Spangel Quotes From The Show

tisha posted on Mar 21, 2008 at 04:45PM
Angel: You and me. This isn't working out.
Spike: Are you saying we should start annoying other people?

Angel: Touch cordelia again.... and it'll be our very LAST rematch!
Spike: Shes.. EVIL you gourmless tit!
Angel: did you just call me a tit?

Angel: We're.... I'm from Wolfram and Hart.
Spike: I'm his date.

Spike: Bloody Brilliant! Turn the poor sod to save the ship and then make him dash for dry land before Mr. Sunshine scorches him a new one. Ha! You're still a dick.
Angel: Yeah, I am.
*Looks up at the hatch*
Spike: [Scoffs] Bollocks.
*climbs ladder*

Willy: What are you gonna do with him anyway?
SPIKE: I'm thinkin' maybe dinner and a movie. I don't want to rush into anything. I've been hurt, you know.

ANGELUS: Do you have any idea what it's like having nothing but women as travel companions, night in and night out?
(Spike angrily yanks his sizzling hand away from Angelus)
WILLIAM: (starts to threaten) Touch me again—
ANGELUS: Don't mistake me. I do love the ladies. It's just lately... I've been wondering... (holds his own fist in the beam of sunlight) what it'd be like... to share the slaughter of innocents... with another man. Don't think that makes me some kind of a deviant, hmm? Do you?
(Staring at Angelus, Spike gets it, sticks his own hand in the light and lets it smoke)
ANGELUS: (roaring with laughter)I like this one! You and me, we're gonna be the best of friends.

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