Sakkara98 and Cie. Updates

an icon was added: n9ln6J3 GC7eDGnHC1awZt AuYCdZxld9Kfs6uQAKSS8G5DUjG9dlySm5uwWiROfAe4Z 73zQ154zXFdSXSRgVqNHUhgAwlSde58 over a year ago by Sakkara98
fan art was added: SS Amber over a year ago by Sakkara98
a wallpaper was added: SS Amber over a year ago by Sakkara98
a comment was made to the fan art: Rosalie's banner over a year ago by mia444
a comment was made to the fan art: Izzie's banner over a year ago by EDWARD_TWIHARD
a comment was made to the icon: Sara & me over a year ago by sini12
a reply was made to the forum post: ★ Picture contest ★ over a year ago by sini12
a comment was made to the poll: What's your month of birth ? over a year ago by sini12
a comment was made to the poll: Do you smoke ? over a year ago by sini12
a comment was made to the poll: What style of music do you like ? over a year ago by sini12
a comment was made to the poll: You are... over a year ago by sini12
a comment was made to the poll: How old are you? over a year ago by sini12
a reply was made to the forum post: Icon and Banner Suggestions. 4th theme OPENED. over a year ago by modernfan
a comment was made to the fan art: people you might like :) over a year ago by modernfan
a comment was made to the fan art: TVD & Twilight over a year ago by modernfan
a comment was made to the poll: ★ Picture contest : Round 2 : Favorite Actress. Vote for the best picture,not favorite actress.★ over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: ★ Picture contest : Round 2 : A girl of TVD. Break the tie.★ over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: ★ Picture contest : Round 2 : Favorite Actress. Vote for the best picture,not favorite actress.★ over a year ago by Sakkara98
a comment was made to the poll: ★ Picture contest : Round 3 : A girl from TVD. Vote for the best picture,not favorite character.★ over a year ago by modernfan
a comment was made to the poll: Choose the new banner ! over a year ago by Sakkara98
a comment was made to the poll: Choose the new icon ! over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: Choose the new banner ! over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: Choose the new icon ! over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: ★ Picture contest : Round 3 : A girl from TVD. Vote for the best picture,not favorite character.★ over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: ★ Picture contest : Round 2 : Favorite Actor. Vote for the best picture,not favorite actor.★ over a year ago by Sakkara98
a comment was made to the poll: ★ Picture contest : Round 1 : Favorite singer. Vote for the best picture,not favorite singer.★ over a year ago by milkie
a poll was added: ★ Picture contest : Round 1 : Favorite singer. Vote for the best picture,not favorite singer.★ over a year ago by Sakkara98
a comment was made to the poll: If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change (Tell in comments) over a year ago by Desara
a comment was made to the poll: Have you ever faked sick? over a year ago by Desara
a comment was made to the poll: If you could have any job, what would you want to do/be ? over a year ago by Desara
a comment was made to the poll: If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be ? (Tell in comments) over a year ago by Desara
a comment was made to the poll: Do you have any phobias ?(Tell in comments) over a year ago by KaterinaLover
a comment was made to the poll: How old were you when you received your first kiss ? (Tell in comments) over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: Do you have any phobias ?(Tell in comments) over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change (Tell in comments) over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: How old were you when you received your first kiss ? (Tell in comments) over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: Do you smoke ? over a year ago by Sakkara98
a comment was made to the poll: What is the last film you saw ? (Tell in comments) over a year ago by milkie
a poll was added: Have you ever faked sick? over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: If you could have any job, what would you want to do/be ? over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be ? (Tell in comments) over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: What is the last film you saw ? (Tell in comments) over a year ago by Sakkara98
a comment was made to the poll: You prefer... over a year ago by HaleyDewit
a comment was made to the poll: Choose the new banner. over a year ago by HaleyDewit
a comment was made to the poll: Do you like goth ? over a year ago by KaterinaLover
a poll was added: Do you like goth ? over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: You prefer... over a year ago by Sakkara98
a comment was made to the poll: Choose the new icon. over a year ago by KarinaCullen
a poll was added: Choose the new icon. over a year ago by Sakkara98
a poll was added: Choose the new banner. over a year ago by Sakkara98