc.
But I guess if I were to choose a main religion, I would go with Keo. Because you know...I'm the creator of it lol.
Its basically a religion that needs no belief. The three Gods: Corjaw, Puzurizor, and Durivore doesn't give a shit if you believe in them. The universe we are in now is a dream. When we die, we exit Balk's dream and enter a "Heaven gate", which leads to the Keo universe. Its not considered an afterlife, but more of a true universe. I'm kinda lazy at typing everything today, so I guess I'm going to try complete it on Google doc:
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posted over a year ago 
metrolight posted over a year ago
I agree. Everyone can create their own religion. It's totally up to you. Some people think politics is their religion, some people think education is their religion etc. There is nothing wrong with it =)
Nick16 posted over a year ago
pearlxashxdawn said:
I'm a devout Born-Again Christian :)
I'm proud of my religion ^^
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posted over a year ago 
good for you :)
True-Finn-Fan posted over a year ago
Book-Freak said:
I'm agnostic.
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posted over a year ago 
shadowlover3000 said:
A hybrid of ideas revolving around science. The idea of a god controlling everything and spawning every living creature is extremely far fetched, especially looking at how old the manuscripts are and how many times they have been told and translated. Over a few thousand years, stories get stretched. I believe in no god, but that angels and demons exist as a race on different worlds somehow connected to ours, possibly by a wormhole or portal. There is no reward, no punishment at the end of a path; exactly what, I do not know. Reincarnation is plausible, but I cannot say for certain unless I knew exactly how a soul works.

I can get rather long winded on this subject, and I tell my opinion when asked. If people leave mine alone, I will leave theirs alone. Start a religion fight with me, and then I will get offensive.
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posted over a year ago 
Bluekait said:
I am a Unitarian Universalist. Though Unitarian universalism has a christen background, it also has some Paganism.
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posted over a year ago 
x-Yumi-x3 said:
I'm a Christian.
I'm sure you all know what it means.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeapapples said:
Christian, Ive always thought this was funny no one get angry okay?
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Christian, Ive always thought this was funny no one get angry okay?
posted over a year ago 
...xD ahh HA
x-Yumi-x3 posted over a year ago
I'm not going to get angry, but i do find that picture offensive? because it's not in the least bit true.
XxKeithHarkinxX posted over a year ago
Same. ^
x-Yumi-x3 posted over a year ago
Zeppie said:
I'm a Christian, but I'm definitely not a devout one. Religion is not a huge factor in my life, but I still have my belief.

Christianity gets a bad reputation because of bible-bashers who obsess over spreading the word of God and convincing people to convert to Christianity. I never do that, I leave people to believe whatever they want to believe, I'm totally cool with that.
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posted over a year ago 
That's cool, that you're so open-minded about other religions. I know a Bible-basher type person.
-SilverFey- posted over a year ago
True-Finn-Fan said:
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posted over a year ago 
misscrazel said:
Iluvatarism. Since you're my sister you already know what that is, but I'll explain it to others.
It means we believe Eru created the world and everything in it. He also created Melkor, who turned evil. Eru is responsible for everything good: elves, dwarves, men, Hobbits, Middle-Earth,etc. Melkor is responsible for everything bad: Sauron, Mordor, etc. There is also a religion that worships Melkor.
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posted over a year ago 
The Silmarilion has a lot about my religion. Also we believe in everything that happened in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit
misscrazel posted over a year ago
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