Random Answer these for personality and answers!

milesfoodfreak posted on Jan 15, 2011 at 05:11PM
I will post a different quiz every week, maybe every day if it goes down well. Just answer them and i will comment saying about your personality. Afetr i post a new quiz, i wont be doing the previous quiz any longer.

This weeks quiz...

What colour is your heart?

1. How many lovers have you had in the past year?
a) 13
b) 5
c) 1
d) 2
e) 0

2. What are your views on children?
a) I hate them
b) They're annoying, but i'll put up with them
c) I love children and would do anything to make a child happy
d) I am fond of children and enjoy playing with them
e) I like them, but they make me uncomfortable

3. What is your favourite animal?
a) Black panther
b) Red cardinal
c) Pink flamingo
d) Yellow baby chick
e) Purple jellyfish

4. If you saw someone drop a $20 bill, what would you do?
a) Pocket it
b) Nothing
c) Return it
d) Donate it to charity
e) Panic and return it

5. Do you trust others?
a) No, everyone should watch out for themselves
b) I trust people easily
c) Yes, but im careful of who i trust
d) Yes, but only those who are close to me
e) Not really, but i try to

6. What is your favourite band?
a) Nickelback
b) The Killers
c) Jars of Clay
d) Tool
e) They Might Be Giants

7. What is your ideal occupation?
a) Drive a forklift
b) Receptionist
c) Hairdresser
d) Gardener
e) Computer Analyst

8. What is your favourite sport?
a) Bowling
b) Ice skating
c) Football
d) Swimming
e) Baseball

9. Whats your favourite colour?
a) Black
b) Red
c) Pink
d) Yellow
e) Purple

10. Are you a good person?
a) No, im ruthless!
b) Yes, ideserve whatever i need and want
c) Yes, but i could find ways to improve myself
d) Yes, i am confident and happy with who i am
e) No, i am not happy with myself
last edited on Jan 15, 2011 at 05:58PM

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