Supernatural Fans ' Corner

CSIYiota posted on Sep 29, 2009 at 06:28PM
I know we already have one of the awesomest forum at the SPN spot – WLR – but it’s kind of a tradition that every Fans-related spot has a forum.

So you know the rules: you can come here and talk about our common untreatable addiction, (SPN for those who don’t know XD) but also just to chat with the fans, get to know new people and have an awesome time!!!

I’ll update the list as much often as I can

Member List

CSIYiota – Yiota, Metallicar girl (Sam Girl)
Toti8 – Toti, Doc (Cas Girl)
Lucysmileyface – Lucy, Luce (Dean Girl)
Jovi_May - Jovi, Bon Jovi, JoJo (Sam Girl)
ambra - Ambra
cintia_cs - Cintia (Dean Girl)
butterfly_1 - Sophie (Dean Girl)
LEH-Pjevsen - Laura (Bi Bro!)

Everybody’s welcome to join!!!

SPN - Watch it, Learn it, Live it
I know we already have one of the awesomest forum at the SPN spot – WLR – but it’s kind of a tr
last edited on Oct 06, 2009 at 04:51PM

Supernatural Fans 126 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 126

over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Can I be on the list?
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
of course you can Jovi!!Do you have any nicknames I can add too?
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Holy heck that was a fast reply!

Hmm, I get called "Bon Jovi" A lot... and Jojo. So I suppose you can add them, hehe ;')
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
ok :)

how are you today?? :)
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
oh, and what are you? A Dean, Sam, Cas or SPN girl?
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
how are you today?? :)
So-so. Iv'e had the flu all week, and i'm just feeling better today :) You?

what are you? A Dean, Sam, Cas or SPN girl?
Sam girl all the way, haha!
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
So-so. Iv'e had the flu all week, and i'm just feeling better today

Really???? Hope you get well soon!!!

Sam girl all the way
Yay!!! More Sam Girls!!

LOL!!Kidding!! I love all SPN girls, no matter what!!!!!!

so, you like the spot??
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Really???? Hope you get well soon!!!
Aww, thanks! I blame my immune system..

LOL!!Kidding!! I love all SPN girls, no matter what!!!!!!
Same here, lol! But I get what you mean, most are Dean girls ;)

so, you like the spot??
I mean, I feel more comfortable on here than on the normal SPN spot. I think it's because I only know a select few of the SPN girls.. that I feel out of place. If that makes any sense?! LOL!!
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
Well, here we can be ourselves!!!
Nobody's here to judge anybody! Just some girls that wanna have fun!!
Seriously, anything can be added here.. your favourite SPN pictures, icons, videos and random stuff too!!

It's dedicated to us!!!! :D
So you're in season 5, or earlier?
over a year ago Jovi_may said…

When i'm feeling better i'll add my favourite Vids and stuff, hehe ;)

I'm up to date, haha! I download the newest ones on Fridays, lol! You??
over a year ago CSIYiota said…

Of course I am!! So what do you think?Final season?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
I really REALLY don't want it to end at all! IMO they need to do at least 7 seasons, but that might just be me being greedy ;')
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
IMO they need to do at least 7 seasons, but that might just be me being greedy ;')

Don't worry!! It's not just you!! :)

But if they renew it and then have cruppy episodes, it's be pointless!!!
It's way better to have a great ending, rathen than two additional seasons that hold no interest...
You feel me?? XD
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Yeah, I know. :(

I would rather it have an epic ending than drag out another season or two and just fizzle up and end.

Personally though, I think each season is better than the last. It just gets more action packed and the suspense around the season finales kills, lol!
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
We gotta admit that SPN has the most unpredictable season finales on TV!! :)

Any other fav shows?
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
AGREED! It is so my favourite TVshow!

Hmmm, it used to be Veronica Mars. But that ended. I did love Gossip Girl, but so far IMO the latest seasons been crap.
I loved Buffy :) Oh and Angel..:P
Thinking about it, I watch so many shows.... LOL!

over a year ago CSIYiota said…
I am a HUGE TV Junk!! I mean I'm watching like 17 shows per week, and not to mention the cancelled or ended shows I'm watching too!!

My all-time fav series is not SPN,(it's the 2nd one xD), it's Chuck! :)
I love watching every minute of this series!!

Sorry, but even if they paid me, I wouldn't start watching GG...
Don't know why, but I really hate that show!

No offence :)
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Iv'e never watched Chuck... should I?

LOL! None taken. I do love season 1.. but it just seems WAY to dramatic now :(
And just so you know, I'm not one of those crazy fan girls on here who'll rip your head off for talking smack about things I like, haha! I'm cool with peoples opinions, plus i'm one of the hardest people in the world to offend, hehe :P
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
should I?

In my opinion? You deff should!! It's so funny!!
You're going to LYFAO!! :D
But then it's just me!! :)
(although check this little preview xD)

so what's your favourite season so far??
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Your right! I LMFAO!!

Lucky shot... <333

Favourite SPN season? Hmmm, I'd say season 1.
Because thats what made me fall in love with the show, lol, yours?
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
OMG! i was totally going to say that!!!

I don't know why but from every show I watch, my favourite season will be the first one, because it will always be the one that got me into watching the show!!

Also cause I like Jared's hair with bangs!! :)

Is he ever gonna cut his hair?? They look awful and very oily!!
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Thats because that line is AWESOME! :P

OMG I love Jareds hair in S1!!<33

IKR?!?! I want him to change it this season, but still keep that Sammy charm, ahhhhh....
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
I bet he won't! He thinks that this type of hair -how can I say this- matures him. He doesn't want to be puppy face anymore!!!!

Have you seen any of the movie our boys have made? TIH, Friday the 13th, MBV etc?
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Aww, I love the puppy face though!

Hmm, I mainly follow Jareds Film career, you know Friday the 13th, Cry wolf, House of wax....

I think the only film iv'e seen Jensen in is MBV.

My fav type of films are horror/thriller, lol!
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
Mine too!!! :D Although I've seen TIH and looooooooooved it!!!

Anywho, gotta go crash! I'm so tired that I yawn every two secs!!

Hope we'll talk tomorrow!
And nice talking to you now! bb!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Aww, okay babes!
Talk tomorrow!! ;)
Night! *Kisses*
over a year ago ambra said…
big smile
hi!!can i be added too on the list???? :D
I'd like soo much be part of this forum
over a year ago cintia_cs said…
I'd like to be added to the list, too. :)
I'm a Dean girl, btw.

Anyone here now??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago butterfly_1 said…
Can I be added to the list, too? =]
I'm Sophia...Sophie :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
Of course Sophie!!! Welcome, and thanks for joining!!
What girl are you?
over a year ago butterfly_1 said…
I'm a Dean girl all the way! <3 :D
over a year ago LEH-Pjevsen said…
Hey! You're making a list without my name on?? Shame on you... Just kidding ;D can I be on the list too?? *Tying to make Sam's famous puppy dog eyes* O.O hehe...
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
Of course, Laura!!!!Right away!!!

Dean girl?
over a year ago LEH-Pjevsen said…
OMG, you're fast!;) Thanks:)

Umm, not actually, I'm more like a Sam girl, but of course Dean is... *Deep breathe* I hate that question, I don't like to choose between my boys, can't we just say I'm a Bi-Bro? :)
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
Of course we can!! I just asked you because of your icon!

Anyway, how are you today Laura??
over a year ago LEH-Pjevsen said…
That's okay Yiota:)

Right now I'm great, listening to music, relaxing, and on fanpop:) How are you??
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
I finished Salemslot's present and talking to you and toti!

How old are you btw?
over a year ago LEH-Pjevsen said…
I saw that present! It was nice, good job!:)

How old am I... I guess it would be 14:) How old are you?
over a year ago CSIYiota said…
Thank you!!!! :)

15!! and love every day of it!!!

I have to go now! Sorry!! hope we talk tomorrow! bb :DD
over a year ago LEH-Pjevsen said…
Let us young people stick together, and enjoy all the minutes together;P

That's totally okay, yep, "see" ya tomorrow...
over a year ago Jovi_may said…
Hello... ?
over a year ago ambra said…
over a year ago LEH-Pjevsen said…
I am... :)
over a year ago ambra said…
hi!!!happy there is someone!how are you?
over a year ago LEH-Pjevsen said…
I'm fine thanks, how are you??
over a year ago ambra said…
fine,a bit tired but fine!thanks for commenting on my topic,it's so great know all of you better
over a year ago LEH-Pjevsen said…
You're welcome! Yes it is, always nice to meet new people, and I like to answer the questions q:
Where're you from in this world?(:
over a year ago ambra said…
big smile
in this world(:D)I'm from Italy,Sicily in particular,I live in Ragusa a small town but i wish i could live anywhere in Europe but here!And you,where're you from?
over a year ago LEH-Pjevsen said…
I think it sounds nice, in Ragusa on Sicily, but of course that's easy for me to say, I don't live there:) I'm from Denmark, more particular: Slagelse on Zealand, and I don't expect you to know where it is;D
over a year ago ambra said…
you're right I don't know where it is...but i've been in Denmark,in Copenaghen like four years ago and I loved it soo beautiful,you know,i like cold old are you?