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Science Fiction Question

There was a movie pending production, or in the early stages of production, based on Frank Herbert's "Destination: Void" Does anyone know what this movie is going to be called?

The plot involves clone-astronauts being sent to colonize a distant galaxy or solar system. However, the actual and secret reason they are sent is to quickly produce an artificial intelligence under the stress to save themselves from certain death. All previous attempts on Earth had resulted in disaster because when the A.I. gained awarenes it destroyed its creators and itself in violent exposions. The reasons for this were unknown as there were never any survivors. Earth scientists therefore schemed a way to sacrifice only clones for this endeavor and far away from Earth. By closely monitoring their progress and they would then be able to learn from the clones and at an appointed time, success or not, destroy the ship remotely everyone aboard. However, all previous missions into space had also resulted in failure but this final jaunt into the stars endes in a big surprise for everyone.
 Quiztzhadrch posted over a year ago
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