Severus Snape Have you faced any disparaging remarks about your appreciation of Severus Snape?

karenmiller1972 posted on Feb 20, 2012 at 05:52PM
So, I recently got extremely fed up with being attacked for something by some immature unfounded callous idiot. (Sorry, curtailing rant)

Suffice it to say, I know everyone on this site and elsewhere has at one time or another had to deal with someone attacking your interest in Severus Snape as a character.

What has been the most surprising, shocking, or hurtful instancem Was it RL or online? And was it a stranger or someone close? Was it random comments or did it feel like a personal attackm

And most importantly, how did you deal with it? Or have you been able to deal with it? Did you get past it?

Severus Snape 57 replies

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over a year ago jester616 said…
My answer isn't directly on point, but you know I've got to get my two cents in. About two years ago I had finished reading all the HP books. Shortly thereafter, the whole family watched HBP. My husband was surprised that Snape killed Dumbledore; I explained there was more to it than that, but I didn't want to spoil it for him. My daughter piped in that Snape was a total bastard, and I had to come to his defense; after all, she had read all the books too. I asked her if she had read some odd, bootleg edition of DH, and I just ended the conversation by saying there was much more to the story.

I've managed to keep my obsession pretty quiet. Not that I'm embarrassed by it; it's just that I've been consistently mocked over the years about my fan crushes. I can't handle being mocked for adoring Snape.
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
I don't say much about my Flove either. To most, when talk turns to HP movies, talk rarely turns to Severus, its mostly about the Quittitch Matches, how they appeared on film, the creatures, an only how mean Severus was and was he really Voldemort's or Dumberledore's. And I'm stunned all over again at how most people get hung up on appearances.

If I mention that the way he acted had reason, invariably the response is "well, he didn't have to enjoy it so much, did he?" or "couldn't he have not been quite so bad about it?". And, I just shut up.

I am thankful all the time that I fan fanpop and other sites to be able to talk without being made fun of.
over a year ago jester616 said…
So true. Invariably even here, as I'm sure you've seen, there are questions regarding whether Snape really had to be so bad. For certain the books delved more deeply into Snape's character, but even if you've seen only the movies, enough info is given that you see why he was the way he was. I know I'm not subjective here, but I honestly never got the impression that he "enjoyed" being mean.

The only other slightly relevant thing I can think of is a "Who is Your Hogwarts Guy" type of quiz I had taken before I came across Fanpop. When I answered honestly, I got Lupin, which is fine by me. When I answered according to my husband's personality quirks, I got Snape. I told him that, and he wasn't amused. Even when I insisted that Snape was heroic, he wasn't moved. Nonetheless, I secretly think he's glad he's more like Snape than Voldemort.
over a year ago jester616 said…
I meant to write that I'm not objective! Not objective at all when it comes to Snape! I hate when I make these kinds of errors.
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
@Jester - -

I just grinned my ass off at your comment. When I take those type quizzes, I always end up with Lupin or Neville...LOL! B-u-u-u-t-t-t, when I fill them out with what my other half would say or react, I end up with him too! ROFL! You comment has me just giggling cause he is NOT amused by it either.

This may be why Severus is my strongest and longest FLove crush.

And probably why my favorite fanfic stories always keep Severus his true snarky sarcastic bastard-y (word?) self but with truly intense moments of caring and love for that special someone.
over a year ago jester616 said…
big smile
Funny! When I think back over my close friendships, I can't help but notice that I seem to attract smart-ass, somewhat intense people. I guess it's the ying-yang thing, or that I instinctively know to make myself look better by association! I think the only thing I bring is that nervous, hand-wringing, "do you think that's a good idea?" sensibility to the relationship.

Which leads me to the strongly-held belief that I'm the sole Hufflepuff in a family of Slytherins. I mean, we had no need whatsoever to take a Sorting Hat quiz. We all knew what we are!
over a year ago jester616 said…
And as I'm more out of it than usual today, I just realized your icon is AR, and NOT the Weasley twins!!
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
I found the icon pic on another site, 2 (TWO!) Alan's! What could be better?! *sigh*

I, like you, seem to always attract the quirky friends. Either smart ass or just plain out there.... (I could catagorize my past friends as Luna and my other half as Severus, while myself would always be Hermione or McGonagal...LOL)
over a year ago jester616 said…
I have my Netflix copy of An Awfully Big Adventure. I'm hoping to watch it before this weekend. When I'm not distracted by watching horror, I'm trying to catch up on all the AR movies out there!

Back in the HP world, I think I'm most like Luna, but I don't have her self-assurance. I try to restrict my foibles to my own family!
over a year ago snapeinmymind said…
It's always good to know that there are others. Espc. I mean that I'm not alone with my 'crush' what in reality is some kind of strange, weird love. Everywhere around me is absolutely no sympathy for such behavior as mine. No one will ever accept how I think or feel about Severus Snape, that's why I keep it secretly as possible
over a year ago snapeinmymind said…
I forgot something, here it is. There is some reason why I keep it secretly. Mostly I don't want anybody to smudge this kind of love, cause it is the only love in my life that will last forever, no matter how strange this sounds. Snape and his personality will not change and that is part of this deal between him and me ;). Now that he is dead, he will stay forever as the one he was, assumed J. K. Rowling herself will not write another book about Snape. So he and what I think about him lifes forever inside of me. I often wondered whether it would be right to compare him with a religious figure, in reference to Alan Rickmans role, like mesmer. Why do people have a crush on these people? Maybe they wan't something eternal. To keep this secret would be the best I can do to protect Snapes image alive.
over a year ago jester616 said…
It's interesting that you question referring to Snape as a religious figure. I view him as an archetype-the tragic hero-and there was a discussion about that here some months back. I think many of us respond to that, and so many of us can relate to the bitter moments from his life. We've had those ourselves, and we know they can be overcome. I'll even go so far as to say we want to heal him.

One of the reasons I keep my obsession quiet is the fact that I sometimes think I'm a bit too old for this. However, good stories and good characters aren't age-restricted.
over a year ago jester616 said…
And I forgot to mention just how much fun it is sharing thoughts, images, dreams, etc. with other Snape-obsessed fans.
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
I remember watching Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed and them talking about different characters that all great sagas have in common. And I remember thinking Han Solo and Severus Snape had a lot in common. Han Solo would have the whole Slytherin philosophy down pat and excel at it....IMHO. LOL
Most of my favorite characters are 'dark' hero types. Those that know that sometimes you have to make the hard decisions, so others are able to make the easier and best ones.
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
@Jester - I tend to shake my head about being in Flove myself at my age...LOL.

PS. I agree, so so happy I found Fanpop and a few other sites that I can chat and share things with too!
over a year ago jester616 said…
Han Solo--omg I just died over him when I was 10--that was the summer when the very first Star Wars movie came out. I remember reading a People magazine article about Harrison Ford, and how he was 35 at the time. I felt so wrong for about a moment, then decided that Han was only 25. Like that's somehow better for a 10 year old to dream about!!

Oh-I still think he's sexy. He definitely would have been in Slytherin.
over a year ago ComoLoca said…
I too have kept it pretty quiet. I live in a country where "taking the piss" out of someone is part and parcel of the culture, and though I usually don't mind being at the receiving end and generally give as good as I get, for some reason I get a lot more defensive when anyone makes a disparaging comment about Snape. I have never had a fan crush before, at least not to this extent and was totally unaware that such a thing existed. I mean I knew there were people out there who belonged to fan clubs, but I'd never come across this level of...obsession? I too was very glad to find FP.
over a year ago jester616 said…
Obsessed? Us? I'm chuckling to myself. I think even when I first came across FP I held off on checking out the Snape site because once I ventured in, I knew I wouldn't want to go. So, as I head off to sleep, I will be thinking about Sev, as usual, hoping that my brain will delight me with another dream of him.
over a year ago jester616 said…
I think the other main reason I keep my Snape obsession quiet is that I think it might hurt my husband's feelings! After all, I don't exactly have a playlist dedicated to him. He'd probably be appalled by the amount of time I spend thinking of Snape. On the other hand, I know he loves sci-fi, and I know who he's liked in the past, but he won't give me a straight answer now.
over a year ago ComoLoca said…
@jester616: My immediate family is aware of my interest in Snape, and sometimes they tease me about it, but they always know when to stop and how far to take the teasing. My husband doesn't seem to mind that I have a Snape crush, but then it might be because like yours, he's not aware that Snape is pretty much always lurking on my mind }:-).
over a year ago jester616 said…
@Comoloca--I had a fun time razzing my husband a couple years back: he did some holiday shopping, including a bunch of DVDs for himself. What he apparently didn't realize was that all the movies featured Keanu Reeves. I love him, and gleefully told my husband that I'd share his man-crush. He was not amused. So I know he'd hassle me endlessly, regardless of who my obsession is.
over a year ago jester616 said…
And every time I try to post here, I get an error message. It's a conspiracy!
over a year ago ComoLoca said…
^^Lol, you are evil! Fancy teasing your poor man like that! Though I can't say I haven't done the exact same thing to my man ;-) Lucky for me he's a lot more mature than me and seems to deem this kind of teasing to be below himself, so there's very little risk of retaliation on his part :D. I also have my suspicions that he doesn't mind me crushing on Snape because the traits I find attractive in Snape can also easily be found in him.

Nope, the disparaging and hurtful comments have all come from people who don't know me very well. And they have mostly been in the vein of "Oh dear, don't tell me you're one of those Snape/HP fans" or "You should go out and experience real life." As if me crushing on a fictional character makes it somewhat more of a delusional state than being in love with either a musician or an actor! Because we all know that the image said actors/musicians present us with is that of their real selves (yes, that was sarcasm - because there's always someone who doesn't pick it up as such).

After thinking more about it, maybe another reason why I keep it to myself is I can't be bothered to exert an argument on people I don't particularly care much about. I've little impetus to improve their intellect through my :-1 insightful and rational explanations when they are in all likelihood unwilling to exercise an open enough mind to take my points into consideration.

Ah, been having the same problem with the error messages...seems the problem is on fan pop's side then.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jester616 said…
That's so funny that your guy has Snape traits too! So does karenmiller's! What does that say about us!! In the past, I think I got a lot of ribbing b/c I get so defensive, or blush madly. Therefore, I figure it's best to stay quiet about my Snape fixation.

You're right in that it's not worth it trying to explain yourself to those who don't know you all that well. Go out and experience real life? That's harsh!
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
"Go out and experience real life"?! Crap, I deal with RL every day, THIS is what I enjoy doing instead of taking Prozac! (LOL)

And, it is so funny that we all recognize traits in Severus that remind us of our other halves. May be the reason that I was fascinated with Severus from the beginning. Been with my guy for 15 years and its been a complex puzzle that I enjoy learning more about him every year. As soon as I started reading about Severus I wanted to know more about what made him tick (or should I say 'billow'?LOL).

over a year ago ComoLoca said…
@jester: It says we have awfully great taste and know to grab a good thing when we come across it :)

@karenmiller: XD, you cracked me up!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jester616 said…
@Comoloca--I think you have the best explanation. I think of all the times I've sat around rambling on and on, and my guy just sits there in his stoic, Snape-like way, and when I'm done, I get The Look and a murmured "interesting." That only cracks me up more.
over a year ago jester616 said…
Oh yeah, incidentally, when he was younger, his friends referred to him as Mr. Spock.
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
big smile
*snickering wildly* Guess who the only crush from my childhood was?! (Shall I mention I've role played at 2 Star Trek conventions?) This is just too too funny! LOL I still crush on Spock(Leonard Nimoy).
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
I think my only aberation in line with my dark haired set was a slight crush on Jareth, the Goblin King, from Labyrinth and my recent admiration for Lucius Malfoy. But neither of the blondes remotely come close to Severus and Spock for me.
over a year ago ComoLoca said…
Jareth is HOT!!! And funnily enough I'm not much of a David Bowie fan. Some of his music is good, but looks wise, he doesn't do it for me. Mr. Spock can park his slippers under my bed any time...right next to Snape's dragonhide boots }:-)
over a year ago jester616 said…
Ah, Mr. Spock. Comoloca, that would be a most fascinating 3-way. Mr. Spock kind of intimidated me when I was younger, but I understand the crush.
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
Dang, now I have...ideas....LOL

So, I have Severus and Spock, and Lucius and Jareth. Can I start a harem? Pretty pretty please? May I?
over a year ago dottzie36 said…
OMG i love this site so dam much :D its so nice not to feel alone. My friends dont really understand my *crushes* especially Severus and i'm sure most think i'm way to old to be creating my little fantasys in my head. My daughter gets embarrased about it in front of her friends but then i don't halp when i wave my replica wand about:D although her best friend thinks i'm a cool HP mum lol. My OH also displays a remarkable number of snape traits and he doesn't seem to mind my obsession to much although like the rest of you i don't think he realises quite how much my mind is Sev occupied !!!.

And just to keep up with you all :) my first ever character crush who i wrote my 1st fan fic about aged 12 and still love now was Dr 'Bones' McCoy i thought DeForest Kelly was awesome :D. After that came ST:TNG and my huge obsession with Data lol i also fell in love with Jareth, dam those trousers lol. Manolito Montoya was another and as i got older i had and still have an attraction to Tim Curry playing Frank N Furter lol. in the last few years i have drooled over David Tennants Doctor and whilst all my friends seemed to be going googly eyes over Aragorn and Legolas i was waiting for Pippin scenes :D I defo prefer dark haired guys. But Severus Snape is my big obsession i catch myself tinking about him at odd times relating songs to him and willing myself to dream about him :)
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
@dottzie36 - all welcome! LOL Isn't it great that we are able to find one another on here?
Most everyone I knew here at home were Kirk fans, and most of the time I couldn't stand him, except when he was a foil for Spock. And I too, also love Data. And David Tennant is simply delish. Jareth is the only aspect of David Bowie's persona that I like. Have read many many a fanfic about Jareth since I found the world of fanfic.
(I love the movie Rocky Horror picture show and even went to one of the midnight viewings, with a plastic tarp, water gun, and bowl of popcorn. I love roleplaying and these gatherings, everyone is just so wonderful and friendly and welcoming.) Speaking of Tim Curry, I found it very sexy that he was the Darkness in Legend. And all I had to recognize was those eyes and the way he says his words....

I've noticed that most of my crushes always seem to have something intrinisically broken or wrong at their base, but also seem to have phenominal control over themselves. Sexy sexy men! LOL
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jester616 said…
@dottzie36-Data is great! And funnily enough, in tonight's episode of The Simpsons, Brent Spiner provided a guest voice, as a robot!

@karenmiller-love the harem idea. But that should come as no surprise to all the libidinous ladies here!
over a year ago ComoLoca said…

Lol, reading all of the above comments is making me wonder if we're all the same person, that perhaps all my different (previously unknown to me) split personalities have come to FP at different times and left their comments here :P

@dottzie36: As I was reading your post all my OH heard was: "Manolito Montoya, ooh, yes...", "OMG! She likes Frank N Furter too" and (with a big smile) "David Tennant...good taste!".
over a year ago jester616 said…
@Comoloca:interesting theory! I got a good laugh at that one!
over a year ago Kay_Lux said…
I stumbled upon this during my usual google searches involving a certain intoxicating professor, and had to sign up for fan pop just to leave a reply. Like ComoLoca, I am beginning to think I have clones wandering about the internet...

To answer the question, YES I have been ridiculed for merely admiring the complexity of the character Severus Snape! I hadn't even admitted my undying love for him, thank goodness. I don't want to imagine how the conversation would have went if that little fact had surfaced.

So, I also keep my admiration (borderline obsession) for Severus a secret. Of course my OH knows about my crushes (with a smirk and disapproving head shake). One of whom has yet to be mentioned! Sherlock Holmes anyone?
over a year ago ComoLoca said…
@ Kay_Lux: Glad to have you join us :D. We welcome every obsesses and borderline obsessed Snape fans.

Did you say Sherlock as in Cumberbatch Sherlock? (fanning myself) That man is sexy! Just like with Alan, I could listen to his voice all fact I think I might have once...
over a year ago dottzie36 said…
OMG Yes for some reason i cant explain i missed series 1 of sherlock (have caught up now) but saw series 2 and the first thing i thought was oh my his voice :D and i said to my OH his voice he reminds me of Alan OH eye rolled and said shall i download the first series lol.

so yea=h he is also on my list i also like martin freeman though i reallly like him dressed as a hobbit :P i am a strange one me lol

ETA when i was younger i loved Jeremy Brett's sherlock and a loved JB in my fair lady
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over a year ago jester616 said…
I had to google Manolito Montoyo and Benedict Cumberbatch. It's always fun to learn of other objects of obsession!

About 20+ years ago, I had a huge thing for Jeff Goldblum. It was around the time he did the remake of "The Fly." And I think I'm among the 5 people who saw "Earth Girls Are Easy!" I will watch just about any crap to see my crushes!! Around 1988, he did a version of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and yes, he was Ichabod Crane--perhaps one of the best casting decisions ever!
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
@Kay_Lux - Welcome! Come, join us....please look around, you're bound to find interesting things to read and comment on. That's how I found this site also, was googling pics of Severus Snape and Alan Rickman and here I was. Now, LOVE this site! And found interesting people to share some fun comments and interesting discussions with.

@Jester - I always liked Jeff Goldblum but nowhere near obsessive levels for me. I think my favorite portrayal by him was in the Jurassic Park movies for me. Plus Hideaway. (And, I was one of the 5 girls that saw Earth Girls are Easy....LOL!)

@Dottzie - I caught the very first episode of Sherlock and am waiting for my discs to start coming from Blockbuster of Series 1 now of Sherlock. Me, OH, and son all loved Sherlock.
over a year ago dottzie36 said…
hahah Jeff Goldlum yes i had a thing for him and i have earth girls are easy :D i liked him in a film called vibes with cyndi lauper and in jurassic park lol oh and i liked him in indepedence day to :D
over a year ago jester616 said…
@dottzie--I never saw Vibes, but if I remember correctly, I think it wasn't exactly well-received. I did make my husband rent Transylvania 6-5000 for me; that was pretty bad! I liked him in Jurassic Park too!
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
OMG! I had forgot about Vibes with Cyndi Lauper where she talked to the ghost of her dead friend and they were looking for some artifact or something....that movie was awesome! LOL Or at least I thought so when I was in high school....ROFL....
over a year ago Kay_Lux said…
Of course I am referring to Benedict Cumberbatch :) Aah, I believe it is a scientific fact those dark, brilliant, brooding types with sexy voices are irresistible.
over a year ago dottzie36 said…
@Karemmiller1972 yeah so did i my aubty has still got my old VHS copy i might nick it and watch it to see if i still think the same lol

@Kay_Lux I think you maybe right there *sighs and goe off into dream world*
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
Okay, I have to whinge one more time about "I WANT an epilogue!!!....I want Hogwarts....I want to see the years later as the new children arrive at Hogwarts with McGonagal and the rest.....augh!"

Okay, think I'm fine now. For a little while.

Now, to mention other totally cult classic least around my household...."The Lost Boys". Original only! Loved this movie, and to at least segue that too Severus Snape, Jamie Gertz always looked like a grown up Hermione Granger to me....or at least the 19-25 year old version of her. LOL!
"People are strange, when you're a stranger..."
over a year ago jester616 said…
Jamie Gertz...she's one of the few actresses my husband has admitted having a thing for. Otherwise he claims no one interests him. Ha. I believe that.

Well, this has no real relationship to the topic at hand, but I couldn't think of any place else to place it. It's a brief passage from Witch Baby, by Francesca Lia Block. She's written many YA books, including this one, and the ones I've read contain dreamy, surrealistic images.

Anyway, Witch Baby, a teen girl, is feeling lost and lonely. She dreams:

Witch Baby, who is not one of them, dreams of her own angel again. He is huddling on the curb of a dark, rainy street. Behind him is a building filled with golden lights, people and laughter, but he never goes inside. He stays out in the rain, the hollows of his eyes and cheeks full of shadows. When he sees Witch Baby, he opens his hands and holds them out to her. She never touches him in the dream, but she knows just how he would feel.

The image she creates makes me think of Sev as Witch Baby's angel. The moodiness of the scene, the feeling of disconnect yet the desire to be together. I'm glad I came across these books again.