Shadow the Werehog is awesome Updates

a pop quiz question was added: What is the diference between shadow and mephiles over a year ago by soniccharactors
a comment was made to the fan art: Shadow the Werehog over a year ago by ShadowChaos
fan art was added: Shadow the Werehog over a year ago by chaos_sonic
a pop quiz question was added: If the same thing happened to Shadow as it did to Sonic in Sonic Unleashed, would Shadow loose control of himself? over a year ago by ShadowWerehog28
a pop quiz question was added: What happens during Austin & Ally in the second episode? over a year ago by mrslaughtner
a pop quiz question was added: What would happen if Shadow in werehog form took down Sonic in werehog form? over a year ago by Shadow59
a video was added: Shadow the Hedgehog-Monster (OLD VIDEO) over a year ago by Shadow59