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Sonadow Question

Operation: Tails Miles

I may not be the Comissioner of FCAT, but I am leading the Tactical Intellegence Comission.
We need Tactical spies to help in our fight.
A Tactical will NOT comment on enemy lines, no matter how tempting it may be.
A Tactical will take notes on the enemy, citing the enemy's own words.
A Tactical will only return information in the TIC forum.
Here's the Operation;
1Any person found trolling on the Sonadow will have a Tactical research them
2 The Tactical will gather information about the troll's recent trolling, or anything of importance
3 Upon returning, the Tactical will give information to ME, TIC Tactical in Cheif
4 We will try the troll in FCAT judge tribunal form
This is OUR capitol, people.
 thetacoman posted over a year ago
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Sonadow Answers

gigitygoo said:
can i do a oprative misson
select as best answer
posted over a year ago 
Why yes you can, Tactical Red Baron! Tactical Hindenburg reporting!
thetacoman posted over a year ago
Reasearch the wall and gather Taks tactics. Good luck, Agent Red
thetacoman posted over a year ago
thank you
gigitygoo posted over a year ago
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