Random Story Time :-P

Pace2Paicegurl posted on May 23, 2013 at 05:53PM
Ok, so I had this idea that we write bits of a story. You can event the characters and everything. The next person gets to carry the story on, and so on. You can write and add as much or as little as you like. Feel free to be creative and, if you, think the person's bit of story above you is getting a bit too lovey-dovey and happy, feel free to have some kind of ACTION randomly put in there ;-) Afterall, it's your story, take it where you want it to.

However, there are some rules to ensure that EVERYONE has fun:
•You can make it as wacky and has stupid as you like-but make sure it still makes sense from the last person's post.
•Don't allow people's characters that you didn't invent get killed. It's not really fair, as they may want them later on in the story. However, you make the injured and wounded as much as you want, but expect next person to get you back!
•Don't swear or abuse to another person. You CAN make sure they're characters don't get along but don't be actually rude to the other person

And finally, have fun! And be creative, my little dumplings! (lol)

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