Save The Wolves Foundation Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Do you think wolves should be killed? over a year ago by PlayingWithFire
a reply was made to the forum post: Arctic Wolves(January 2011) over a year ago by demon_wolf
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Average life span of a wolf in the wild: over a year ago by GrimDog
a video was added: Brutal: Sarah Palin's Record on Aerial Wolf Hunting over a year ago by demon_wolf
a video was added: Stop killing Wolves Sarah Palin! over a year ago by demon_wolf
a video was added: SAVE THE WOLVES STOP KILLING THEM SARAH PALIN over a year ago by demon_wolf
a video was added: STOP AERAIL WOLF KILLING over a year ago by demon_wolf
a video was added: Stop the killing of the wolves over a year ago by demon_wolf
a video was added: STOP THE WOLF MURDER!!!!Song My Immortal by, Evanescence over a year ago by demon_wolf
a video was added: Stop killing WOLVES over a year ago by demon_wolf
a video was added: Stop killing wolves! over a year ago by demon_wolf
a video was added: stop killing wolves!! over a year ago by demon_wolf
a video was added: Howl across America over a year ago by demon_wolf
an icon was added: Stop the Killng over a year ago by demon_wolf
a photo was added: Stop the Killng over a year ago by demon_wolf
an article was added: Wolf Facts. over a year ago by demon_wolf
a pop quiz question was added: Average life span of a wolf in the wild: over a year ago by demon_wolf
a pop quiz question was added: Gray wolves once populated large portions of…… over a year ago by demon_wolf
a pop quiz question was added: T or F: In the lower 48 states, gray wolves were hunted to near extinction, though some populations survived and others have since been reintroduced. over a year ago by demon_wolf
a pop quiz question was added: T or F: Wolves kill and eat other animals for food. Depending on where they live, wolves live mainly on the meat from such animals as deer, moose, elk or bison. over a year ago by demon_wolf
a comment was made to the poll: Do you hate it when you hear/see about wolves being killed? (As in on the news or reading it in the newspaper) over a year ago by SNAPES-LADY
a poll was added: Do you think wolves should be killed? over a year ago by demon_wolf
a poll was added: Do you hate it when you hear/see about wolves being killed? (As in on the news or reading it in the newspaper) over a year ago by demon_wolf
an answer was added to this question: Ever had a wolf be shot infront of you? Do you like seeing innocent wolves and wolf pups being killed for their fur? Support us by becoming a fan. Only you can help our wolf reservation be the best. over a year ago by demon_wolf
a link was added: Wolves of Yellowstone over a year ago by demon_wolf
a poll was added: Are you upset that people are killing wolves for the sport of it? over a year ago by demon_wolf
a video was added: HELP SAVE WOLVES!!! over a year ago by demon_wolf
a video was added: Help Save Wolves... over a year ago by demon_wolf
a comment was made to the answer: no and no one should. every one should suport this couse. over a year ago by My_Johnny
an answer was added to this question: Ever had a wolf be shot infront of you? Do you like seeing innocent wolves and wolf pups being killed for their fur? Support us by becoming a fan. Only you can help our wolf reservation be the best. over a year ago by Fier125
a pop quiz question was added: How many wolves are in the Yellowstone National Park? over a year ago by ilovezuko23
a comment was made to the article: The Arctic Wolf (January 2011 Wolf-To-Be-Saved) over a year ago by ilovezuko23
an article was added: The Arctic Wolf (January 2011 Wolf-To-Be-Saved) over a year ago by ilovezuko23
a question was added: Ever had a wolf be shot infront of you? Do you like seeing innocent wolves and wolf pups being killed for their fur? Support us by becoming a fan. Only you can help our wolf reservation be the best. over a year ago by ilovezuko23