super smash bros ideas Updates

a comment was made to the photo: Smash Bros character hope meme over a year ago by MisterH
a photo was added: Smash Bros character hope meme over a year ago by MisterH
a poll was added: Which should be a stage in Smash Bros 4? over a year ago by MisterH
a poll was added: Which of these characters should be in Smash Bros 4? over a year ago by MisterH
a poll was added: Should the 3DS Smash Bros game have a stage based on the dual screen game and watch games, as the 3DS has 2 screens? over a year ago by MisterH
a reply was made to the forum post: An idea for if Gaol from Kid Icarus uprising appears (Spoiler alert) over a year ago by MisterH
a poll was added: Which Sonic character would you like to see on the Next ssb? over a year ago by InfinityWard
a link was added: super smash bros brawl theme on piano over a year ago by InfinityWard