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Sesshomaru Question

What do you like about sesshomaru ( and DON'T say he's hot or anything related to that word because all you fan girls would say that)

i think i like him ya i haven't watched inuyasha in a long time so i don't know i just do XD
What do you like about sesshomaru ( and DON'T say he's hot or anything related to that word because all you fan girls would say that)
 motochika posted over a year ago
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Sesshomaru Answers

mindy890 said:
Bcause him and me are a lot alike( But I don't act as heartless as him all the time....most of the time but not all the time) Because He thought he did not like humans at all but then he met Rin and I thought it was cute. Hes stong, confident, scary XD. Hes smart. And I also like the things that obsessed fangirls do. I love everything about him. At first I hated him but a little bit before he met Rin I started to really like him.

Thats why. Now enjoy this pic of Sesshomaru,Rin and Jaken. (Yes I put Jaken last for a reason XD)
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Bcause him and me are a lot alike( But I don't act as heartless as him all the time....most of the time but not all the time) Because He thought he did not like humans at all but then he met Rin and I thought it was cute. Hes stong, confident, scary XD. Hes smart. And I also like the things that obsessed fangirls do. I love everything about him. At first I hated him but a little bit before he met Rin I started to really like him. 

Thats why. Now enjoy this pic of Sesshomaru,Rin and Jaken. (Yes I put Jaken last for a reason XD)
posted over a year ago 
michelle1004 said:
he has no emostions at al seems like if he is sad
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posted over a year ago 
Kandrakar said:
I like his character development.
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posted over a year ago 
fluffyluvr21 said:
I like his character developement ,his swords ,his slight pompous peacock ego , his smile (when he does smile ..), his fluff , his hatred towards his hanyou brother , HIS HAIR !:D , his love for Rin , his clothes , his powers , his emotionless expression ,his bio, his story-line,EVERYTHING !
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I like his character developement ,his swords ,his slight pompous peacock ego , his smile (when he does smile ..), his fluff , his hatred towards his hanyou brother , HIS HAIR !:D , his love for Rin , his clothes , his powers , his emotionless expression ,his bio, his story-line,EVERYTHING !
posted over a year ago 
inuyasha15 said:
his personality, makes him way different from inuyasha :)
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his personality, makes him way different from inuyasha :)
posted over a year ago 
ya XD
motochika posted over a year ago
well i like him because he is pure demon and that of his shere strenth.i like him because he cares for Rin and Rin SO cute!
Temboryn posted over a year ago
A_rainbow said:
just cuz his personality, cuz is a demon, his intelligence, his way of be... and finally cuz he love inuyasha and his father n he cant just accept it (: he is just the best anime character
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posted over a year ago 
sesshyswind said:
I like him because he's HOT, sorry had to throw that out there because you said not to and sometimes I just like being a bitch xD lol so, ok.

Well... oh god there are so many reasons why like this character and what I like. I wouldn't know where to begin. T_T sadly the words just don't come so easily, I believe if I put it all up in an abbreviated sense, saying to abridge the book I would write explaining to you every bitty detail of what and why I'm such a designated fan of this character I don't feel it would do my feelings any justice, but I'll try. (just not right now >_<) The words still have to come to me, so sit tight and just wait it's a comin^^

I made wrote an article, here read: link

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I like him because he's HOT, sorry had to throw that out there because you said not to and sometimes I just like being a bitch xD lol so, ok. 

Well... oh god there are so many reasons why like this character and what I like. I wouldn't know where to begin. T_T sadly the words just don't come so easily, I believe if I put it all up in an abbreviated sense, saying to abridge the book I would write explaining to you every bitty detail of what and why I'm such a designated fan of this character I don't feel it would do my feelings any justice, but I'll try. (just not right now >_<) The words still have to come to me, so sit tight and just wait it's a comin^^   

I made wrote an article, here read:
posted over a year ago 
Fan girl enough for you ^-^ it damn well be :P
sesshyswind posted over a year ago
meh, oh well, i thought so too, but i didnt put hes hot to follow my own rules, its just because i dont want like 20 people saying cuz hes hot XD
motochika posted over a year ago
lol, I know sorry couldn't help it, sometimes I just get the whim to do things. But I do understand your point; it does get annoying after a while when that's all you hear people say, like they can't think of anything else. There are a few other questions like this I haven't been able to answer also for the same reasons, mainly because they all ask the same question 'who's your fave, or who do you like and why' of course my answer will be Sesshomaru, so it’s like trying to come up with several different ways to say the same thing. It can get a little overwhelming especially when there’s just so much to say with such limited space ;)
sesshyswind posted over a year ago
I submitted a link this covers a few things, it isn't the complete picture but it's a start ^ ^
sesshyswind posted over a year ago
sesshykiralover said:
Ah, so hard to explain. But, here I go.

I like Sesshomaru because he's.....


Lol, bet you thought I was going to say hot. But, no. Even though he is...more like stunning.

Lord Sesshomaru is a reserved person, never really opening up to anyone. He doesn't place his problems on anyone else's shoulders, sometimes handling the problem of others....if it benefits him in the end. His personality is so different. He seems cold and stoic, but beneath that is probably just a demon who had at first harbored too much hate. After seeing through his hate and anger, I believe he became, a bit, more compassionate...and hot.

Not only do I love his overall existence, but I really love his rational and sensible mind. He doesn't just rush into battle and actually takes the time to study his opponent and any dangers....if there are any dangers for a demon as powerful as himself. He also never underestimates his opponent or a situation, and rarely lets emotions control his actions.

Now, for my fangirl reasons!>:) He's sexy. His hair is awesome. He's awesome. He's misunderstood. He's powerful. He's really awesome. He's really, really awesome. I love him....which is why I love him....if that makes sense. He's not overly annoying, like a certain sibling of his. He'll never find a romantic attraction to a mere mortal...which is what I expect of a demon of his honor and nobility. Oh yeah, he's honorable and noble. He doesn't kill for pointless reasons. Everything he does have a reason, even if it's just for his benefit. And, he meets the requirements of my anime fangirl guidelines! Actually, he's kind of the basis for it.

Ugh, so hard to explain. In short, I just love him for him!

Excuse the fangirl rambling....thank you!
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posted over a year ago 
dewdrop77 said:
I like him because of what he represents. I think he represents positive change. Sesshomarus task in life, even though he doesn't know it, is to learn compassion. Being heartless and stoic like he is it couldn't have been an easy task for him. The change took a lot of time and a lot of work (after all he had to take care of a human child, which he would normally hate and avoid) but in the end he was greatly rewarded with his very own super awesome sword. That's why I like sesshomaru's character even if he is a pompous ass. And also I HAVE TO SAY IT, he is soooo hot!! Oh he's just dreamy!
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posted over a year ago 
Ram0niK said:
I love him because...because...("most of the time" in addition start~)he is calm XD. Expresionless,cold towards Jaken -gotta love their funny relationship- (~end of "most of the time"), DARING (heh.. c':) I also love his air of superiority,the "tattoos" on his whole body `rawr`aaannd that he's not as heartless as he wants us to think he is :P This is all I can remember right now,but I bet I'mma find some other reasons later XD lol Bye for now >w<
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posted over a year ago 
Sesshomrugirl said:
Well, I think I like him, but I can't decide between 3 guys including him, from different anime! Also, I also think of him as kind of cruel at times. :)
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Well, I think I like him, but I can't decide between 3 guys including him, from different anime! Also, I also think of him as kind of cruel at times. :)
posted over a year ago 
cakepop97 said:
Well, what do I adore about the ever so breathtaking Sesshomaru? It is a excellent question indeed. It maybe his swagger, his demeanour, his personality, his appearance, or is it the sense of mystery about him that makes this die hard fan girl swoon. I also love that he is strong and crudely sarcastic, I also love how he uses his sarcasm, and how he displays his Lordly charm. I find everything about him undeniably sexy. How can I not? Look at him!
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posted over a year ago 
CrippleAngel said:
Inuyasha was my first anime to watch and is still to this day my absolute favorite.

Sesshomaru has always been my heart crush.

I respect him more than anything, but yes, if i had a chance, oooooh imma go for it.

Sesshomaru is very attractive, yeah. But how reserved, intelligent and mysterious he is is very enthralling. Even when he states his hatred for humans and his brother, you can tell he underlyingly cares less either way. He doesn't go off killing everyone, but lord help you if you piss him off. He is calm, tactical and precise. Protective, even when he makes it seem he doesn't care. He is insightful and understanding, quick learning and has no tolerance for idiocy. Well, scratch that, he let Jokin hang around so he tolerates more than you would think.

There has always been this odd feeling of accepting warmth anout him, however. Like, once you gain his trust, he seems to be calm and caring in this odd underlying qay. With a peaceful gaze and relaxed form. He walks with elegance, becoming of his title. But he seems humble, not bothering to take from others. There was one episode o remember when he requested to use a boat from an army to cross a bit of water. Pf course he ended up killing because of the rude response, but he wasn't looking for a fight.

Not to mention this guy is devoted as f***. I mean, if he put that much effort into getting a damn sword from his brother, how devoted do you think he'd be in keeping his loved ones safe. Which he already shows in his fatherly care for Rin.

Dunno why but in every anime, i always fall for the guy with white hair. O.o
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posted over a year ago 
jenna1981344 said:
I have watched Inuyasha several times over and have come to care for each of their characters as I got to know them more ans more.
I have come to the decision that Seashomaru is my favorite because while they don't share much about his past I can tell that he has been through alot to come to not like humans.
I cant hold that against him.
If yoi think about it humans are far less trustworthy than any demon in my opinion. Humans lie, cheat, steal among other things for no good reason. It isn't like humans don't have a choice in the matte. Meanwhile demons are expected to do those things but we have no real proof that they ever have except for what we've been told.
Anyhow Sesshomaru is overall a good demon for many reason and I love the father/daughter relationship that has grown between him and Rin.
The series has been a wonderful contribution to our anime and manga world.😄😄💓💓
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posted over a year ago 
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