Random 20+ Things We Should Know About You.

hollisterxchica posted on Sep 05, 2010 at 12:33AM
Facts bout' Yourself! It Can be Anything! The More Random the Better♥

1.I'm a blonde XD
2.I'm a Cheerleader
3.I love cake.
4.My Favorite T.V show is 'Jersey Shore'
5.I text...Alot
6.I addicted to my laptop
7.I tan...A little too much[In the Summer!]
8.I have like...ALOT of shoes (:
9.I'm scared of the dark [Lol]
10.I like being cold
11.I can't stand Selena,Justin,Demi etc.
12.My iPod doesn't leave my side[Along with my phone]
13.I'm really tired right now
14.I'm a Senior in High School
15.I don't like Swimming in Lakes/Ponds
16.I know 1 Fanpopper Personally.
17.I have a dog. :D
18.Pie is like my favorite.
19.Moths Scare me.
20.The Middle-East Creeps me out [SORRY if you're from there]

Your turn♥

Random 12 replies

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over a year ago PretendRose said…
big smile
1. I have dark brown hair.
2. My favorite singers are: Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, and Christina Aguilera.
3. My favorite actors are: Heath Ledger and Johnny Depp.
4. I'm a Freshmen. ;]
5. I'm scared of all bugs. (That includes Lady Bugs, Butterflies, ect.)
6. I'm currently listening to "Blue Hawaii" by Elvis Presley.
7. I'm 15 years old.
8. I have light brown eyes.
9. Some of my favorite movies are: Titanic, Brokeback Mountain, Candy, Two Hands, and The Dark Knight, ect..
10. My favorite color is Purple.
11. It's 9:45 PM right now.
12. Winter is my favorite season.
13. I love reading.
14. I'm obsessed with music and movies.
15. I love Acting.
16. I love drawing.
17. I don't really like Comedy movies. (there are a few exceptions)
18. I love guys with long hair. ;D
19. I love when people hug me for no reason. ♥
20. I'm drinking Diet Coke right now.
over a year ago Mallory101 said…
1.I'm 16
2.I love the Show Merlin,NCIS & CSI:Miami
3.I'm petrified by Snakes.
4.I'm an Equestrian♥
5.I love Horses[[Duhh, #4]
6.I don't like Asia.[Sorry]
7.I know 2 Fanpoppers Personally [hollisterxchica is 1]
8.Candy Corn is like MY FAVE♥
9.I'm Ridin' Solo[Single]
10.I'm a brunette
11.I love the fall.
12.I absolutely Love Bradley James♥ [Extreme Hotness]
13.When I get a little older I wanna move to England.
14.I get kinda pissed when I miss "Ellen" [Lol]
15.I STRONGLY dislike President Obama[No.I love Black People]...I mean A guinea pig would be a better President
16.I only read if I have to.
17.I'm 16 & Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is still one of favorite Movies♥
18.I take really long showers.
19.Horatio from CSI:Miami is my Idol! Bahahaha.
20.It's best to stay on my "Good Side"
21.(You said 20+)I'm a cat person.
22.I don't like Horror movies...At All.
23.My Brother almost drown me in a pool a few week ago. ["Thanks,Dylan..."]
24.I'm attracted to Cute Things
25.Australian Accents Turn Me On ;)
26.I adore English Accents too ♥
27.I'm a Senior[I go to school with hollisterxchica]
28.I'm Irish,German,English,Austrian,Portuguese,P­oli­sh.­..T­HAN­K GOD I'M NOT ITALIAN!♥
29.Colin Morgan's Irish Accent, Also Turns me On ;)
30.I'm bored. Peace Out

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ClownsAreEvil said…
1. I'm a girl, and my name is Alexander, which I think is meant for a guy.
2. I insist on people calling me Alex.
3. I love rock music of any kind.
4. I'm friends in real life with Liepe on fanpop.
5. I support gay rights.
6. My best friend,Tynan, was killed as a result of a hate crime. He was gay.
7. My idol is Frank Iero.
8. My favourite tv show is Supernatural.
9. My favourite band is My Chemical Romance.
10. This year my birthday was on Friday the 13th.
11. I have a homicidal tortoise. xD
12. I'm just over 5 foot, and the shortest person in my grade.
13. I'm 17.
14. My boyfriend is 6 foot 3.
15. I've taken on the captain of the rugby (football in america) team for insulting my friends.
16. I am a sneaker fanatic, I own way too many.
17. I love surfing.
18. I recently broke my leg when surfing.
19. I live in South Africa.
20. It annoys me greatly when people ask stupid questions about South Africa, it's perfectly normal, we live in normal houses, don't have wild animals in our backyards, and have electricity.
21.I have an unhealthy obsession with MnMs.
22. I hide them in secret places in my room for whenever I get a craving. :)
over a year ago AaronHaley4ever said…
1. I just got my hair dyed white-blonde
2. I used to be a brunette
3. I'm plus-sized
4. I graduated high school 3 years ago
5. I have a giant guinea pig
6. My favorite films are Edward Scissorhands, Love & Human Remains & The Dark Knight
7. I love to try weird-sounding foods
8. I just finished watching my favorite show, Criminal Minds
9. I'm an only child
10. I like to draw manga
11. I've been a Harry Potter fan since 1999
12. I listen to all kinds of music
13. I'm scared of fire
14. My favorite colors are black & dark green
15. I like basketball
16. I know how to sew
17. Most of my favorite books are classics
18. I can't stand Tom Felton and Robert Pattinson (sorry, fans!)
19. I'm allergic to mangoes
20. I <3 <3 <3 Thomas Gibson
21. ^ I have over 1000 pics of him on my laptop
22. Some of my other favorite actors are Jason Isaacs, Johnny Depp, Heath Ledger & John Travolta
23. I like old-fashioned things
24. I <3 kitties
over a year ago happyallie said…
big smile
1.I'm a blonde
2.if you gave me 1 million bucks to be a cheerleader, i would punch you in the face and gi watch harry potter 3, four times
3.I think twilight is as stupid as the idea of playing leap frog with unicorns
4.i love to call the rejection hotline
5.im in love with harry potter (just finished the 7th one for the 2nd time)
6.I live in nashville,tennessee,and yes i hate miley cyrus.
7.i love the Wii
8.i love sonny with a chance (Channy <3)
9.Soccer is the best sport, ever.
10.Coke or Pepsi? Dr.Pepper
11.Purple is my fave color
12.hannah montana makes me wanna puke
13.flying squirrels are cool
14.im a ninja
15.Team edward or jacob/ um...HARRY!!
16.i have a pet hippogriff
17.i sing in the shower
18.i wish i could play the drums as well as nick jonas
19.the best vacation spot is standing stone state park in TN
20.im one of the 8/5 of people who understand fractions
over a year ago caligurl16 said…
1. I love, defend, & support Michael Jackson no matter what anyone says or does
2. I have the same birthdate as Missy Elliot
3. I don't have any sisters
4. I STRONGLY dislike rude/mean/unfriendly people
5. I don't like it when people act fake and lie
6. I love kids
7. I hate the cold
8. I'm eating pretzels & hummus right now
9. I have a new found love for Fanpop
10. I'm not a member of the Random club because there was WAY too many updates from the Answers section, but I do everything as if I was a member
11. I wish I was born in 1970, so I could grow up in the 80s & better remember the 90s
12. My roommate is Philippino
13. I hate it when people act bitchy & snobby
14. I'm a lover not a fighter
15. I'm wearing a yellow jacket
16. I love my Mama
17. I don't know what to put for #17
18. I love to laugh & be goofy
19. In my city & school, I'm considered a minority
20. I love dogs
21. I wish Janet Jackson was my auntie
22. At one point in my life, I was obsessed with NFL players & it was my dream to marry a football player ;D
23. I have 2 papers that I should be writing right now
24. On fanpop, I used to put "<3" at the end of every comment & answer I made, but now I only use it occasionally
25. I can't think of anything else
over a year ago RnBStar13 said…
1.I'm a redhead <3
2.I love RnB Music
3.I know one fanpopper personally which is my sister(xBiebersGirl16x)
4.I'm REALLY shy
5.I put other peoples problems before mine
6.I'm a singer and dancer
7.I come on fanpop alot! :D
8.I'm ridiculously girly
9.I <3 Justin Bieber!
10.I really don't like mean/disrespectful/stuck-up people who love themselves
11.My Favourite colour is Pink
12.I'm a Vegetarian
13.I adore animals
14.I'm a christian
15.Once you get to know me i can be really chatty suprisingly :')
16.I worry about small things alot
17.I'm REALLY weird(as other people say) ahahaha!
18.I love my family, they're the most geekiest people ever but you gotta love them hahahaha :D!
19.Music is my life
20.I'm not a shallow person at all :)

over a year ago TDAPlayer158 said…
1. My name is Mason

2. i have dark brown hair.

3. I'm part Spanish

4. I have a cousin named Ashley

5. Christian

6. I like the simpsons, family guy and TDWT

7. I like cartoons

8. Love EENE

9. Likes Newgrounds

10. I like hip-hop

11. I like Epic Movie

12. I like Hatchet and Where the Red Fern Grows

13. I like pasta, grilled cheese

14. I like School

15. School Started today

16. DBZ Fan

17. Does not have a motto

18. March 5, 1994

19. I like math

20. I live with my uncle.
over a year ago cute20k said…
1. I'm trying to use legit as much as possible with out being too legit on such a legit day. Legit, I know.

2. My favorite word is legit.

3. If I could have ANY pet on earth, it would be a purple llama named Jimmy. That would be sooo legit.

4. My dog continuously eats my brothers most legit viking hat. Damn dog, that is SO not legit!

5. I am secretly a purple alien. But shhh (:

6. I've been meaning to change my motto to "Peace, love, and butt shmexx, babeh!" because my current motto is very un-legit

7. I wanna be a fairy princess named Dr. Suess when I grow up. How legit would THAT be?! :D

8. Most songs make me cry, no matter how happy they are. Yet I still love music.

9. About a month ago I starved myself and almost died because I thought I needed to loose weight. Kids, this is why you should look in the mirror more often.

10. 37 is my favorite number.

11. I was nearly raped by some dude named Bob.

12. Bobs my bffl now!

13. Paramore is the most legit band on Earth, according to my friend's uncle's best friend's third cousin's great aunt's neighbor's youngest son who is 83 and lives in Never Land. Oh, and I agree!

14. I love frozen orange juice.

15. I just got out of the phase of eating lip gloss like its candy!

16. Legit legit legit legit legit legit legit legit

18. I skipped 17.

19. I know 16 isn't a fact.

20. My brother's unicorn, henry, just soiled my rug!

21. I prefer spelling yea yeah over yeah

22. My uncle's name is Senor Ricardo Carlos Alejandro Ramerez Buensales Juan. But he goes by Norm!

37. I used to have the most legit rainbow hair ever!
over a year ago tabithasb13 said…
big smile
1.my name is Tabitha
2.I have brown hair
3.I have brown eyes
4.I live in Mississippi
5.I like the color black
6.I love country music
7.I love potato chips
8.I love the internet
9.my favorite tv show is Total drama world tour
10.im in love with a fictional cheracter
11.I dont care what people think of me
12.I prefer to talk to peple online then in real life
13.im 13 years old
14.I cant wait till im 16
15.im a Christian
16.my b day is december 15 1996
17.my favorite smiley is this >:)
18.I like to stay up late
19.I get anoyed realy easy
20.I like answering questions about my self
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silverandgreen7 said…
1. I'm obsessed with Harry Potter.
2. I'm Asian.
3. I love cookies :)
4. I'm a Nerdfighter. \m/
5. I just love watching YouTube videos.
6. I'm sarcastic.
7. I like bashing Twilight but only if it doesn't go too far.
8. I like history :|
9. I hate sickly sweet, "plastic" girls. Ugh.
10. I love Regina Spektor. <3
11. I think Logan Lerman's really cute.
12. I'm a Ravenclaw. Who wants to be in Slytherin.
13. I have a Tumblr! :D
14. I like role playing with my friends -_-
15. I want to go to London. Right now.
16. I want to travel the world, someday.
17. I like collecting those seeds from the dandelions that get blown by the wind.
18. I want to live in Europe.
19. I'm in 8th grade. I'm 14. I'm...in middle school?
20. I didn't know that some kids in my class hate me. Wow.
21. I sound like a bad person...I'm not! Honest! :)
22. I may or may not be a witch, a vampire slayer and an English spy. *shifty eyes*
23. I love the colors violet, green, turquoise, silver and black. Especially all together.
24. I love the beach.
25. I want red hair, but I don't think it would look good on me.
26. I think Inception was a really good movie.
27. I think my life's boring...

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dani259 said…
1.I love to take pics of posable dolls.
2.I love pokemon
3.I always found Waldo even if it takes me like 2 hrs.
4.I hate math
5.I like purple
6.I have more guy friends than girl friends (friends that are girls dont think i'm weird)
7.I want red hair too
8.I hate Justin bieber
9.I also think Logan Lerman is cute
10.I hate snobby stuck up cheerleaders
11.I am to lazy to finish this lol XD