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Sonic Fan Characters Question

-- What's your favorite type of roleplay? --

Why do you like this type/genre?
What aspects do you look for/enjoy most in a roleplay?
Favorite setting?
Type of situations/conflicts you like participating in?
Which character of yours do you enjoy roleplaying with?
Do you prefer public, private, or group (forum) roleplays?

BONUS: What specific roleplay has been your favorite so far? Why? (Could be your own or someone else's)
 Fidus-Achates posted over a year ago
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Sonic Fan Characters Answers

TakTheFox said:
~My favorite type... Multi-User Roleplays, with three or more people, are probably at the top. To be specific, open-world ones.

~I love Open-World Multi-Group Roleplays because as long as we have three or more people, there's a minimal chance of boredom. Everyone gets to come up with ideas and gets to execute them whenever, so if you get tired of coming up with what to do, someone else can.

~Specific aspects I look for are the following
>An organized narrative: I want to know that there is a point to what's going on and that things will either wrap up or end as planned
>Minimal "loading screens": Things like *Walks down hallway* *continues walking down hallway* *Still walking down hallway*. Basically I like to see a roleplay having SOMETHING happening at all times. I would be warning against getting overwhelmed but that never happens to me, not because of skill on my part, but because roleplays rarely get that big.
>Self-Initiative/Inclusion: I really don't enjoy it when in either situation (my roleplay or another person's roleplay), my characters are the only ones doing something, and in the same way I don't enjoy it when there's three-plus people in one area, and only two are talking with no input from other characters. It's always good to see how the other characters are acting.

~Anything that involves high-emotional-tension is fun. It's always great to be able to put a character in a situation that may challenge them so that I can practice being able to show strength and weakness in a character. I would also say that I enjoy physical conflicts like fighting, but unfortunately it's rare that I get into one, or was rare, that wasn't controlled by "The plot healed me" and such, so I avoid those if I can help it. It's really too bad though that the guy who did those fighting arena roleplays stopped. Those were fun.

~I often use Rynk or Rin, but mostly because of people expecting them. I like to shake things up occasionally if I feel it's appropriate. Currently the character I like using the most is Paige, mainly because she's naive and also very oblivious when it comes to her conscience. She's young but can be dangerous, yet doesn't really understand right and wrong completely. People often expect some super powered being, but when they fight against her and find out she's really not a huge threat, they get a bit confused as to what to do next which is honestly funny.

~I enjoy playing with groups definitely, even if it's short-lived. The downside to that IS always having people interrupt each other, but I find it's worth the cost.

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posted over a year ago 
~Bonus answer: The one that I definitely have the fondest memories of, of my own, is the first Origins Unmade. It was the first time I was able to do a complete multiple-part roleplay and I actually got multiple people to finish it which almost never happens. Of another person's roleplay... well that's hard to say. I don't count Mobius Academy because of the influence I had on it, but there are few roleplays that got finished, even if I really liked them. I enjoyed Amped, Matt's Tales of the Eclipse roleplay (and previous incarnations), and back in the day when Silveranime would constantly be posting new roleplays it was always full of content. I can't say I have a favorite because I haven't really played one that went start to finish and was epic the entire time.
TakTheFox posted over a year ago
mephiles97 said:
I'm like Tak in the fact that Multi-User roleplays are usually my favorite as well. Like Tak, I greatly enjoy open-world ones as well.

I like that type of roleplay specifically because there's so much that can happen. I mean, two people can potentially come up with a ton to do, but even more people means even more possible routes and stories that can stem from the adventures. I love open-world roleplays the most because you can do just about anything you want or come up with all kinds of crazy adventures, which reminds me that I also love open-world roleplays that allow everyone to contribute their own ideas. (Like, it starts with a school setting like Mobius Academy, but then someone quips in a haunted old dorm or something like that, and then this leads to that, and so on)

Favorite setting? Pirates. Definitely pirates. Or a horror-type thing. Or maybe something with super thieves and super stealth...

Situations and conflicts... I don't exactly know what to say. I mean, I suppose I do like fighting scenarios on some occasions, and I suppose I like highly emotional parts when you can dig into your character and find out exactly how they would react in a high stress/high anger/high sadness/high panic/etc. situation. I suppose I also like the flexible roleplays that allow me to use some of my weird and odd characters instead of my normally well-known ones.

Well, Kyle (And usually Mancer) winds up being my go-to guy for most roleplays (Especially so in series roleplays for obvious reasons), and while I highly enjoy using him, I do get tired with him and do like to branch out some. As far as my all-time favorites go (Like, characters that I have loved using the most), it would probably fall somewhere between The Face, Biovi, Natania, or Hallows. I've had incredible fun with each one of those four. (And I've had lots of fun with others as well, but those strike me as my favorite ones that don't get used often due to plot and things like that. It's especially hard to use Biovi in certain roleplays since her self-appointed mother is highly protective of her and rarely lets her go anywhere without her normally)

Definitely group, though I've had amazing fun in certain public and private roleplays as well.

BONUS: Probably either Tak's Slender Crossing, Origins Unmade series, or Scurvy Dogs roleplay. Slender Crossing was just amazing entertainment for me because I love the whole atmospheric horror-type-ish roleplay, plus I loved the characters that came out of that and the characters that I met there. Origins Unmade was just a downright epic series of epic proportions, plus I just thoroughly enjoyed the plot of that one and all of the characters that went with it. ESPECIALLY the villain and final epic battle at the end. Scurvy Dogs had pirates in it. Enough said on that one. I LOVE, and I mean I absolutely love, pirate-type settings. That one would be my favorite if it wasn't for the other two roleplays.
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posted over a year ago 
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