Random Let's Write a Story!

BellaCullen96 posted on Apr 25, 2010 at 11:46PM
What you do is continue the story on from the last person's post. It's really simple, and anything can happen! :)

To start:
One day . . .

Random 299 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 299

over a year ago Carcharien said…
in the neighbourhood of...
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
...Cookieville, there was a group of...
over a year ago TDAPlayer158 said…
Cookie Monsters smoking cookies with...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago springely said…
A bear, and they seem to have broken a...
over a year ago otter888 said…
leg so they...
over a year ago Carcharien said…
walk with a limp...
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
and they go to a bar and all of a sudden see...
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
...a million purple llamas, and the llamas were...
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
...eating human flesh, and they noticed the cookie monsters and started....
over a year ago Carcharien said…
to shake because...
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
...they were sick with....
over a year ago otter888 said…
Yellow Fever and then they ran because...
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
big smile
...they were afraid of cookie monsters, because...
over a year ago allen101 said…
the cookie monsters will eat there...
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
...pants. And so, the llamas fled to...
over a year ago Carcharien said…
a little Island called...
over a year ago breebree446 said…
Hawaii where they...
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
...learned how to knit fluffy...
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
...sheets made of wool which they had collected from....
over a year ago melcu said…
big bird who has been eating too much pies so he...
over a year ago lano500 said…
shed some feathers and went on a diet so he would feel better. The diet was called...
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
...The Snaffoo Machine, and it was named this because...
over a year ago lano500 said…
...whenever you used it you said "Snaffoo" and Snuffaluffakus would come around the corner because...
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
big smile
...they had been under a curse because they had pissed off a.....
over a year ago otter888 said…
..ladybug undre the bushes when they were...
over a year ago lano500 said…
... playing a game with them called...
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
...Ploozy. Then all of a sudden, everyone changes into characters from...
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
...NCIS (which is coincidentally friendsfan101's favorite show), and then they....
over a year ago TDAPlayer158 said…
Smoke pot and crack instead of cookies.
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
....but then they turned back into whatever the hell they were before and.....
over a year ago breebree446 said…
...started to do the Macarena...
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
...but then along came some....
over a year ago Heya said…
Older people with beebee guns that were filled with water, hoping to...
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
...do things which I am not going to even mention, but you know what, let's get back to the cookie monsters! After the goats left the store, the cookie monsters....
over a year ago Heya said…
Ate the cookies? Yeah, and then, ate some more......
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
....but then they got sick and.....
over a year ago otter888 said…
...attacked the old people screaming..."_______!"
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
big smile
....DIE, VEGETABLES!!! But their plan didn't succeed, and so the police came and.....
over a year ago BellaCullen96 said…
...tickled them, which turned the cookie monsters into...
over a year ago breebree446 said…
...teenage mutant ninja chipmunks that could...
over a year ago xgirl101 said…
Eat alot of Goat cheese and watch bunnies do the wild thang!THe wild is...
over a year ago breebree446 said…
...forbidden in 14 states, 5 countries, 3 solar systems...
over a year ago frylock243 said…
... that were all infested with evil slurpy devouring death babies, and...
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
....and 5 galaxies, because of an old story, but then the mutant ninja chipmucnks stopped and started.....
over a year ago Carcharien said…
to take a rest...
over a year ago lano500 said…
on a hard rock which...
over a year ago Carcharien said…
melted down after...
over a year ago MidnaTikal8223 said…
...Some lava spewed from...
over a year ago Carcharien said…
a vulcano of the neighboured island...
over a year ago MidnaTikal8223 said…
That was having a Lady Gaga concert....