Skatoony Updates

a pop quiz question was added: who got kicked of total drama revenge of the island? over a year ago by erink1
an answer was added to this question: Where can I find episodes of Skatoony to watch online for free? over a year ago by beanieflipper
a question was added: Where can I find episodes of Skatoony to watch online for free? over a year ago by Bridgetterocks
a pop quiz question was added: What was the first episode aired on TV? over a year ago by Fanoman
a pop quiz question was added: What Skeleton Crew member went solo at the start of Skatoony 04 over a year ago by Fanoman
a pop quiz question was added: Who was the first Total Drama character to apear in the Quiz Block? over a year ago by Fanoman
a poll was added: Who's your fave host over a year ago by Fanoman