Severus Snape (Please View) Will You Believe It?!

snapeislove posted on Dec 08, 2009 at 11:10AM
remember the locket horcrux? ron saw an imae of harry and herm kissing, a rumor (not sure) came out that dan radcliffe will do the scene naked.. what the --

Severus Snape 25 replies

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over a year ago xBlakeslady said…
over a year ago LilysLittleTwin said…
*zombie-like* Must. Kill. David. Yates.
over a year ago Snapegirl15 said…
It's a rumor. And if its a PG or rated PG-13 movie then they will NOT do that! At least they better not.
over a year ago lilith84 said…
sadly, it's true :( it's been confirmed, mugglenet posted the news a while ago. it is stupid though, I really don't need to see that and it's also unnecessary. kissing would be enough.
over a year ago midnightrose said…
The last couple of films haven't given justice to the proper story line.Wonder what the author reckons of H / H nudity? And where is Severus,who put the sword of Gryfindor in the pool so they could destroy the horcrux, when all this is going on?Watching from behind a tree.Honestly!
over a year ago snapeislove said…
ohh.. im having some goose bumps with these spilling news.. another is that david yates (director) is deleting the cursed fire scene in the RoR.. dammit!!!
over a year ago lilith84 said…
he is not!? is he? Arghhhhhhhhhh! not only did he f*ck up OOTP and HBP, he's doing it again? Then what is the point of having the last movie split in two parts?! to have more sickening love stories and nudity? *bangs her head on the wall*
over a year ago snapeislove said…
yes lilith84, i understand..

*smashes the keyboard*
over a year ago LoveforSeverus said…
Thank you David for f*****g up the last Harry Potter movie and turning it into Twishite.
over a year ago lilith84 said…
if Harry starts sparkling when he's naked...... ;) I still have faith though. not much, but still. Maybe it won't be as bad as it sounds... *tries very hard to believe that*
over a year ago GinnyXHarryluv said…
yeah and guess who's taking me to see this when it comes out my grandmother!!!! i'm only 13(14 by then) i can imagine here telling my dad not fo let me watch HP anymore because of this, and who knows after this she probably wont take me to see part 2.... anyone have any ideas about wat i can do? maybe i can just happen to want more popcorn wen that scene comes up? any1 have any suggestions?
over a year ago lilith84 said…
everything depends on the rating, I guess. And I doubt they will show too much nudity, otherwise the movie would have to be rated R or NC-17 and they won't do that. But yeah, popcorn sounds good ;) Send your gran to get it :P
over a year ago GinnyXHarryluv said…
thanks lilith for the help! but maybe i'll be really lucky and my mom will be out of the hospital by then and she'll take me and considering her and my dad r divorced i doubt she'll say anything to him :)
over a year ago GinnyXHarryluv said…
also im surprised that HarryxHermione fans aren't swarming this article
over a year ago snapeislove said…
me ,as well, is trying so hard to believe that HP finale wont suck like the previous one.. i was excited its split in 2 parts.. i thought it will be FULL THREAD.. then that david suck-a-shit will ruin it !? darn!! Who's joining for a rally????!!! Agrh!
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over a year ago lilith84 said…
me, me, me! I am already trying hard not to kill anyone after seeing HBP! He better not fuck up DH completely!
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over a year ago GinnyXHarryluv said…
Yeah i know lets bring back Christopher Columbus,tell him to come back to Harry Potter and forget about Percy Jackson,who's with me?? and i swear if Yates messes up any of Snape's scenes(especially his death!!!) i'll be so mad!! or if he messes up any HarryxGinny scenes i'll be even angerier(he already butchered them in HBP not only was the kiss one second long and in a completely different place,but the rest of the movie their relationship was a secret!!!), and i don't even wanna talk about OOTP....

Christopher Columbus FTW!!!!!!!
over a year ago sapiencia said…
He'll be naked on set, but they're not going to show any more than a bit of his chest and maybe MAYBE a tiny bit of leg. I'm upset by this, too. Yates has said he thought the scene should be very "sexy" to bring out more anger in Ron, but seriously? They had all their clothes on in the book, and they're only seventeen, sex isn't a huge thing in their lives at this point. *shakes head* Methinks Yates is a Harry/Hermione fan and is dying to see more of that play out on-screen. Shame on him.

I will DIE if the Prince's Tale is screwed up. That's the most important part of the whole series. It pulls everything together. And it's so damn romantic. *sigh*

By the way... why is this in the Snape spot? xD
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over a year ago snapeislove said…
GinnyXHarryluv: hear'hear.. so true ..

sapiencia: whut? he said it will be "very sexy"?! that scene should be hidden.. or a bit concealed.. let's burn that david-arse-yates..

i have my dungbombs at the ready.. who could tell me the address of that crappy, butlick director?? .. harhar..
over a year ago Queenoftard said…
It probably won't be any full on nudity. It will most likely be like the prefects bathroom scene in GOF. I still think it's kinda stupid, though.

And yes, this has little to do with Severus and should really be posted in the Harry Potter spot instead.
over a year ago jbduenweg07 said…
If Yates is going to mess this up this bad - then why doesn't he just spare Snape's life as well? That would be better than a naked Harry!!
over a year ago lilith84 said…
LOL you have a point there :P
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over a year ago LadyNottingham said…
I read an article on Mugglenet quoting Stuart Craig, the production designer, that said that Severus' death scene filming was done and it came out very emotional. Well, that's in pre-production. Let's hope it won't end up on the cutting room floor... like so many good things in HBP. They better NOT botch up chapters 32 and 33, if you see what I mean.
over a year ago lilith84 said…
Let's not speak about HBP..... I will never forgive them for f*cking it up. I can't believe there was no single DADA lesson in the movie! After all those years, he finally got the job and they didn't even show him enjoying it. Instead they showed teenage romance drama.... Ugh!

And those chapters (and the dying scene) better be there, untouched!
over a year ago snapeislove said…
yeah, shiny and great it should be!!!

i swear, i'd be so much anti DY if he'll mess this one again..!