Random My Zombie Apocalypse Team

AwakenShadow posted on Apr 29, 2013 at 03:51AM
If you could pick any eight people to fight by your side in the zombie apocalypse who would they be? Anything is fair game, Movies, Games, TV shows, whatever. You can make them absolutely ridiculous or completely serious, the choice is yours. If you want you can explain why.

Team Leader: Master Chief: Halo games
(His name is Master Chief... I think it's pretty self explanatory)
Brawler: Kratos: God of War games
(He can kill gods with his bare hands, I don't think zombies will stand a chance)
Weapons Expert: Conner: Assasins Creed 3
(I coulden't really think of anybody else)
Brains: Cortana: Halo games
(She knows pretty much everything)
Medic: Doctor Zed: Borderlands games
(He may not be clean, or have a licence, or real training, or... on second thought I don't know why I picked him)
Speed Fighter: Vergil: Devil May Cry games
(Have you seen him fight?)
Mascot: Alice: Resident Evil movies
(She is the main character in a long line of zombie movies so I think it's only fitting)
Guy/Girl That Dies First: Shorty: Scary Movie movies
(He is like the biggest pot head in the world, and his reaction time is not the best)

Oh and feel free to talk about anything zombie related

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over a year ago victoria7011 said…
Team Leader: Captain Jack Harkness - Torchwood
(He cant die and hes already a leader)
Brawler: Weevils - Torchwood
(They wont stop and there brawling skills are good)
Weapons Expert: Conner: Jake Simmonds - Doctor Who
(I didnt know who to pick so its random)
Brains: The Doctor - Doctor Who
(Yup, he would be great)
Medic: Owen Harper - Torchwood
(He is a doctor on torchwood so...)
Speed Fighter: Oliver Queen - Arrow
Mascot: Gwen Cooper - Torchwood
(Couldnt think of anyone else)
Guy/Girl That Dies First:Donna Noble - Doctor Who
(Not a fan of her at all...)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Team Leader: Commander Shepard-Mass Effect Trilogy
(He stopped the Reapers. I'm not worried.)
Brawler: Bane-Dc Comics
(He broke Batman's back.)
Weapons Expert: Ironhide-Transformers
(Who doesn't want a giant metal robot with lots of guns?)
Brains: Liara T'Soni-Mass Effect Trilogy
(She's the Shadow Broker and she can still fight.)
Medic: Night Nurse-Marvel Comics
(She's a comic character and very very badass.)
Speed Fighter: Flash-Dc Comics
(I don't need to explain.)
Mascot: Garrus Vakarian-Mass Effect Trilogy
(Who does not love Garrus? Plus, head shots.)
Guy/Girl That Dies First: Harley Quinn-Dc Comics
(She will try and make friends with the zombies or keep one as a pet. Not smart.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AwakenShadow said…
what would be the first thing you do in case of a zombie out break in your town.

I would rob a local pawn shop.
over a year ago victoria7011 said…
Go to the nearest shop which has weapons..
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
National Storage.