Severus Snape Two Little Words

BlackHound posted on Apr 17, 2011 at 07:35PM
Some of us have mentioned that when we saw Deathly Hallows 1 in the theatre it sounds like there's a male voice while Harry has watch in the Forest of Dean, just moments before the Silver Doe appears.

I heard it then, and wow is it very clear now. I'm sitting here watching the DvD, replaying that scene, it's either an echo of Dumbledore, possibly Aberforth through the fragment of Sirius' two-way mirror, or...our Severus, his emotions straining. It's two little words. Just two.

"Trust me."

Severus Snape 10 replies

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over a year ago SevSnapeForev said…
Seriously??? I have to check that out now...
over a year ago bri-marie said…
I heard that too. It's weird - it sounds exactly like Alan/Severus. But the other day I had the subtitles on and it says "Dumbledore" before the words.

To me, it makes more sense for Severus to be saying it while he's standing in the woods right before he casts the patronus. I can't really think of a reason for Aberforth (or Albus) to be saying "trust me."

I've been wondering if Aberforth and Severus weren't in cohorts and that's how Severus found them in the Forest. But even if that were the case, I can't think of a reason for Aberforth to say "trust me." He's not really doing anything, is he? He's not even near Harry, and he's not exactly the "brains of the operation"...
over a year ago BlackHound said…
@bri-marie: Yep, I believe wholeheartedly that it's Severus. The movie may have it encrypted for the subtitles to show it's Dumbledore or something, because if you're not a bookfan and don't already know Severus is a hero, what a major spoiler would that be? **laughs** >.<

What you say in the end of your post I was thinking exactly that today, but Severus would have to know that Harry still had the fragment of Sirius' two-way mirror, and that it was the twin of the one Aberforth had. And seeing that Aberforth didn't have a whole lot of faith in Albus, I doubt he would trust his brother's alleged murderer just because *he* did. The points in the movie where you see Harry looking into the fragment and he sees someone looking back at him--that's Aberforth. That's why Dobby appears to them in the Malfoy's dungeon; because Aberforth told him where they were.

So folks who haven't read the books will know what we're on about:

In Deathly Hallows, it's Phineas Nigellus Black who tells Severus where Harry and Hermione are, and that's the point when Severus snaps at the former Headmaster for using the term "mudblood" in reference to Hermione. While they were staying in the Black House, Hermione stuffed Phineas Nigellus' portrait into her bag, because she didn't want him "blabbing" their conversations to Headmaster Snape. After leaving Godric's Hollow--when Harry comes out of the tent Hermione's bag is open; she tells Harry they're in the Forest of Dean and Phineas Nigellus hears her, and that's how Severus knew where to take the Sword. But since Yates & Co. chose to screw Phineas Nigellus yet again, we have no explanation of how Severus knew.

[rant]I can forgive the film makers for totally and completely leaving Peeves out of the movies. I can forgive them for neglecting the House-elves. These movies do not have Star Trek budgets; it's a lot cheaper to generate a quick flash of Magic than it is to give a CGI character less than five minutes of screen life. Peeves is one of the most important "side characters" in the books, and there are more House-elves active in the books than just Dobby and Kreacher, so it would have been very expensive and time-consuming to include them. But a single two-dimentional character in a picture who talks...please. It wouldn't have cost them any more time or money to give Phineas Nigellus Black what he's due than it cost them to have Voldemort kill the extra people that weren't even in the fking book.

In fact, it would have cost them less to have given Severus, Sirius and Remus the fking screentime they should have had in the first place, and made a lot more people happy.[/rant]

Wow. Sorry about all that...I just had to get it out.
over a year ago bri-marie said…
Haha! True. Having the caption read "Snape" would be a pretty big give away about Severus' true allegiance.

The reason I'm even contemplating Aberforth is because they left Phineas Nigellus out of the movie. They are, really, kind of limited about how they have Severus find the trio. The fact that Harry and Aberforth both have a piece of the mirror and can communicate back and forth with it is, in my mind, the easiest excuse to have Severus pick up that tid-bit of information.

If they had stayed true to the books, and not added random scenes in the movies that serve no purpose (*cough*burning down the burrow and the Harmonie dance scene *cough*) I wouldn't be too mad about the absence of Phineas. But they've chopped so many important parts to shove these random ones in, that they've kind of backed themselves into a corner and made things much more complicated than they need to be. Like you said - it wouldn't have cost that much (or taken that much time) to put Phineas (a character people already know is in the Headmaster's office) into the movie.
over a year ago karenmiller1972 said…
@Blackhound- rant was similar to yours....thank you for expressing it so eloquently!
over a year ago dottzie36 said…
yep blackhound often express' what i'm trying to say so much more eloquently than i :D.

bloomin yates and kloves i know its difficult to turn an amazing book into a movie, but to miss so much out from earlier filmsreally screwed DH. and i will never understand why they decided to burn the burrow totally pointless and added nothing.
i can see Rik Mayall as peeves in my head just wish it were realised.
my main gripe does concern PoA and the relationships between Sev/Sirius/Remus/James. i waited all through the film for Remus and then anyone to actually explain to harry who the mauruders were. and nothing :s i was dissapointed with all the left out stuff that helps explain why Severus behaves the way he did ¬_¬
but kloves really finished me with lousy fight between Harry/Voldermort on their own outside and the total lack of any pay off for Severus and it felt like Fred/remus and tonks deaths were added as an after thought :(.
over a year ago ComoLoca said…
Yeah, I heard it faintly the first time around. Though as much as I'd like it to have been Snape, I think it was more likely to have been Dumbledore's voice. Or to be more precise, I think it was Harry remembering when Dumbledore told him to trust him. Snape would not have run the risk of Harry recognising his voice and/or giving away his position. Plus I just can't see Snape saying "trust me" to Harry.
over a year ago BlackHound said…
Harry hears it right before Snape's Patronus appears. It would be ambiguous enough that Harry wouldn't be certain what he was hearing. But, since it doesn't happen in the book, it doesn't really matter who it was, after all.
over a year ago fantasyfreaks said…
I looked it up and heard it and wow. I couldn't believe it. I thought it sounded like Snape cause we all love him so much. Just, wow.
over a year ago snape_always said…
I need to check that out