Random Would You Rather

cl0v3r posted on Aug 12, 2009 at 02:01AM
ill start..
would you rather it rained bowling balls or darts?

[add an answer and the next would u rather and so on]

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 108

over a year ago jem_ said…
Darts, because I don't think I would survive a shower of bowling balls. lol

Would you rather go sky-diving or spend a month on a deserted island fending for yourself?
over a year ago gossipgirlxoxo said…
Sky diving.....

Would you rather bathe naked with live spiders or dive in a pool of human spit?
over a year ago LiilacLottiie94 said…
The spit. definitely.

Would you rather eat a redhot steamin' cow krap or kiss a dead guy?
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
Kiss a dead guy of course!

Would you rather eat a hand full of needles, or cut your lip?

PS: ouch!
over a year ago Kuro-Tenshi said…
Cut my lip!

would you rather get stung by a scorpion or a rattle snake?
over a year ago LiilacLottiie94 said…
i would rather be stung by a rattle snake because they dont sting.

would you rather go to the mall for the day wearing:
1.yur granpa's clothes or 4 different halloween costumes at once?
over a year ago samlover316 said…
Probably run naked in the mall, because 1) I could always wear a mask, and 2) no one ever said it had to be a mall full of people I know!

Would you rather get your leg amputated, or run over a beloved celebrity with your car and become Public Enemy #1?
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
depends on the celebrity. jk. I'd get my leg amputated. I don't wanna take someone else's life and I could get a prosthetic leg.

would u rather be able to read minds or be able to fly?
over a year ago cl0v3r said…
read minds. that would be sweet! Flyings overrated
would you rather...
make out with your mortal enemy or punch your best friend really hard in the face
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
punch my friend. she'd understand even if she did get mad and a broken bone or two.

would you rather have a pizza party or an ice cream party?
over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…

Would you rather live without music, or books?
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
oooooooo, that one's hard. I think music even though I love them both. books are too important in education and religion. I don't think I could live very well without the Bible.

would you rather have an extra math class or an extra science class?
over a year ago moo000 said…
I know I'm going to sound like a total nerd, but I like both! umm... science because I hate my maths teacher.

would you rather always have to say everything you ever thought, or never speak again?
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
I agree, that's why it's such a hard decision. I think saying everything I ever think could be very dangerous to my health, but I'd chose it over never speaking again cuz I'm just too much of a people person.

would you rather eat sugar cookies with ketchup on them or brownies covered in ranch dressing? (I like them both)
over a year ago moo000 said…
Brownies with ranch dressing cause I dont knwo what sugar cookies are and I despise tomato sauce.

would you rather being able to make time fly, or make time stop?
over a year ago LiilacLottiie94 said…

would you rather be in the scorching sand-desert on your own or in an frozen ice-desert on your own?
over a year ago green79 said…
hmmm i think the frozen ice-desert because then i could at least wear tons of warm clothes

would you rather eat a live tarantula or only eat worms for a week?
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
Electricuted in an electirc chair! Is previously anounced...

wyr be a boy or a girl
over a year ago cl0v3r said…
girl.. boys are great but im scared of the unknown hehe
eat a million cherrys or a million blu berries
over a year ago mariafan said…
big smile

WUR be 10 years younger or 10 years older?
over a year ago pixie09 said…
big smile
10 years younger for sure :p i wanna be 6 again !!!! :DDD

be a millionare and no family or have ur family but live in poverty ??.. (aww sentimental much ??)
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
have a family.

have a dedicated bf/gf that u fight with sometimes, or an unfaithful bf/gf that u always get along with?
over a year ago LiilacLottiie94 said…
have a dedicated bf. people sometimes do fight, its just natural. it would be weird if ppl always agreed on everything.

would you rather get bitten by a crocodile or have to wear a swimsuit every day for the rest of your life?
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
swimsuit cuz i could wear stuff over it.

would you rather save ur best friend's life or the life of ur true love?
over a year ago cl0v3r said…
tru love. but id try really really hard to save both:(

live in constant storms or constant heat wave
over a year ago cmrm said…
Hard one... but I chose constant storms

Would you rather have a lion running after you or a shark swimming after you
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
a shark cuz it's less likely to actually attack me.

wur eat straight sugar for a week or just lemons for a week
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
Straight Sugar :p

wur Go for a trip on France or Italy
over a year ago cmrm said…
Italy, but I also wanna go to France

wur have a bf/gf for life or a best friend for life
over a year ago pixie09 said…
best friend, coz my bf can just marry me and i can have both :D

WUR .. kill ur true love or be killed by your true love ??
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Ware a swimsuit for the rest of my life

would you rather shave your head or eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the rest of your life?
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
shave my head, I can wear a wig and it'll grow back eventually.

see a guy wear a skirt to school all day or see ur worst enemy have a really bad allergic reaction (not deadly)
over a year ago watermist said…
over a year ago cmrm said…
To sweet_n_silly, I wur see my worst enemy have a really bad allergic reaction.

Wur kiss your friend or a complete stranger
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
depends on the friend and the stranger. lol. I'd rather take my chances with a friend.

wur: be embarassed on naional TV or in front of a room of hot people including ur crush?
over a year ago moo000 said…
in front of a room of hot people including my crush, becasue there is a chance that those people would be watching me on TV anyway.

Would you rather be famous or not?
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
not. I know too many people that are they hate it so much. besides, I like being a nobody. If I did want to anyways, I know who to talk to just in case I change my mind.

wur be anorexic or bulemic?
over a year ago gossipgirlxoxo said…

WUR kill 400 people and save your child or kill your child and save 400 people?
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
that's hard. it depends how they'd die, but I think I'd sacrifice my child.

wur eat ham or turkey? (if vegitarian: potato salad or fruit salad)
over a year ago cl0v3r said…
big smile
fruit salad,not vegeterian but its awesum...
wur run non stop all day or walk nonstop for 4 days
over a year ago gossipgirlxoxo said…
walk nonstop for 4 days.

WUR eat a a live sheep, fur and all or go to school/work naked?
over a year ago gwenfan3445 said…
big smile
go to school/Work naked '

Would you rather.... make it rain fire balls or.... Kill Obama
over a year ago cl0v3r said…
dude thats way too hard!!!! it eithier makes me sound like a rasicist or a mass murderer!! ummmmmm
i gona have to kill obama even tho hes awsum to save lives
gawd it still sounds really bad...
any way wur kiss hitler {pretend hes still alive} or kick the delilama -sorry i probably spelt his name wrong-
over a year ago sweet_n_silly said…
kick the dahli lama I guess.

wur shower in sickeningly sweet perfume or in skunk spray
over a year ago BonesAreBroken said…
shower in sickeningly sweet perfume. :P

Would you rather kiss Robert Pattinson or Leonardo DiCaprio?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kristine95 said…
As much as I dislike Leo, I'm going with him 'cause it's not even close to how much I dislike Robpatz xDD

Would you rather jump off a cliff or a bridge?
over a year ago pufllys said…
lick his feet

Would you rather eat an 8 month old pumpkin (that has already been carved), or lick peanut butter off a really old hobo's foot.
over a year ago Penguin11 said…
LOL I'd have to say the pumpkin cause I really hate feet,

WUR Get eaten or eat ur true luv?
over a year ago cl0v3r said…
big smile
get eaten i couldnt live wit myself
wur meet elvis or jimmy hendrix???
over a year ago familyguy2009 said…
i would meet Elvis King of Rock
would you rather drink acid or drain-o???????