Survivor Intense Tribal Council tonight

dave posted on Nov 24, 2006 at 07:40AM
That was quite possibly the most nerve wracking tribal council this whole season. The whole swaying of Jonathan's vote and Yul showing his cards to convince him to come over had me on the edge of my seat for the entire tally. I figured Jonathan was too smart to not go along with Yul, but he could have just as easily let Nate get voted off and have Yul use up the immunity in which case Yul would have been evened up with everyone else. But then Jonathan would have had 4 enemies vs. 3. Now it looks like the tables have definitely turned for the game. Adam, Parvati and Candace...look out!

Survivor 1 reply

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over a year ago seanlee said…
Yul better be playing his cards that it's him and Jonathan at the end, because anyone else will make him look like the more evil choice of the two, as it stands after Candace was voted off. I think that scenario is his only chance to win (because he has made too many enemies on the jury, people don't respect his plays), which is why I don't think he is the favorite for the one mil.