Random Last man typing!

karolinak1999 posted on Nov 05, 2013 at 03:44AM
this is the exact replica from a forum on the "Fanpop" club

It's a very easy game....whoever posts the last post is the winner...that is....until the next person posts, so it's a constant post-a-rama until a winner is declared
[i]this is the exact replica from a forum on the "Fanpop" club[/i]

It's a very easy game....whoeve
last edited on Jul 04, 2014 at 07:11PM

Random 1325 replies

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Showing Replies 701-750 of 1325

over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
You're confusing me, human, I am currently too tired to process your way of thinking. I win, now goodnight while I go take a nap and watch anime.
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
You wish. Please stop acting all high and mighty. You're nothing but an insignificant human.
over a year ago Ichigo127 said…
so are u now
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
And you too.
over a year ago a11-swift said…
you all are ^^
over a year ago KissKissHannah said…
I win!
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
nope i win, problem?
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
Nope. I'm the winner
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
nah u got that wrong
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
Im pretty sure u did
over a year ago KissKissHannah said…
I wiiiiin!
I wiiiiin!
over a year ago Ichigo127 said…
dream on xD
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
I win
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
Im not dreaming im winning
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
Keep dreaming because I won
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
I never dream
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
You always dream
liam_a_ninja commented…
u know nothing about me over a year ago
over a year ago KissKissHannah said…
Ha ha! I win over the power of CUTENESS
Ha ha! I win over the power of CUTENESS
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
Nope because the power of cuteness doesn't work on me
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
Sorry, I'm not into cutesy stuff. *pulls out axe* What say we see what happens when the cuteness dies a bloody death? MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Oops, violent mode activated . . .
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
But your username says you're a ninja
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
shut up, plz dont say that
liam_a_ninja commented…
i was thinking of a short creative username then this came up over a year ago
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
Liar! You're a ninja pretending to be a dragon
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
no that is a lie! breaths out fire
liam_a_ninja commented…
NOW DIE over a year ago
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
Have fun trying to kill somebody on the web.
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
im just playing :P can u take a joke? and im a dragon not a ninja
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
You're a ninja.
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
no im not
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
u like trolling ppl, its rude and im a dragon
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
I guess somebody doesn't know what the word trolling means.~
You're a human pretending to be something else. Funny.
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
leave meh alone egypt, u are very rude
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
Hey, in this thread then it's a competition who can be the rudest and the most powerful.
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
no, dont it
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
Wow. Looks like somebody is taking things too seriously. ^^
@kittyluv57 This sounds oddly familiar. It's not going to be like another who is the ruler of the universe competition is it?
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
Nah. Amazing ruler Neko kitty is feeling to lazy to rule a universe today. In fact, I think it's already been taken over by odd siren creatures from another dimension . . .
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
im not taking anything serious
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
@kitty Hey! I thought it was already cleared that I am the ruler! >.>
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
im the ruler
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
No you're not.
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
@egypt well, you snooze, you lose. And besides, that was never truly confirmed.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
True. Well let's just say we're both rulers.
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
over a year ago liam_a_ninja said…
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
This just in. I win. Take that suckers! *Insert evil laugh here*
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
. . . . Nope. I win.
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
over a year ago kittyluv57 said…
Let's all love Lain. Let's all love Lain, let's all love Lain, let's all love Lain,love Lain, love Lain, loveLain,loveLain,LainLainLainLainLainLain­Lai­nL-­l-l­-l-­l-l­!&q­uot­;
last edited over a year ago