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South Park Question

Okay south park fans what do you think is the best south park ending? you can choose as many as you want.

well i have quite alot

1.The end of ESM when stan said aw no when just got so good at this

2.when cartman runs out crying in dances with smurfs

3. Breast cancer show ever when they pause at Cartman jumping

4. 200 with Barbara Streisand flying in the air

5. Cartoon wars part 1

6. In here comes the neighborhood when mr garrison says niggers but they take it out

7. imagination land trilogy i like all the endings

8.when in cartman gets an anal probe he says aw son of a bitch

9.when kyle and Thomas go ah shit in le petite tourettes

10. when kyle says i hate this this town i really really do in im a lil bit country

11. in butt out when kyle says no we didnt dude no we didnt

12. when the horse explodes in big gay als big gay boat ride

i think thats about it

oh forgot two when in two days before the day after tomorrow there all like i broke the damn. stan's like i broke the fucking damn. and in guitar hero where they call them fags and stan and kyle leave .
203177 posted over a year ago
 203177 posted over a year ago
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South Park Answers

SouthParkSmart said:
I think that "There Goes the Neighborhood" ending is by far the best. "At least we got rid of all those damn nig--" I laughed so hard, mostly because people were really offended by that. Also "Cartoon Wars" and "Butt Out".
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posted over a year ago 
hawkstar14 said:
ok, i thought almost ALL of those were hilarious! But, I'll just choose a few of my favorites...
1.The end of Elementary school musical
2.The end of The Breat Cancer show ever
3.All 3 Imagionationland's :D
4.The end of I'm a lil' bit country
5.The end of Butt Out
6.The end of Guitar Queer-O
7. And I LOVED the ending from Two days before the day after tomorrow! I was cracking up!
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posted over a year ago 
soxfan89 said:
I Like The Ending In "Make Love, Not Warcraft"! I Don't Know Why, But I Think That Was Cool.
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posted over a year ago 
stanxkyle said:
I like the endings of:
1) I'm a little bit country
2)Butt Out
3)Guitar Queer-o
4)Two days before the day after tomorrow
5) and Smug Alert when Cartman says "I guess we just can't get rid of you" to Kyle and then he calls him a sneaky Jew rat after he saved his life, that was hilarious.
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posted over a year ago 
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