Saga of the Noble Dead Updates

a reply was made to the forum post: Which actors/actresses would play the characters of the Noble Dead Saga in a movie based on the saga? over a year ago by ndfankd
a link was added: Noble Dead Wiki over a year ago by Irelaiyan
a comment was made to the link: Barb Hendee's Livejournal over a year ago by Magiere
a link was added: The official site of the Noble Dead Saga over a year ago by JC_Hendee
a comment was made to the link: The Noble Dead on Facebook! over a year ago by JC_Hendee
a link was added: The Saga of the Noble Dead on TVTropes over a year ago by Magiere
a question was added: What's the name of the artist who did the cover arts of the second Noble Dead series ("In Shade and Shadow", "Through Stone and Sea" and "Of Truth and Beasts")? over a year ago by Magiere
a photo was added: Sister of the Dead US Cover picture Magiere, Leesil and Chap over a year ago by Magiere
a wallpaper was added: Noble Dead Wallpaper Magiere, Leesil and Chap over a year ago by Magiere
fan art was added: Leesil fanart over a year ago by Magiere
a link was added: Barb Hendee's Livejournal over a year ago by Magiere
a link was added: The Noble Dead on Facebook! over a year ago by Magiere
a link was added: Noble Dead Wiki over a year ago by Magiere
a pop quiz question was added: Why does Leesil hate travelling by ship? over a year ago by Magiere
a pop quiz question was added: What's Captain Gezas present for the trio? over a year ago by Magiere
a pop quiz question was added: Leesil sets off with Sgäile to... over a year ago by Magiere
a pop quiz question was added: Who or what is Leanâlhâm? over a year ago by Magiere
a pop quiz question was added: What happens to Leesil while hunting Toret, Sapphire and Chane? over a year ago by Magiere
a pop quiz question was added: Whom or what does Magiere see while she is under Vordana's spell? over a year ago by Magiere
a pop quiz question was added: Who or what is Korey? over a year ago by Magiere
a pop quiz question was added: What's the name of Leesil's father's friend in Venjètz? over a year ago by Magiere
a pop quiz question was added: What's Wynn's last name? over a year ago by Magiere
a pop quiz question was added: Which color has the dress Magiere inherited from her mother? over a year ago by Magiere
a link was added: Noble Dead Saga over a year ago by Magiere