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Robin Williams' daughter Zelda says AI recreations of her dad are 'personally disturbing'

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There was an AI trend on tumblr a few months ago where everyone was feeding celebrity voices through some program and making them say things as characters... I listened to about 5 seconds of one, just out of curiosity. Absolutely horrifying. (And then, as tumblr does, they decided it was morally wrong about two weeks later and started lecturing everyone who was a few seconds behind in their own opinion reversal. Insert eyeroll here.)

But this was relatively contained to one fandom, where the actors are all still alive. The moral issue was that the actors didn't consent to having their voices played with. I can't imagine stumbling upon the voice of a dead relative that somebody has manipulated for their own amusement. This is a whole new level of what-the-fuck.
posted 8 months ago.
last edited 8 months ago