Survivor BS artist wins Survivor

jamesdaniel posted on Dec 19, 2006 at 05:42AM
What did Yul say about the game? A study in social skills is the way he looked at it. The Dude didn't have anything but a load of BS!!! What happened to being rewarded for providing for others,hard work,and playing hard. Ozzy should have won it hands down. The game is outwit,outlast,and outplay. Yul outwitted everybody with his BS!!! Ozzy played the game to the max. He fed everybody and played a major part in getting the final four to the final four. He knew that if he lost an immunity challenge,after the merge,he was gone. So he played HARD. If none of that matters and a BS!! artist wins the game CBS might as well have the game played in D.C. What was the message sent to the young ones?? Forget everything you've learned. A load of BS! will get you further in life. Maybe the next Survivor will have a "Jury" without blinders!

Survivor 4 replies

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over a year ago greedo said…
Um...have you been watching this show from the beginning? Brawn alone almost never wins.

The very first U.S. Survivor winner, Richard Hatch was all about cunning and deviousness. Yul is way more likable than Hatch, and a heck of a lot more physical too.

I've got no problem with Yul's victory. Neither for that matter, does Ozzy (he said as much in an interview on the CBS morning show earlier today).
over a year ago dave said…
I'm sorry James but I would have to disagree. Without Yul, Ozzy and the rest of the Aitu tribe wouldn't have even made it to the final. Yul won several of the challenges and was right behind Ozzy in every single one of the last several challenges. He was easily one of the most physically dominant players. He also helped catch chickens and provided food as well. Without his strategy and wit not to mention having found the immunity idol which flipped the game on it's head, the game would have turned out very differently. It was more logic and strategy than simply "BS". Ozzy played well as an individual player, but lacked the leadership and social game that Survivor is all about. Yul played that game and played it masterfully. They didn't call him the Godfather for nothing. As Jeff Probst said possibly the greatest strategic player ever to be on the show. Ozzy was a great player, but Yul won fair and square.
over a year ago jamesdaniel said…
Yeah Dave you're right. Yul was a master strategically. He is an extremely intelligent individual. Ozzy played just a little harder but he was focused only on winning. Ozzy was making the calls in the beginning but later decided to let others call the shots. I think that was probably his downfall. Yul certainly played the immunity idol fantastically. I've yet to figure why no one made him play it. Godfather they called him and it was like he actually had some kind of control over them. He's a great champion. Still ya gotta admit he did have some good BS going on. Dave did you notice,as Jeff read the votes,which survivor the studio audience was pulling for? Sure seemed like they figured Ozzy had it. Then again they weren't on the island.
Greedo,as for Richard Hatch. Well that's one winner I don't think Survivor fans could be proud of. Cunning and deviousness is a big part but how much more rudely or insulting could he have been toward his tribemates?
over a year ago greedo said…
James, I don't disagree with you on that. Hatch was not likeable at all. I think Yul, despite any scheming, was much easier to like than Hatch.

And as we have seen Hatch has run afoul of the law in the years since winning. So yeah, he isn't the parragon of the noble victor by any means.