Stefan & Elena 5 Stelena Questions!!

MsJeremyGilbert posted on Jan 01, 2011 at 01:12AM
So i thought it would be fun to have a little game here. Its called 5 Stelena Questions.Heres how it works:

*There are five stelena related questions.
*We will do one question a day and anybody can answer the question.
*The question that is in bold is the question of the day.

Its just for fun so enjoy!

Here are the questions:

1) Why do you ship Stelena?
2) In 5 words or less how would you describe Stelena?
3) What do you like/love about the couple?
4) Couples that remind you of Stelena?
5) What’s your favorite Stelena scene or line?


Stefan & Elena 1 reply

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over a year ago bvale211 said…
1. I Ship Stelena Because They Are EPIC! CUTE! Adorable! <3
And SOOOO Many More Reasons(: