Random Awesome dreams!

KishuandIchigo posted on Jun 08, 2010 at 12:39PM
Hi! I had some awesome dreams and I want to tell you some. You tell yours too!

KND: I had a dream that i was a new part of the kids next door. there was a big building that had a bunch of kids against their will push oars to make energy. Every person in the KND went in and a lady in there said the only way to stop the adults was to go into a room. everyone except for me and 5 people went in. they got locked in. I left and went into a school so i wouldnt get caught by the adults outside. i went in and there was an assembly. this guy in a wolf mask was attacking them (or was about to) I woke up.

Sailor moon:
okay tuxedo mask was evil and at my house and he was trying to destroy me and sailor moon. (we were all in anime style!) sailor moon tried to protect me while i ran out back. when tuxedo saw me i was nearly over the fence and in the dream i ran ever so sssslllloooowwwwllllyyyy. he said "get her _____" (um the _______ is the guys name that i cant remember) a guy came out of nowhere and he was getting closer to me step by step as i backed up. I was trying to talk him out of it when i heard music and i said "um, you would be a better hip hop dancer than killer." he saw a platform that was for a hip hop class and started dancing on it. then a fat lady came up and danced too. i woke up.

Harry Potter:
No I'm not gonna tell it would be kind of offensive to only a few peopole. but I'll tell some. Something happened in the book (I was reading it) and Harry was ANGRY because the teachers made him do something beacuse he did something that nobody can help. I was reading it out loud and the teachers thought i was really angry so they said to go downstairs to see Hagrid. He wasn't down there. then I went into a lounge room and talked with friends. It was so weird. I woke up.

There was another one I was gonna tell you but I forget. Wait I remember now!
Shadow The Hedgehog:
Shadow worked for another fat guy (not eggman) and he found out that his boss betrayed him. He wanted payback so he decided to steal from him. Sonic is randomly there and thinks Knuckles and Tails can't handle it so he sends them home on a rocket ship. Shadow goes into a cave like building and runs and dodges lasers to get to the boss. when he gets there he takes 3 rubys and a guy-maid comes in and takes 3 pearls. the boss screams get them and these guys chase Shadow. He runs out and makes it and hides the rubys in a man made creek in town square.
last edited on Jun 08, 2010 at 10:51PM

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over a year ago ichigocat said…

I was pikachu and my mom said i turned into pikachu when all the dolphins died. we went to a restraunt that was random and a burmy was playing the piano. i woke up.
over a year ago InvaderStorm said…
Hmm, i had an odd dream once.
So, once, I was roleplaying too much during the day. When dreams came, of course, I was my Invader Zim OC, the assasin, and about to kill Dib for being so big-headed. Then, sudddently, he called out "Gerald!" (or something of the like) and Godzilla appeared behind him. For some reason, i thought he was my old friend and we talked and catched up for a while. He has a really wierd voice. Like, Rod, from Avenue Q. I woke up then.