Sawyer Nelson Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Who is Sawyer better with in the scenes of the movie? (not as lovers) over a year ago by AnimeFanime12
a comment was made to the poll: Do u like that Nathan Gamble (Sawyer) dyed his hair blonde? over a year ago by AnimeFanime12
a poll was added: Do u like that Nathan Gamble (Sawyer) dyed his hair blonde? over a year ago by AnimeFanime12
a pop quiz question was added: How many problems did Sawyer have in the VERY beggining of the movie? over a year ago by AnimeFanime12
a poll was added: Who is Sawyer better with in the scenes of the movie? (not as lovers) over a year ago by AnimeFanime12
a pop quiz question was added: What did Sawyer cut Winter free with? over a year ago by AnimeFanime12
a pop quiz question was added: Who was the one who called the Clearwater Aquarium when Winter was found on the beach? over a year ago by AnimeFanime12
a poll was added: Do u think Sawyer is cute? over a year ago by AnimeFanime12
a poll was added: Should I make a Sawyer X Hazel club? over a year ago by AnimeFanime12