Random 10 Facts About You

cute20k posted on Apr 25, 2010 at 03:18AM
1. Your reading my article.
2. You're wondering why you're even reading this.
4. You really didn't think much about me putting article instead of forum until reading this.
5. You didn't notice that I misspelled you're on #1
6. And you're checking back now
7. Nor did you notice I skipped number three.
8. You don't even feel like checking back this time. You'll take my word for it..
9. This is so stupid that you silently chuckle to yourself.
10. Then you realize that six isn't true because that doesn't make sense and that this is a rip off.
11. But you remember that a fact is something that can be proven right or wrong, so technically it was a fact.
12. You wish you never began to read this stupid stuff now but its still hard to stop.
14. I didn't catch you with the missing number this time. Or did I?
15. You wonder why I'm being such a smart butt.
16. But then again, my mind reading powers amaze you.
17. You totally forgot I was only supposed to tell you ten facts.

Random 12 replies

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over a year ago daisylove said…
over a year ago kristyann said…
over a year ago zombo said…
i think you have to list the other ten
over a year ago Jacoblackswife said…
hahah this thing is so true
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
I read that on someone's fanfiction profile,too
over a year ago kwlski4ever said…
big smile
over a year ago cute20k said…
Lol. it took less than ten minutes so yeaah... i was bored. SO why not? Thanks. I just kinda randomly wrote it.... And I didnt get it off some random's fanfiction profile... (I dont even know what that is or how to get to one so.. um xD)
over a year ago cute20k said…
And what zombo? I dont know whatcha mean. And to the wtf-ers and what's, yeaah I know my mind reading skills. Ahmayzin'.
over a year ago Carcharien said…
big smile
really amazing...
over a year ago lano500 said…
You can read people's minds?! Amazing!
over a year ago life_rehab said…
=)) you got those right:))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KishuandIchigo said…
Lol awesome.