Sims 3 - console Updates

a comment was made to the poll: What console do you have sims 3 for? over a year ago by EastendersFan
a comment was made to the answer: this is not a question over a year ago by EastendersFan
an answer was added to this question: Rules for this page! over a year ago by xviex200
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What is he first Good Karma power???? over a year ago by xviex200
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What was the last Bad Karma power called???? over a year ago by xviex200
a pop quiz question was added: What is the name of the town???? over a year ago by diamond43vr
a pop quiz question was added: What was the last Bad Karma power called???? over a year ago by diamond43vr
a pop quiz question was added: What is he first Good Karma power???? over a year ago by diamond43vr
a question was added: Rules for this page! over a year ago by EastendersFan
a poll was added: What console do you have sims 3 for? over a year ago by EastendersFan